That's entirely a perception issue and something Incredibles 2 (hilariously enough) highlighted when they embedded a camera into Elastigirl's suit and broadcast her fighting crime and saving the day, rather than her husband smashing through buildings and broadcast all of the damage he left in his wake just to stop a French bank robber.
That 'Bowling for Columbine' documentary that Moore put out? The most sobering and sane part of that documentary was Marilyn Manson talking about saturation of media and controlling narratives: "Look this way or she won't want to fuck you." Ostracization is damaging and the media perpetuates that by presenting you the just out of reach carrot on the stick. The world we live in is precisely that which Huxley warned about in Brave New World.
What's the point of this? Going back: perception - if the only thing you see on the 'news' is people dying, police shootings, crime, robbery, rape, murder, theft, etc, what kind of world would you believe we lived in? How would the average viewer process that information? The South Park season about sponsored content posing as news was trying to say something, and it's unfortunately ignored because "lol adult cartoons, who cares?" Should we still be questioning this after somebody assembled a montage of hundreds of "individual" news outlets repeating the
same exact message to their viewers?
Are conservative and liberal outlets just as responsible for driving gun sales through over-coverage of school shootings, and then posturing the ancient debate of "GUN CONTROL" in their daily specials? Gun stores don't care about the over-coverage, they welcome it because it helps drive paranoid individuals to their stores in droves thanks to the metaphorical doomsday of "they terk uh guuunnz".
Would gun sales decline if we didn't over-cover mass-shootings and martyr these insane individuals? We don't know, it's the proverbial golden goose and the media can't stop themselves from not touching it. It's drama and we, implicitly or explicitly, love that shit. We eat it up - it's for better or for worse more interesting than Timmy figured out that cancer might be stopped with research in this field. That's a 2 minute spot at most. Now, back to our two week long
breaking news special about how some <insert ideology> maniac shot up a <insert public place here>.
And I think "oh they criticize them but still need them hah" is pretty dumb to say considering that better responsability and formation, as well as public image, are things the public es entitled to ask and not mutually exclusive from their purpose. Reminds me of *hyehehe ur arguing for communism with your smartphone isn't that ironic nyeh*.
It's a criticism to be had. The point, is that it's hypocritical to dishonestly lambaste and generalize the fringe as the status-quo and toe your party line around that concept, while not hesitating to reach out to that singular entity you've demonized and dragged through the mud. This mostly applies to the upper levels of party-politics. It's beyond just 'criticizing' and more so a character assassination masquerading as such, of a group that 99% of people will have an uneventful experience with.
Was Bill Cosby the correct person to be criticizing black men for their behavior while he was off drugging and raping women? "Yeah, well, I mean, he had a point black men should really pull up their pants." Really?