Gun Control

Yeah, people love to try and interpret the bill of rights a lot of ways. I've heard muskets and firearms from that time period only before and the main argument behind that is "If they could see how awful guns are now! They'd surely change their minds!"

I've also heard the militia part of the second amendment be argued that the right to bear arms was only in a militia sense. Which could maybe make more sense? Even then, it's kinda pointless if the government gets to decide which militias are militias and which aren't.
Yeah, and federalizing the National Guard kinda defeated that purpose as well.
Just heard about the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Sounds like a fun thing. Rifle training and surplus rifle sales.
And I do like the militia idea behind the 2nd Amendment. Personally, I wouldn't mind having a license for owning a firearm being tied to an organised militia training, but then again, I am a dirty eurocuck who thinks that the average idiot should at least have some form of training before operating dangerous things, because apparently I hate freedom.
But I think it'd be cool if you could do like a two-week bootcamp and at the end you can get something like the M1 Carbine you trained with for a reduced price, along with the license to use other rifles and pistols.
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So how do you feel about needing a license to operate a computer? How about a lawn-mower. Oh you don't have those there. Electric grass slapper I mean. The electric eco-friendly non-binary inclusive electric grass slapper is a dangerous object.

What prevents someone from chewing on the copper wiring inside of their house and immediately starting a cascade that inflames the entire countryside and blows up all of the battery factories for scooters causing peoples flesh to melt off?
I mean, I'm legally required to get safety training to operate our laser systems, with refreshment courses on general work and laser safety and refreshments on every machine I use (that I'm not the responsible main operator for and thus the one doing the refreshments for myself) every year. These are just short introductions, but it's something I have to sign off on so it's legally still clear that I know what I'm doing. It's mostly an insurance thing in case of accidents, but yeah, mandatory safety training for things you can hurt yourself or others with very easily isn't exactly unheard of.
I agree with the concept, but those things we get licensed for to operate "vehicles, equipment, ect." aren't political tools that are used against people the same way firearms are. I don't advocate licensing because breaking the law in my country is an arbitrary condition. One can break laws in my country without even being aware that those laws exist. Charges are made up by antagonists and have to be disputed in court, which requires money to properly do so. Adding a license to the equation just makes life even more difficult for people who may or may not share the same beliefs as some asshole in a uniform says so.
Yeah, that's why I'm als wary of the whole concept. I've said it when I put out the idea before that such a licensing process can be a political tool as well.
Basically, the US is so fucked that there are no possible solutions but unburied death.
The shit runs so deep that no civilized society beyond one that creates politeness from the barrel of a gun is possible.
History is a long story of people being cucked by another people with superior technology. The 2nd amendment might not prevent future problems, but it solves past ones.
Yeah, people love to try and interpret the bill of rights a lot of ways. I've heard muskets and firearms from that time period only before and the main argument behind that is "If they could see how awful guns are now! They'd surely change their minds!"

I've also heard the militia part of the second amendment be argued that the right to bear arms was only in a militia sense. Which could maybe make more sense? Even then, it's kinda pointless if the government gets to decide which militias are militias and which aren't.
This. I like the idea of militias, personally. Though, as Washington said, “relying solely on a militia to fight is akin to resting on a broken staff”. Basically the way I see it, militia are a good idea, but no substitute for a professional standing army.

Still a badass concept though.
There doesn't need to be an army anywhere in the world if every family had a good rifle.

ersonally, I wouldn't mind having a license for owning a firearm being tied to an organised militia training
I wouldn't mind this either but like I said whatever militia you are a part of shouldn't be determined by government. They shouldn't get to decide a militia you and fellow neighbors start is or isn't a militia. I'm fine with more mandatory training or incentives to attend training and safety courses.
Basically the way I see it, militia are a good idea, but no substitute for a professional standing army.
Of course not. The idea is that the common people still hold their own power and cannot have it taken away due to political reasons. Showing a history of violence and mental instability is the only real reason I can understand for taking such a thing away from people. We kind of do that with felonies but even some felonies don't warrant this while others definitely do.

Militias should be run by the people and for the people of that area. Is what I'm saying. If you start saying people can only bear arms in militias then who provides those arms? The government? Someone cleared to do so? Sure, it's not a simple cut and dry problem but I think if people who are non-violent legally and not insane are trying organize a militia in this country, it is their right to do so.
And I agree with that entirely. Too much govt control basically negates the idea of a militia. Holy shit, I could type up a dissertation on how the Libs and big govt are evil but I won’t, for your sakes.
I mean, the NRA and republicans have tried to implement gun control laws too, mind you. It's a real convenient idea when it only negatively affects those you want it to negatively affect.
It's a real convenient idea when it only negatively affects those you want it to negatively affect.

Everyone has an agenda. Disarm minorities so they can’t fight back, or disarm everyone. It’s a shit sandwich, and it’s why I begrudgingly vote every year with the thin hope that either a) the candidate will respect my freedoms (hahahahahahah) or b) that the Libertarians will finally win for the first time since 1783 (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)
Yeah, the militias should be run by the local people and not by the government, especially not the federal one. My idea wouldn't be that people are only allowed to carry weapons when on active militia duty or whatever, but that people attend a mandatory firearms safety training provided by the local militia organisation that functions as a firearm license. Maybe a more extensive course on safety, trigger discipline, and the local militia protocolls. Full enlisting in the militia with regular mandatory training exercises and shit would be a bit much, but the militia organization should offer regular training and refreshment courses for private citizens.
Really, it's basically just making attending a firearm safety course at the local gun club the requirement for a firearm license, nothing more.
/edit: If you're such an intense sped that you can't even do that without REEEEing your arse off or can't afford it or whatever, you probably shouldn't have a gun in your hands anyway.
That would absolutely work, in my honest opinion. It’s literally not too much to ask that the militia behaves like a... well, militia, and it would make sense that they need to be trained so that they can be trusted to do their job if it comes to it.
I would just make mandatory those classes be taken for every citizen the same as driving is in school. "Militia" is a loaded term.

Also, they are currently lynching blacks again here in the U.S.

I would just make mandatory those classes be taken for every citizen the same as driving is in school. "Militia" is a loaded term.
Yeah, I was mainly using the "militia" label to make it more tasty to those adhering to the very letters of the 2nd Amendment.
Libertarians have fucked their name up real bad with some of the people who represent them and some of the people who are hardcore advocates. I know many people who identified as libertarian that avoid the word as if it was the same as being called a nazi now.

Disarm minorities so they can’t fight back,
Yeah, pretty much. Oh the black people bought guns so you can't just be shitty towards them? Let's ban guns!
The disarming everyone part is that there are people who never feel the need for arms and think that their political opponents having them is too dangerous. Which, fairly, they are right! But instead of acquiring their own arms and playing MAD they would rather no one has them for some reason.

"Militia" is a loaded term.
Absolutely it is. Especially when people call some groups militias and mean it in a good way and other very similar groups militants and mean that in a very negative way.
I would just make mandatory those classes be taken for every citizen the same as driving is in school. "Militia" is a loaded term.
Kind of like Germany pre-WWI? They organized a sort of conscription scheme so that every male up to around 50 could serve as a soldier if necessary, older men in the Landwehr, giving the country a massive pool of recruits to call on.
No. Like drivers safety, drug use, sex, and all of the other wastes of money our government likes to pour into schools besides actual curriculum.
But driving also requires an external driving school and extra license, doesn't it?