Gun Control

I moved your off topic bullshit to the thread where it belongs. This is not "THE LEFT IS BAD: The Thread" mmmkay? This is about gun control. If you don't say gun control in your post or if you are not talking about guns in your post it is getting moved. I want specific fucking comments on gun control, memes related to gun control, or a goddamn point that leads to gun control. Gun control. One more time. Gun control. GUNS.
This is not "THE LEFT IS BAD: The Thread" mmmkay?
You could have fooled me.

Anyway...the amount of people getting Carry Licenses in my state is exploding right now, not to mention you need a license to even own a gun to begin with; then you got to take a 16 hour class on to get the CCL. last I heard damn near all the classes around here are packed for months. This whole thing with virus and then the riots turned a lot of people who didn't give a shit or where even anti-gun into gun owners.
I saw a Jeep that had a gun safe in the center console. It got me slightly aroused. I would want something like that if I had one on the go.

This meme should help move the thread along and get it back on-track. I'm using Pokemon as a metaphor.

Ten bucks says someone who regularly uses Harry Potter metaphors to help him understand the world will have a problem with that.
Washington still has the best laws IMO regarding living in peace without the centipede trying to hook you into its sphincter valve.
Oh you like Nevada? Yeah it's an interesting place. Problem is it's mostly Vegas which is a giant suburb underneath a magnifying glass, and you can't tell who's a prostitute or not so meh.
I'm gonna go survivalist with dune influences in a place that could survive an economic crisis and isn't surrounded by retarded murderers.

Anyways, back on topic.

How do you Europeans feel about bows and arrows being placed in the same categories as firearms in certain countries? I know that places like Spain have pretty arduous laws. I'm sure society in general would also limit such things.

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I think they don't fall under the same laws in Germany, you can buy any bow you like without further ado. I'd be annoyed if they didn't.
I'm gonna go survivalist with dune influences in a place that could survive an economic crisis and isn't surrounded by retarded murderers.

Anyways, back on topic.

How do you Europeans feel about bows and arrows being placed in the same categories as firearms in certain countries? I know that places like Spain have pretty arduous laws. I'm sure society in general would also limit such things.

There's a lot about life in Europe I don't like, but I'd be arrested by the thought police if I mentioned those things in public.

You know what sucks? By being a bunch of murdering looting terrorists, BLMafia is making being anti-cop look bad. I hate cops, so fuck those guys for hating cops for stupid reasons instead of my correct reasons. They're funded by "ActBlue", a money-laundering Fake Charity that launders funds for the DNC anyway, so they're probably plants.
Gun control was sold to the people of the united states as a way to keep the protections provided by 2nd amendment out the hands of minorities. so if you support Gun Control, you are a racist.

Check Mate A̶t̶h̶e̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ ̶C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶ Gun control advocates.
Take my black powder revolver? I get pissed.

Take my recurve bow? Green Arrow time, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, people argue that the 2nd Amendment only had muskets in minds, but I gotta say, a disciplined firing line of protestors or insurgents loading and firing muskets to the beat of drums and fifes would be kinda awesome.
I'd also appreciate blackening the skies with arrows fired from longbows, and slingers throwing lead or stone bullets or shit like that.
50 men with muskets vs 1 guy with a .22, who would get banned first?

The 50 men because they were protesting without a permit.

Energy Weapons.
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You know, people argue that the 2nd Amendment only had muskets in mind
Yeah, people love to try and interpret the bill of rights a lot of ways. I've heard muskets and firearms from that time period only before and the main argument behind that is "If they could see how awful guns are now! They'd surely change their minds!"

I've also heard the militia part of the second amendment be argued that the right to bear arms was only in a militia sense. Which could maybe make more sense? Even then, it's kinda pointless if the government gets to decide which militias are militias and which aren't.