Gun Control

See you guys are comparing US and Venezuela, well countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. also have high homicide figures and gun violence figures. So, yea. And Brazil. Etc.

US is actively trying to destabilize and overthrow the leftist governments of Latin America. It's like the times of United Fruit Company never ended.

Since we're repeating ourselves, I'll repost my argument which was explicitly me responding to your rambling nonsense section by section, to which you then ran away from scared and never made a counter-argument.

"It's a logical thing to say gunphobia like yours is a mental illness, and not a valid political position."

Now, I don't want you to get offended, or butthurt. You've thrown out some weak insults so far, so I hope you can handle a few stronger ones in return. I don't want to hurt your fragile leftist narcissistic ego. I don't want you to shatter like glass and cry foul and beg for me to be banned, as lefties tend to do when confronted with facts. So please, watch some nice little cartoons that will help you understand more about the real world." -
quotes from yourself.

Your point, so far, could be summarized as "Concessions to the 2nd Amendment are a violation of my constitutional rights and representative of greater authoritarian bends" and yet it has taken you 3 or so posts of incoherent typing to explain that. You've not offered any evidence, statistics, any suggestions of real policy to amend the USA's gun violence issue other than firearm regulation. I don't even agree with the Democrats on their version of gun regulation, but that doesn't matter because talking to you is akin to interacting with an MMO NPC. You just spout pre-prepared lines, insults and assumptions because I am "Hostile" designation.

Your post is full of rambling shit, again, so let's just cut to the meat.

Full disclaimer: I am not an advocate of gun abolition nor do I support policies such as buybacks or broad, misaligned "Assault Weapon Bans", for a variety of reasosn but competence as policies is basically the top. I have no inherent ideological opposition to guns and when I return to Florida next year (was meant to be this year) I intend on buying some. I do tend to sit with the evidence, however.

Australia is a complicated case in that violence and suicides in general were on a decline. Academic studies have been conducted since, however, and come to interesting conclusions. Firstly, the correlation and assumptions regarding firearms deaths and the post-1979 decline are pretty fishy. Most when arguing this point cite 1979 as the beginning date, when 1979 was in fact compartively anomalously high in gun deaths compared to the years prior to and after it. When compared to a much more fair and long-term analysis, going back to earlier years, the NFA ban can be seen to still significantly mark a sharp decline in gun violence compared to projections of what it would have continued as.

Similarly, these studies also projected that if Australian gun violence had continued along the projection wagered by some, there still would have been 16 mass shootings between 1996 and February of 2018, when in reality with the NFA Ban, there were 0 mass shootings. The conclusion of the major studies seems to be that because of Australia's violent crime and suicides declining in general you cannot hard-lock the decline in death as the sole responsibility of the legislation, however there is strong evidence to suggest that it was extremely important anyway. Namely that the decline rate of firearm homicides and suicides at the least doubled after the institution of the NFA. The largest drops in firearm deaths were amongst the weapon types that were regulated in the ban.

Finally, it was also concluded that it is patently incorrect to attribute the absence of mass shootings to the relative decline prior to 1996.


I'm currently living in the UK, and have been for a few years now. I am also a semi-regular clay-pigeon shotgun shooter here. As someone else in the thread said, this portrayal simply isn't at all true to the lived experience of majority people in the UK and the image of this country as painted by American conservatives is a completely absurd fantasy. However, that being said, I will provide you with some hard evidence. So firstly, let's deal with the statistical tidbit you posited about post-ban death rates. This is a popularly cited argument, from a study commissioned from the assuredly unbiased Countryside Alliance's Campaign for Shooting. Much like the Australian example, this is a nuanced situation that is deliberately confused and conflated by people for the sake of their arguments.

Firstly, violent crime in the UK had (has) been on a slow and statistically consistent uptick for decades prior to any gun regulation although we did have a sharp decline for a decade between 2006-2016. However, this comes with many asteriks, particularly with relevance to your argument. Firstly, I would argue that there is no causation in this instance between the Firearms Ban and the original commissioned study was a case of bad data. This is supported by a study contemporary to the time (King's College London's Centre for Defence Studies, July 2001 which concluded there was no such causation) but I would posit the following in support as well if that's not enough. The first is that the same kind of spike and decline is experienced throughout this stretch of British history with no relevant markers, the homicide rates for 1990-2000 look about the same as that to 1970-1980, in particular 1977-1979 shows a sharper rise than 1998-2000 and yet there is no gun legislation at that time, suggesting along with the aforementioned study rejecting causation that the spikes in homicide within England are related to other issues. Namely economic or policing.I'd urge you to look into the numerous debates and scandalous issues regarding austerity, cuts to police funding and ability and how they have directly affected the country, but that's not relevant to this argument.

Similarly, outside of England and Wales, within Scotland gun homicides dropped 80% following the ban. We can piece this together with the Australian example to get a bit of a better picture about the impact of the policies, no?

Secondly, since you seem to want to compare the United States and the United Kingdom. Let's do that.

According to the UNODC from both Homicides and Homicides by Firearms:

  • You are 5x more likely to be victim of a homicide in the United States than the UK, a rate of about 5 per 100,000 vs 1 per 100,000
  • In the list of all countries ranked from most homicidal to least, the United States ranks 94 whilst the United Kingdom ranks 175, making the US one of the most homicidal countries in the western "First World"
  • 73% of all homicides in the United States of America are committed by firearms, whereas this is only 3% in England and Wales

Now, it goes without saying that the amount of deaths in the past decade resulting from massacres of some kind (Including terrorism like the Manchester Bombing or the London Bridge knife attack) are absolutely dwarfed by the amount of massacre-related deaths in the United States. Even the Las Vegas 2017 mass shooting by Stephen Paddock alone killed more people than have died in Britain from massacres over the period of a decade. This is less relevant than the above statistics due to these stats not being relative to the size of the country, but the point still stands.

UNODC Homicide Statistics
UNODC Homicide by Firearm Statistics
"Homicide in England and Wales" by the Office of National Statistics

This is entirely irrelevant to the argument we're having, but also you are literally proving yourself wrong by citing Japan. Japan has incredibly low rates of crime, and also extremely stringent gun regulation. Congratulations.

Because comparing the failed policies and mass-deaths of totalitarian regimes or failed states to a contemporary first world liberal democracy like the United States is completely absurd and makes the US seem pathetic if you really feel the need to compare them, but I'm betting you're going to do that anyway.

I agree and I think it is a strong guiding principle, however the US Constitution was not intended as a holy static document, it was intended to be developed and amended. Unlike with principles such as speech, the context surrounding firearms has changed so unimaginably both in technology, comparison to the armaments of the government and culturally/socially that the legislation itself has become outdated when taken literally or stringently. In the same way that the Tenth Amendment is a complete and utter far cry from the literal interpretaiton, but across the aisle amongst both Republicans and Democrats nobody is troubled by the US not being a total confederation of bickering states anymore.

The Tenth Amendment still reinforces the principles of federalism and state individuality but the literal interpretation has been instead replaced by more pragmatic contemporary legislation/approaches. I would urge the same for the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't need repeal and the principle is good, but it arguably requires legislative treatment to allow it to function successfully and without active detriment to the people of the USA. The 1st Amendment has proven exclusively beneficial and its counterparts around the rest of the western world show the same. The same cannot be said of the 10th or the 2nd Amendment, for example.

The main difference is that the former has been adapted. Firearm regulation and the 2nd Amendment are far from the only cause of gun violence, and the larger systemic socio-economic issues creating poverty and lack of mental health support are also weeds that must be whacked, but being a Republican you don't actually give a shit about that part.

If there were an amendment about the government not being able to impede the ownership and travel of citizens via horse, carriage or ship to prevent the gov. cutting off travel or isolating the populace, I'd still be very much for driving licenses and driving tests in the modern day.

Literally inventing strawmen to attack.

Well not only are you literally doing what I thought you would, i.e comparing a failed third world state to the US for the sake of argument, but you're also showing your ignorance. Venezuela is not a liberal state. You do not know what liberal means, at all. Venezuela is a failing, socialist state. A state that was not well run to begin with, and its incompetence only accelerated by socialist policies. On that, we won't disagree. I'm a liberal, not a fucking socialist.

Comparing the situation in a failing socialist state to the United States and the policy arguments on-going, policy arguments which have already been settled in other, less homicidal first world countries. Come on now.

BTW you still haven't actually made a counter-argument to anything here.
Lol, you're doing it again! Dismissively dismissing my points instead of arguing against them.

Also, this lie again:

"Venezuela isn't Liberalism, it's socialism!"

Liberalism is Socialism. They're the same thing. They want the same thing. They say the same lies. Liberals pretend to believe in human rights, but you're here trying to argue that we should restrict our gun rights just in case this makes criminals more inclined to follow laws.

It's incredibly dishonest for you to pretend socialist ideas can't be criticized for the socialist shitholes they create just because you call yourself a non-socialist while arguing for them.

See you guys are comparing US and Venezuela, well countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. also have high homicide figures and gun violence figures. So, yea. And Brazil. Etc.

US is actively trying to destabilize and overthrow the leftist governments of Latin America. It's like the times of United Fruit Company never ended.

This might sound strange, but sometimes I wish people like you told the truth. If America really was to blame for Latin America being unable to rule itself, if America really was destabilizing them, then America would also have the balls to try and destabilize and overthrow middle-eastern shithole countries instead of protecting those islamist shitholes from rival islamic sects who want to conquer it for themselves.
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Only one is comparing the US to Venezuela and other Southern American states.
Funny enough, the Nazis did roll back some of the firearm legislations from the Weimar Republic to its former imperial state, and made it a lot easier for Party members to acquire rifles. Of course, the Weimar gun laws were used to disarm political dissidents and Jews, so the whole "fight against tyranny with your guns" thing is a bit of a mixed bag. You have to recognize it as a tyranny first, and the common german folks (i.e. those not of an undesirable minority) did not see the Nazi regime as enough of a tyranny to rise up against it. Private gun ownership was particularly encouraged so that the civilians could provide support to the army in case of invasion, and have the entire population fight against invaders. This principle was later used in the Volkssturm units, basically militias of too old and too young men otherwise not fit for military service, equipped with cheap weapons (if at all) and told to die for the Führer. Their efficiency was questionable to say the least.
Here's the thing. If you want civilians to fight an organized army (i.e. the Volkssturm, or to rise up against their own tyrannical government), you need those civilians to be fanatics. Otherwise they will not have the morale and strength to stand any chance against an opponent that is vastly better equipped and trained than them.
Does anyone really think that enough american citizens will have the will and strength to go full Viet Cong to have any real effect? Not to mention that the Viet Cong didn't bring their own equipment, they were trained and equipped like the military organization they were.
Private gun ownership doesn't really help you defend yourself against government tyranny. Widespread gun ownership probably just makes normal law enforcement more trigger-happy since the cops have to expect that everybody has a gun in their glovebox, and so the safest option is to shoot first if the situation is tense.

Note that this doesn't say anything about the validity of gun ownership for home- and self-defense, sport, or hunting, or whatever you want. It's just about the probable effectiveness of private citizens owning and using their own guns in the case of an insurrection or uprising against its own government, which I think is questionable at best. The reality might be different depending on the actual circumstances, of course.

@SilverStarApple/Epsilon7 Please try not to double post and edit your posts instead.
@everyone: Can we all calm down and be more civilized again? This doesn't need to be a discussion about the differences between "liberal" and "socialist" or whatever the hell is going on again.
Does anyone really think that enough american citizens will have the will and strength to go full Viet Cong to have any real effect? Not to mention that the Viet Cong didn't bring their own equipment, they were trained and equipped like the military organization they were.
We talking about a prolonged insurgency or an actual fighting force because people seem to forget the Viet Cong got goddamn obliterated in the Tet Offensive, as in wiped out and never ever recovered. Now at the same NATO has been fighting actual cave people in the mountains for the last 20 years because those cave people know not to get into a fist fight with a modern army.

As for the will to do such a thing. You'd be surprised. Do I expect to see a bunch of San Francisco Sodomites ambushing patrols among the redwoods of the northwest? No, not that many but a few probably. Maybe since after a century of warfare and millions dead, Europeans have gotten over warfare and just don't think they can muster the belief to get behind something that big or the fact the countless US bases dotting the continent have stopped them giving into their base desire to kill the shit out of each other, but Americans have never had a problem believing in things, so I have no problem seeing a bunch of Billy Bobs ambushing a patrol of Federales/ Foreign Soldiers/Amazon-Facebook Clone Troopers in the corn fields of the midwest.
Oh, I can see them doing that once or twice, but I also see them getting massacred in retaliation very, very quickly, and losing the will to continue after that. Getting fucked up like that will quickly break the morale of even the billybobbiest Cletuses.
But yeah, maybe it's because the effects of WWII are still more fresh around here with the people in charge often having grown up in the immediate times afterwards, so warfare is seen as less heroic around here. Hard to imagine that people would actually fight like that, because we know they didn't do that here. The partisan life is short unless people are real fanatics.
Sure on paper it looks like they should have mudhole stomped into them. On paper the Soviets should have have taken the Mujaheddin to the cleaners. On Paper NATO should have been done with the Taliban in 3 months. What is on paper doesn't mean all that much when you get boots on the ground. The British wrote the book on how to deal guerrillas over a century ago but in today climate nobody wants to go that route because the payment in political capital to pull it off would leave them bankrupt. You need to be either Comically Evil or in location that people give absolutely zero shits about to pull it off.
The partisan life is short unless people are real fanatics.
This is America we are talking about, son. 2 words for ya, Snake Handlers

These crazy bastards go to church and molest snakes because they think Jesus will protect them.

Now I am not talking about if this will be successful or not, but I do think it could happen.
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I don't doubt it would happen, just that it would last longer than a week or two encounters :D
I don't doubt it would happen, just that it would last longer than a week or two encounters :D
I disagree. America is stupid big with the 3rd largest population on the planet. That is a lot of room and a lot of people. Every time somebody leaves the safety of their base they have to worry of somebody getting popped off by a sniper on the wal-mart or some Tannerite IED hidden in the drive thru at Wendy's only to have the assailants slink away into the maze of the suburban houses or the vast woodlands. just think of the logistical nightmare that would be to just try and patrol the ocean of corn and wheat that is the midwest.
But for me to make an educated guess on how long this would last, I'd need somebody to give this hypothetical force an origin.
Me: "There might be a civil war in US in the near future"
Yanks: "Naah, very unlikely"

Also me: "You guys should have actual gun laws that you actually enforce"

Lol, you're doing it again! Dismissively dismissing my points instead of arguing against them.

Honest to God I don't think you could write a character that projects as comically and as frequently as you do. Even for satire it would come off as too stupid. I'm not joking. Just to be clear because you've repeatedly proven yourself to be dull in the mind and you probably don't understand what I just said. You are accusing me of dismissal when you've, yet again, ignored and ran away from my arguments because you can't counter them. Please try again.

Liberalism is Socialism. They're the same thing. They want the same thing. They say the same lies. Liberals pretend to believe in human rights, but you're here trying to argue that we should restrict our gun rights just in case this makes criminals more inclined to follow laws.

You can only think this way if you are an actual teenager or you've got problems with the brain. I assume the former because you're a "libertarian" who apparently knows jack-shit about the history of his own ideology, but being a Brony would suggest the latter. Choices, choices. Allow me to explain:

Liberalism originates with the enlightenment era, with some very smart old-timey people like John Locke developing it is an ideology. Broadly, it represents freedom of the individual, free markets, capitalism, democracy, secularism, limited government and individual rights. The "Founding Fathers" of the United States and the American Revolution were driven by liberalism and inspired the Whig Party that championed it in British parliament. The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the amendments which you are a very big fan of: it is all liberal.

Modern day liberals branch off, but outside of America where for whatever reason "Liberal" has become synonymous with left wing even though there are plenty of right-wing liberal beliefs (Like libertarianism) liberalism is generally treated as entirely distinctly from socialism. For instance, I have been in the UK for the last few years and there are three major parties: The Conservatives, Labour (socialist) and Liberal Democrats (Liberal).

Liberalism and socialism aren't the same thing, and no matter how hard you want to try we are not pivoting away to a different argument for you to run away to. Get back on topic and counter my arguments, first.

It's incredibly dishonest for you to pretend socialist ideas can't be criticized for the socialist shitholes they create just because you call yourself a non-socialist while arguing for them.

I'm guessing you don't actually know what dishonest means in a political context. I imagine you've been called it and decided to give it a spin. I can and I will criticize failing socialist policies and I will advocate against the adoption of socialist policies in either of my home countries. Because I am not a socialist and none of my arguments have been either.

I realize you're a peabrain so it is really hard to seperate different ideas and not just have everything bad be the same thing, but please do try.
Liberalism is Socialism.
Noted red book carrying socialists like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Adam Smith. :facepalm:

This might sound strange, but sometimes I wish people like you told the truth. If America really was to blame for Latin America being unable to rule itself, if America really was destabilizing them
Argue whether or not without (the undeniable) US intervention in South American politics they would have problems all you want but you have to be a real brainlet to act like US foreign policy hasn't greatly affected politics south of the border.

then America would also have the balls to try and destabilize and overthrow middle-eastern shithole countries instead of protecting those islamist shitholes from rival islamic sects who want to conquer it for themselves.
Noted red book carrying socialists like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Adam Smith. :facepalm:

Argue whether or not without (the undeniable) US intervention in South American politics they would have problems all you want but you have to be a real brainlet to act like US foreign policy hasn't greatly affected politics south of the border.

Oh, brother! Not this shite again.

Once upon a time, Liberalism fought for Liberty. Then it stopped caring about Liberty one day, and decided to exclusively care about power instead. It turned evil, like you did one day, hence why you're defending Socialism and spitting on the people it killed.

Liberalism is dead, because it is just Communism/Socialism/Fascism/Leftism (call it what you like) with a cheap mask on. Libertarianism cares about Liberty, Liberals want to destroy liberty.
What I find endlessly fascinating is that Americans managed to completely reverse the meaning of "liberalism" in their dictionary. Here in Europe, those who call themselves "liberals" are usually more oriented on the center/conservative side and stand for classical liberalism, maximum personal and economic freedom. Probably what you'd call libertarianism for some reason. The american "liberalism" (increased government control and less actual freedom, so the opposite of what the word would imply) is what the social democrats mostly stand for.
Anyway, for the hundreth time, this isn't a thread about discussing politics directly.
What I find endlessly fascinating is that Americans managed to completely reverse the meaning of "liberalism" in their dictionary. Here in Europe, those who call themselves "liberals" are usually more oriented on the center/conservative side and stand for classical liberalism, maximum personal and economic freedom. Probably what you'd call libertarianism for some reason. The american "liberalism" (increased government control and less actual freedom, so the opposite of what the word would imply) is what the social democrats mostly stand for.
Anyway, for the hundreth time, this isn't a thread about discussing politics directly.
Are you sure that's true for Europe? It can't be true for the countries ravaged by rapefugees imported by, coddled by, and funded by Liberals. You saw how they cheered when political candidate famous for exposing muslim pedophiles Tommy Robinson got arrested for protecting his daughter from an islamic rapist. You saw how they cheered when he got imprisoned for journalism in an islam-dominated prison. You saw how they cheered that other time he got arrested, when he tried to become a legitimate politician to change things from within the system.

Also, why shouldn't politics be "Directly discussed" here? Yes, the old "Fuck you lefty" vs "Fuck you righty" talk just goes in circles. And we've certainly seen enough "fuck you right-winger" talk from the leftists in this thread. But the utter failure of leftism is a relevant topic of discussion in any topic leftists want to involve themselves in. Leftists hate freedom, lie constantly, and love crime when it's done to anyone but them. They're like fascists but worse because at least Hitler believed in something, marxists aka modern liberals aka leftists believe in nothing but their own desire to be terrible people. Every thing Liberals are wrong on, and every wrong thing they want to do, is a black mark against them as people. In the modern era, Liberalism/Leftism/Socialism/NationalSocialism/Communism is more of a mental disorder than any sort of real coherent form of beliefs and values. An Anarcho-Primitivist's views on gun control are more valid than someone solely defined by their desire to seize power for the sake of abusing it for as long as possible, no matter the cost.
I just want to thank Hassknecht for helping to keep NMA mostly free of heavy handed moderation that stifles discussion about important issues that are impacting our users lives. If he says to keep outside political nonsense to another thread then you should do it to keep this thread running smoothly. I'm considering making a catchall /pol thread to rattle on about the things that you are touching on here if you like.

Although that spergatory thread might work for that.
As good a reason as any to own a firearm. You can't rely on the police to protect you from everything. I own my guns to protect against any enemy. Mostly that includes lots of snakes but you never know.
To think pretending to be traumatized because you watched Roots one time.

Fucking Americans, everytime :roll:
Mostly that includes lots of snakes but you never know.
Then people will call you a nut cake with a small penis for being prepared but some how owning a fire extinguisher doesn't have the same connotations with it.
Until those people have had to fight off crack heads in their front lawn they will never understand. They might as well live on another planet because they are out of touch. Ask someone that lives in Detroit if they think they should be able to own a firearm to defend themselves. The US is a big place and I think some people have lost perspective on how different each state really is. What works in Tex-ass might not work in Nevada. That doesn't mean Tex-ass is shit (haha), but it might not be for everyone.
Are you sure that's true for Europe? It can't be true for the countries ravaged by rapefugees imported by, coddled by, and funded by Liberals. You saw how they cheered when political candidate famous for exposing muslim pedophiles Tommy Robinson got arrested for protecting his daughter from an islamic rapist. You saw how they cheered when he got imprisoned for journalism in an islam-dominated prison. You saw how they cheered that other time he got arrested, when he tried to become a legitimate politician to change things from within the system.
Yes, it's true. It seems like you didn't understand what I was saying. The american usage of the word "liberal" is different than the european usage. The same concepts and behaviours exist here, they're just not called "liberalism", but are mostly found under the banner of the social democrats. It was an observation of semantics.

Also, why shouldn't politics be "Directly discussed" here?
Because, as you just demonstrated once more, you are apparently physically incapable of making concise arguments about literally anything without going into meandering political manifestos about your pet topic, i.e. lurrals. Yeah, others also tend to shitpost, but they at least have the capability of actually making a point.
Before you came back and sperged up this thread, it was mostly going fine. And the rest of the dumbfucks are just as incapable of not reacting to your wall-posting in kind, so there's really no point in this thread when it will just be "REEEEEEEE THE LURRALS" and responses of "Well ackchually" and "REEEEEEE THE MASS SHOOTERS".
Gun control can be discussed in a rational sense.
But not by you chucklefucks, it seems.