Gun Control

I was going to suggest you go and do something like that, you know, for your fragile little self-esteem, but I figured it'd be kind of a low blow.
Now I'm wondering, are there actually more people like him who'd consider what has been written here "retarded leftist posts", or is he just making it up?
Given that his reality doesn't necessarily align with anyone else's, I guess it's the latter.
I just like that there definitely is somewhere, where this guy is THE BEST and MOST LIKED among ALL his MANY FRIENDS
Oh well.
@SilverStarApple/Epsilon7 So what guns do you own, btw?
If it wasn't such a hassle around here I'd like a few, less for defending myself (it doesn't seem all that necessary here yet), but more because I like the mechanics. I'd like an M1911, and there's something about the SKS that fascinates me. Maybe a Ruger Mini 14, or M1 Carbine, or M14, or some other classic battle rifle.
Realistically, I'd at most get a rifle in some standard hunting caliber like .308 or 8x57mm IS, and a shotgun, because those are what would be covered by hunting licenses and the accompanying firearm licenses. Handguns are quite rare around here and you need a good reason to get one.
Oh, and I'd like a single action revolver. Proper Colt SAA or Ruger Vaquero.
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If I were to ever pick a single handgun, just from superficial fascination, it'd have to be the S&W 4506, earlier model with a sexy curve to the grip.
I am in general a sucker for the early models of most handguns, such as the first generation Glock versus the later ones.

I also have a soft spot for the G3 battle rifle, of which I fired my own Norwegian licence made AG-3 during my stint as a conscript. I may be biased, but it is a weapon of sexyness as well. It carries a ridiculous punch, and there's some pretty disturbing close up footage of its effect in a documentary from the Liberian civil war, where some dude pops another dude in the torso, for then to follow up with a pop to the head. By pop, I mean the whole head pops and pretty much goes away entirely - no more head. 7.62 don't fuck around.
Yeah, the G3 is pretty sweet. I guess the delayed blowback operation gives it a nasty kick, too.
I was lame and did civil service when I was drafted, and the standard infantry rifle was the G36 by that time, anyway.
I shot a Winchester Model 12 at a friend's place and I fell in love with the thing. When I move back to the states I plan on getting myself one. I also dream of getting my hands on an M1 Garand after spending so much time with This Machine slung on my Courier's back in the Mojave, but I've been told they can be a pain to come by.
Can anyone here remember the name of that gun owner who was killed in a midnight home invasion by left-wing police officers, for owning guns they decided were illegal? It happened recently, during 2020. And the Liberals didn't think the cops needed to be reformed back then. But when some murderer on meth got caught mid-crime and got choked out, suddenly they say cops needed to be abolished and replaced exclusively with left-wing mobs.

So what you're saying is that guns won't save you in a home invasion?

Having also a soft spot for certain guns used in movies, I like the Browning Model 2000 as it was used in the movie "Outland". I guess it's some sort of gas-operated successor to the recoil-operated Auto 5.
The whole right to bear arms is so the government cannot arbitrarily decide who can and cannot have a gun. We make compromises with access like denying criminals or people with mental problems.

Like WAY earlier in this thread some folks, including me, pointes out how easy it was to target politicians in this country. I mean Reagan was almost killed so a guy could get with Jodie Foster.

While I advocate violence as the supreme last resort, access to guns makes EVERY politician realise that Americans will absolutely not tolerate totalitarianism in our government. If they try, they may die.
The whole right to bear arms is so the government cannot arbitrarily decide who can and cannot have a gun. We make compromises with access like denying criminals or people with mental problems.

Like WAY earlier in this thread some folks, including me, pointes out how easy it was to target politicians in this country. I mean Reagan was almost killed so a guy could get with Jodie Foster.

While I advocate violence as the supreme last resort, access to guns makes EVERY politician realise that Americans will absolutely not tolerate totalitarianism in our government. If they try, they may die.

It was me. I talked about how easy it would be to kill one of these politicians or reporters. They keep talking about defunding police but you know people like that would still have security protecting them otherwise someone like this guy would get his ass kicked on the regular...

So what you're saying is that guns won't save you in a home invasion?
Not when what guns you can own is limited by a mindless Liberal drone's endless and baseless spite for humanity and freedom, obviously.

Do keep in mind that he was asleep. Your lefty side's jackbooted thugs came for him in his sleep, and your side celebrated when he died. You lot expect me to risk my lives getting involved in your rioting and looting sprees? Nah, mate. You'd celebrate if the cops killed me, so I'm not lifting a finger to save you.

I don't know why your cowardly ass is so terrified of cops anyway. It's not like you have to worry about them actually hurting you, with how softly they treat your kind.
Hass confirmed for anti-human scum

Silverstar would actually bounce around to being based if he goes from schizo to full Alex Jones.

Not when what guns you can own is limited by a mindless Liberal drone's endless and baseless spite for humanity and freedom, obviously.

Do keep in mind that he was asleep. Your lefty side's jackbooted thugs came for him in his sleep, and your side celebrated when he died. You lot expect me to risk my lives getting involved in your rioting and looting sprees? Nah, mate. You'd celebrate if the cops killed me, so I'm not lifting a finger to save you.

I don't know why your cowardly ass is so terrified of cops anyway. It's not like you have to worry about them actually hurting you, with how softly they treat your kind.
So, would he have survived if he had had more and bigger guns? I kinda feel like being awake is the bigger requirement. Also, I think he must have been awake enough to grab a gun and try to shoot the cops, because as assholeish, brutal, and incompetent cops can be, they usually don't shoot people soundly asleep.
Also, still not my side, but you're not gonna read this sentence, anyway.
How do you have to store your guns, btw? That's another thing around here, you have to store guns in safes and whatnot, so they're really just not suitable for home defense. Better have a pike or spear at the ready, which is much more ballsy, anyway.

I like guns and weapons with unconventional mechanisms. The Webley-Fosbery self-loading revolver, or roller-delayed blowback mechanism of H&K whole series of guns (VP70, MP5, G3 and variants), or just whatever people can think of. The Luger mechanism is pretty interesting as well.
I understand your logic but guns are great for home defense. If they weren't they wouldn't be used for home defense.

Wow see that's how you respond to someone EPSILON PINK POWER RANGER BOY.
I understand your logic but guns are great for home defense. If they weren't they wouldn't be used for home defense.

Wow see that's how you respond to someone EPSILON PINK POWER RANGER BOY.
Oh, for sure they're great for home defense. It's just that with all the laws regarding storage around here the use is kinda diminished. Gun stored in a locked safe, unloaded, ammunition maybe even separately... Not that great. Doesn't help that most guns would be hunting rifles and shotguns, anyway.
On the other hand, this kind of home invasion where the owner is in the house are kinda uncommon in Germany. Burglaries here are more often done by more professional people and gangs who scout out the area and time it so that the owners are on holiday. So here it's just not really that much of an issue.
I wished our politicians would be more afraid of the people. Even though there was a politician in recent years who was basically executed in his garden by what appeared to be rightwing extremists. The guy was actually a member of the more conservative party, but he was a more progressive guy and said something along the lines of "If you don't like it here, move somewhere else", meaning anti-immigration people.
While the cops here can be as garbage as anywhere else, they still tend to be more chill. Saw a video of some guy on an enduro-type motorcycle trying to speed away from the police, but the police were too fast and caught him, so he just gave up. The two cops got out, one calmly eating an icecream cone, and the other, older, fatter cop telling the biker that he needs to get a better bike. "This car: Good. Your bike is worthless."
Bavarian villages are not really comparable to anywhere else, though.
So, would he have survived if he had had more and bigger guns? I kinda feel like being awake is the bigger requirement. Also, I think he must have been awake enough to grab a gun and try to shoot the cops, because as assholeish, brutal, and incompetent cops can be, they usually don't shoot people soundly asleep.
Also, still not my side, but you're not gonna read this sentence, anyway.
How do you have to store your guns, btw? That's another thing around here, you have to store guns in safes and whatnot, so they're really just not suitable for home defense. Better have a pike or spear at the ready, which is much more ballsy, anyway.

I like guns and weapons with unconventional mechanisms. The Webley-Fosbery self-loading revolver, or roller-delayed blowback mechanism of H&K whole series of guns (VP70, MP5, G3 and variants), or just whatever people can think of. The Luger mechanism is pretty interesting as well.
To tell you the truth, I don't think just one gun could have saved his life, even if it was something really damn good at dealing with violent mobs like a grenade launcher or explosive underbarrel weapon for his best fully-automatic rifle. I'm pretty sure he'd need more guns and more good people near him, maybe a better Home Alarm system and a militia at his house sleeping in shifts. A militia trained to deal with liberal cops and anticipate how lefties bend bullshit rules to harm you while violating their own bullshit rules at will. I think "Convenient Authoritarianism" would be a good way to describe most people like that. I wish the "stunning and brave" left weren'r make demilitarizing the police look like a bad idea right now, because cops can't be trusted with absolute authority over who lives and dies. That system needs reform. It should be possible to sue power-abusing cops on a personal level, not just on a "We demand you cops investigate yourselves and- oh fuck you cleared yourselves of all wrongdoing" level. George Floyd was on drugs, had heart problems and hypertension and xinnie the flu, and he shouldn't have died from that short choking session. But the cops still shouldn't be choking anyone. Except maybe career criminals caught doing crimes again. But only violent career criminals, rapists, thieves, and those who cause vehicular accidents.

You know what's really fucked up about the justice system in America? There are innocent men in prisons over there whose only crime was trusting the wrong girl, marrying her and having kids with her, getting backstabbed by alimony payments(Even if her kids aren't even his and even if he's not legally allowed to see them or have shared custody of them, even if she makes more money than him he's forced to pay because "hurr durr hes man" and she gets the kids because "hurr durr she woman"), losing his job at some point, having to keep paying the same exorbitant sham-marriage extortion fees, eventually failing to pay them on time, and getting locked up. Yet the politicians are pretending criminals caught with entire kilograms of meth and heroin (how the fuck did they get these drugs, I wonder? from funding the drug cartels by buying them off dealers) are the ones who need our sympathy and immediate pardons. Why? Because those politicians are pandering to the Literal Fucking Drug-Using Criminal crowd. Why? Because nobody else would vote for the bastards, that's why.

Anyway if you aren't actually a leftist, why insult me with tired old lefty soundbites? Why join in with the lefties when they throw tired old lefty soundbites at me? I want to believe you're a person. Imagine the one thing you like in this world most of all. Don't tell me what it is, I already know it's something lefties want to destroy and ruin unless your answer was leftism.

You've probably been called a Nazi by a crazed leftist at least once in this thread by those crazed lefty bastards, right?

The first time I was called a Nazi was when I was complaining about Pokemon Sun and Moon being shit on a Pokemon forum. I asked "How the fuck am I a nazi" and the highly-upvoted answer to my question was a bunch of lefty youtube videos. Some published by megacorps like Vox and Salon and HuffPo. Some were recordings of panels where "Experts" speak. Some were recordings of college classrooms where "Experts" preach to impressionable children. They were all videos in which fat aggressive feminists loudly (and without punishment) preached that white people are inherently-evil monsters who need to make up for their "Problem Skin"(TM) by shutting up and blindly agreeing with whatever the black extremists and man-hating feminists say. I never said I was white, but my Unicorn's white so they assumed I'm white too. I laughed it off and got banned, so I moved on and blocked any commies who sent me "ahahahaha you got banned! take that you fucking nazi!" messages. I wasn't called a Nazi for bad cartoon opinions again for a while. I laughed it off when I did get called one and banned from some cartoon's subreddit, and I remembered those two moments the next time I was called a nazi, which was when I was playing DND and my freshly-rolled level one Human Cleric was doing the whole "Sheltered religious violent guy grows over time while adventuring with his friends, and learns not every problem needs to be solved with a sword drawn with religious intent" bit. I got called a nazi for playing that character and I was kicked out of a DND group. Instead of the characters trying to stop me, the players begged the DM to ban me for doing something I clearly stated my character does in my short half-assed character sheet. I fucking wish I was lying right now, I wish there was more to the story than that.

These insane lefties... They don't sleep. They don't take vacations from their own insanity. They don't have hobbies, just targets. They genuinely love Big Brother because it's theirs. They genuinely want Communism because there's a chance you might suffer under it more than them. If you can complain about their bullshit agenda/propaganda being shoehorned into a video game it doesn't belong in, then you've demonstrated the mental ability to not immediately nut at the sight of their agenda/propaganda, which means they hate you. Even if you grovel at their feet and beg for forgiveness and issue public apology after tearful public apology begging for their forgiveness, those cultists will never stop wanting you dead for demonstrating the capacity to see through their illusions and resist their lies. I wasn't even political when the left started harassing and slandering me over video game opinions. That didn't come until the bullshit with hillary's illegal private email server and how she was given advanced warning of their incoming raid, letting her erase whatever she wanted then give a tiny amount of non-incriminating data to the feds. She said "That's all there is". Then they asked for more and she gave them some more data and said "That's all there is". And that was it. No no-knock raids, no "FBI open up" scene, nothing. That's the furthest the feds were willing to take any investigation against her because they didn't want to end up suicided from two gunshots to the back of the head. She's too rich and powerful to be brought into the courtroom just like Barrack "Yeah, I'm a gamer. gIllegally aSpy mOn eMy rPolitical Rivals" Obama.

(btw, there's the origin-story I guess, "I said something (games! games games!) and they laughed at me! And now they shall know my sad impotent wrath! And something bout games!")

Hey, silverepsilonstar, how's life dude? You got someone speshul? Hmmm? A lady-friend perhaps?
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Anyway if you aren't actually a leftist, why insult me with tired old lefty soundbites? Why join in with the lefties when they throw tired old lefty soundbites at me? I want to believe you're a person. Imagine the one thing you like in this world most of all. Don't tell me what it is, I already know it's something lefties want to destroy and ruin unless your answer was leftism.
Why insult you? Because you're an annoying sped who compulsively writes overly long posts nobody reads, and I'm sure if I had wasted my time on getting a psych degree instead of studying something real I could do half a dozen diagnoses on you. You continuously ignore each and every one of my warnings, and it's really only because I hate banning people that you're even still around. You continue derailing this thread, and when one of your massive derail posts is moved to a more appropriate thread, you complain and make comments about the moderation.
I know I'm just talking to a wall here because the gist of this isn't getting to your brain, but people make fun of you not because they're evil leftists, but because you're a dumb spaz.
This is the last warning about this. Stop ticking out about politics unless it's actually related to the topic.