Gry-Online previews Fallout 3

I think he meant this guy:


Ausir said:
They did say to the Gry-Online previewers that they do not intend to include modern pop-cultural references e.g. to Monty Python.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing. Fallout 2 had enough of those to share among 3 different games.

Still, a rare, semi-obscure humorous reference here and there couldn't hurt anything, if applied with moderation.
Ausir said:
They did say to the Gry-Online previewers that they do not intend to include modern pop-cultural references e.g. to Monty Python.

I think they've said so before. And it's good. Modern pop-references are funny, but they've been proven to not really work for Fallout - certainly not when overdone.
terebikun said:
DoktorVivi said:
So, you walk around by yourself, run away from everything, don't talk to anybody, have 3 bullets total, and there are no mutants of any kind. It's like he just mentioned a random post-apocalyptic story.

What? The inspiration for something is supposed to contain every single element of the finished product? On The Beach doesn't have mutants of any kind, and Mad Max doesn't have 50s nostalgia. Guess those old Interplay developers were just mentioning random post-apocalyptic stories huh. Meanwhile, The Road does have the perfect atmosphere of dread and despair, a setting of post-apocalyptic malice, and some of the best writing in a book ever. Pretty damn good place to start for Fallout if you ask me.

If a story is one of their main inspirations, you'd figure they'd take a lot of elements from it, right? And not just one? If the fact that it's post-apocalyptic is the only criteria for being a main inspiration, shouldn't Fallout be their main inspiration?