So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

You could have fooled me.This is not "THE LEFT IS BAD: The Thread" mmmkay?
excuse me but what the fuckWashington still has the best laws IMO regarding living in peace without the centipede trying to hook you into its sphincter valve.
I'm gonna go survivalist with dune influences in a place that could survive an economic crisis and isn't surrounded by retarded murderers.
Anyways, back on topic.
How do you Europeans feel about bows and arrows being placed in the same categories as firearms in certain countries? I know that places like Spain have pretty arduous laws. I'm sure society in general would also limit such things.
Yeah, people love to try and interpret the bill of rights a lot of ways. I've heard muskets and firearms from that time period only before and the main argument behind that is "If they could see how awful guns are now! They'd surely change their minds!"You know, people argue that the 2nd Amendment only had muskets in mind