Unlimited libertarianism is just as applicable like pure communism.
This isn't even a sentence.Unlimited libertarianism is just as applicable like pure communism.
"Leftism is pure and holy! If you don't believe that, you don't understand Leftism! When people make arguments against my ideology, I don't see them as arguments, I see proof that they're mean dumb doodoohead scaremonblers! I mean fear-mongerers! Sorry, english is a social construct so I don't have to use it too goodly. I am right and Liberalism is right and nothing will ever convince me otherwise!" - You, right now.But as long as you're so confused about what leftism is, I don't see any argument and just scare mongering
Motherfucker, I will PAY YOU to stop sarcastically admitting the flaws with your ideology in an attempt to pretend they don't exist.we are a hate cult, we are antifa, we are BLM we are everything you guys disagree with, we are the people that want to take your guns away and turn the US into a communist dictatorship.
That's EXACTLY what leftism is about
So you're cool to be held responsible by straw men in your "side"? I really wish I had the same intent as you to conjure equivalents...
For one, "sonehow" you've gone from general reforms often held by liberals (let's not even go over how American liberal politicians are somewhat less defining) to THE LEFT IS CORRUPT AND EVIL AND MIST BE DESTROYED. I think I know who's the one using fallacies here...
Antifa members are liberals, you encourage BLM AND shit up their democrat-run black communities so you can blame all the problems the community faces on white men, you want to take our guns away so we're powerless and unable to defend ourselves when the domestic terrorists YOU radicalize with all your "White people are evil racist oppressive demons who must be punished! They're killing you, so kill them back!" fearmongering attack us and riot and commit genuine hate crimes against us.
If you're going to play damage-control for this hateful and regressive ideology that's the reason why Child Traffickers, Female Genital Mutilators, islamic rapists, immigrant rapists, and abusive Muslim Parents don't get arrested by a police force that's terrified of being called racist by you witch-hunting brainlets(CPS are also too afraid of getting called islam-ophobic to touch families with abusive islamic parents or save the kids), you're going to either admit to its mistakes or you're going to stop trying to muddy the water and push back the date of the left's reformation into a less cancerous and more honest organization.
that's why I tend to lean towards minarchist/NWS minarchist, though my gun control stance is about as lax as you can get. I'm not the kind of person to just tick boxes all down one line, I pick and choose as I see fit. I mean, socialized/single-payer healthcare looks attractive to me and that's practically heresy for a lot of hardline libertariansUnlimited libertarianism is just as applicable like pure communism.
Maybe what I say is incoherent, but at least I know how to use the edit button ...
Double posting is a good sign of lunacy. So far, I havn't been wrong with that.
But just to say this, most of the stuff you mentioned like the Social Justice Warriors and crazy screaming people, is something many leftists hate as well. At least the one I know. I can't speak for everyone of course.
The only things you show of 'The Left' - what you see as it anyway, are logical fallacies.
You forgot to mention that we leftist are also to blame for the great flood, mosquitoes in Winsonsin, turning the frogs gay, and the damn hot weather that's driving everyone crazy.
I mean, socialized/single-payer healthcare looks attractive to me and that's practically heresy for a lot of hardline libertarians
UUgghhh, and this is coming from a Canadian. Some European models look way better as they do more to control costs and waiting periods where they allow some private services. Something like a non-critical surgery here and you can wait for 2-3 years.
This is a gun control thread. Not the /pol thread. Perhaps the Liberal/Alt Right debate could be continued in a new thread?
Kinda difficult when there is an individual in here writing a novell about how the left is to blame for everything.This is a gun control thread. Not the /pol thread. Perhaps the Liberal/Alt Right debate could be continued in a new thread?
If I would be living in the US I would be either dead or living on the streets by now, considering what experiences I made in the past due to my mental conditions and issues, getting hospitalized due to severe depressions isn't a funny thing I can tell you that and you're also really vulnerable in that state. But luckily we still have some decent health care and hospitaly in Germany and I seriously don't want to go trough the things patients with depressions or similar issues have to go trough in the US. It's kinda strange when I think about it, how often there is a talk about veterans and helping them, but as soon as it comes to their mental conditions or often enough even physical ones, things suddenly look very grim. You can fight for your government in some trench on the other side of the globe, but getting decent health care? Screw you! That's communism!UUgghhh, and this is coming from a Canadian. Some European models look way better as they do more to control costs and waiting periods where they allow some private services. Something like a non-critical surgery here and you can wait for 2-3 years.
I am not going to bother anymore with you and I would kindly suggest that you do the same, let us just ignore each other from now on. I can have a civiliced discussion with anyone posting in this topic right now, except for you.You might not realize it, but you're denying the intellectual and moral failings of the left right now. You aren't contributing to the discussion. You're arguing against hard facts you don't like.
You're also strawmanning me with this "Ppl like u fink we're 2 blame 4 everything!" bullshit.
Why you think that if you derail a discussion on your ideology's failings into an "Argument" over whether you're backing the wrong horse or not, you "Win"?
Are you obnoxiously, childishly, and incompetently lying because you want to annoy me and everyone else who disagrees with you? Do you think that if you annoy us enough, we'll eventually say something you can cry foul over?
California's new Assault Rifle law is in effect.
A semi automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is an Assault Weapon if it has:
A Pistol Grip
B Thumb hole Stock
C Folding Stock
D Grenade Launcher, (seriously???) but a flare launcher is ok I think.
E Flash Suppressor
F Forward Grip
Owning it would be illegal unless you register it as an Assault Weapon.
Absurd. My AR would be illegal. Like it could compete what the cops have...
Ain't nobody owning a fucking grenade launcher is what he is getting at.Do you feel that you absolutely need a grenade launcher for 'home defence' or whatever?
Do you feel that you absolutely need a grenade launcher for 'home defence' or whatever?
A Pistol Grip
B Thumb hole Stock
C Folding Stock
D Grenade Launcher, (seriously???) but a flare launcher is ok I think.
E Flash Suppressor
F Forward Grip
Do you feel that you absolutely need a grenade launcher for 'home defence' or whatever?