It's called identity politics and it's a great way to turn a secular society into a balkanized shithole.
The whole left-right metric is old and needs to be gotten rid of. However good luck with that. We can only hope for the AI at this point. The majority are fucked.
The left-right axis doesn't even make sense on its own, because it's obviously bullshit. Leftism isn't actually for anything it claims to be for, and the mythical "right-winger" is everything the leftist fears, everything the leftist claims to hate, and pure projection from the leftist. The left can't define what the right wing is without simply mentioning a long list of negative descriptors. They know "the right wing" is everyone who doesn't think and talk exactly like them, and they believe "the right wing" is doubleplus ungood. If they listen to leftist propaganda shows, they believe famous names and faces on the right are horrible people. And that's where their knowledge of politics begins and ends. "Us good, them bad".
Hell, that's what this "Intersectionality" actually is at the end of the day. It's tribalism.
It's the belief that you should view absolutely everything through the lens of "One of you lot is doing this to one of me because I'm not one of you".
It says if you get a ticket for speeding, you should view this as a cop inconveniencing you, rather than a consequence of your actions. It says if a black criminal who robbed pregnant women at gunpoint gets shot by a white store-owner for trying to rob that store, you should ignore everything except "white guy shoots black guy" and get butthurt over it. It says if you're a woman who went to college to study feminist interpretive dance theory and you failed to get a job after that, while your Electrician brother works overtime and gets paid well for it, your unemployed 300-pound ass should view that as "man gets paid more than woman" and demand money equal to what he makes.
Intersectionality wants the end of co-operation and kindness between different groups of people. It says the black man should only do what's best for the black men, and he's not a very good black man if he fails to do that. It says the white women should do what's best for the feminists, and she's not a very good white woman if she fails to do that. But also white men shouldn't do what's best for white men because fuck white men, it's racist for them to act in their own best interests.
It says the groups that make up modern society should hate each other and try to abuse each other wherever possible, while viewing every time they don't get their way as an attack. Except for the groups the Intersectionalists hate. It says those guys should hate themselves and serve the other intersectionalist groups.
Intersectionality is the ultimate argument against a racially diverse nation, whether you agree with it or not. Because if intersectionality gets its way, every group becomes a voting bloc different politicians can pander to and reward with things stolen from other groups.
It's the death of harmony. The death of shared values. The death of the idea that we are all people at our core and the last argument against the idea that we should all be treated equally under the law.
The sheer weaponized ignorance of the left cult is astounding. They can doublethink, they can believe contradictory lies at the same time.
So you end up with contradictory statements like "Right-wingers love fascism and authoritarianism and that's why want to limit abuses of government power! Christians are so intolerant and old-fashioned, fuck them for letting people follow any religion they want when I want Islam forced onto everyone! Things like the Patriot Act and the government's constant spying on us are necessary to keep us safe from Islamists, but also fuck anyone who doesn't love Islam! Also they're racist for wanting fundamental human rights and horrible for wanting to live under a small government where the rich and poor are equal in the eyes of the law and your ethnicity doesn't matter, because I want to live in a caste system that grants special treatment to me and those with the correct skin colour or genitals! And it's sexist for them to think America is special or exceptional because America was never great but also America is only made great by immigrants but only the ones I like who agree with me! Nobody needs a gun, but also we need guns and those fucking right-wingers don't! Abolish the police because it's tyrannical, and replace it with an even more tyrannical America-wide/Global peacekeeping force that doesn't have to answer to anyone but itself! Fuck all right-wingers for thinking we're marxists, everyone knows cultural marxism and marxism is a myth, but also they're racist for not loving cultural marxism as much as me, heil marx! We're bomb-throwing power-hungry marxists who want to abolish laws and rule however we see fit, and small business owners surviving are why we need communism now! The idea that white birth rates are declining in western countries is a racist lie, but it's also something I celebrate over every week and gloat over like a supervillain!".
Leftism will have LGBTQWERTY marches "For Islam and minorities and against homophobia" even as Muslims yeet gay people off rooftops in countries where Muslims are the majority. The radical muslims throw gay people off rooftops, while the "Moderates" stand in the streets, watch, and cheer. It's the non-muslims who reject Islam's barbaric teachings, even though they risk their lives by doing this. They flee to non-muslim countries to escape islamic oppression, only to end up with lefty karens reporting thoughtcrime against islam's rapey ways to the police.
Leftism isn't a coherent system of ideals. It isn't even a single ideal. It's just tribalism, a violent radical extremism that believes whatever its bosses tell it to believe this week. Leftists will ignore monsters amongst their ranks because it's more Politically Convenient to pretend "the other side" (anyone not in their cult) is a monster. It believes it is doubleplus good, it believes everyone who doesn't love it is an idiot to dupe at best or an enemy to hate, and it believes it would win a civil war in America.
We live in a society where "Authorities" claim gaming is a mental disorder but thinking you're another species/race/age/sex/Napoleon on the inside and taking surgery to try and look the part isn't. Leftism is a mental disorder, they're willing to ignore facts and logic and science when it doesn't suit them. And they're willing to act like the words of some(but not all) experts is unquestionable gospel whenever the opinion of some famous experts do suit what they want. Nothing's off the table for those greedy grasping animals, they will do anything to get what they want and cry foul when you fart around them. They're radicalized liars, mentally and emotionally unstable lunatics. It's been a long time since the left cult has ever tried to hide what it actually is. And now they're rioting and looting and trying to start a race war. They're chanting "class war! class war!" while having their bail paid by fake-charities donated to by leftist celebrities. Bomb-throwing lefties caught trying to murder people at the riots are released without prison anyway thanks to leftists in the "justice" system, and many of those leftists are the privileged kids of politicians and judges, meanwhile right-wingers who want to keep their business going during this broken pandemic get arrested for trying to be free.
I don't know what's worse, the army of lunatics or the generations of sleeping idiots who let things get this bad without doing anything to stop it.