Deleted member 53669
He's 4 and has a computer. I know this because I'm 9.
Why would he need a handgun when he found of Bazooka in the restroom room at Burger King?I remember when I was 9.
I remember Jeff buying black market fireworks instead of guns to kill aliens. Earthbound had too much gun control.
You think you've been talking to a brick wall all this time?Why insult you? Because you're an annoying sped who compulsively writes overly long posts nobody reads, and I'm sure if I had wasted my time on getting a psych degree instead of studying something real I could do half a dozen diagnoses on you. You continuously ignore each and every one of my warnings, and it's really only because I hate banning people that you're even still around. You continue derailing this thread, and when one of your massive derail posts is moved to a more appropriate thread, you complain and make comments about the moderation.
I know I'm just talking to a wall here because the gist of this isn't getting to your brain, but people make fun of you not because they're evil leftists, but because you're a dumb spaz.
This is the last warning about this. Stop ticking out about politics unless it's actually related to the topic.
His collection of archived posts from here got him one agreeing reply on DeviantArt! Beware, Leftists in this thread, THE WHOLE INTERNET is laughing at you.Every time he posts, I'm kinda rooting for him to outdo himself, and just land the biggest wall of text of his young youtube-ridden paul-joseph-watson-saturated life. Come on, little brony-boy, you can do it! Biggest wall of text yet, then you can screenshot, and show all your frieeends.
What was that again? It looks like horseshit all over this stall to me.
I'm fucking devastated, the ultra-conservative brony squad be laughing up a storm.His collection of archived posts from here got him one agreeing reply on DeviantArt! Beware, Leftists in this thread, THE WHOLE INTERNET is laughing at you.
Gun control is a racist lie that is used to perpetuate the oppression of disenfranchised people by taking away their right to defend themselves against threats.Discuss your opinions on gun control instead of clogging up other threads people are using.
@Izak, @Vergil, @RoboStang ,@Hassknecht
Complete and Utter fucking LARP, lmfao.You think you've been talking to a brick wall all this time?
Is this a thread about the Gun Control argument or not?
Then it's necessary to post an explanation on why "Gun Control" is a bad solution to an exaggerated problem forced onto good people by insane anti-West anti-White pedophiles. It's necessary to explain why leftists are wrong for wanting what they want and terrible people for doing what they do. Explaining why it's a bad idea to let hypocritical lying communists have control over who does and doesn't get guns is important and relevant to the discussion. Even if you don't enjoy reading them. Even if I don't enjoy spending time writing them when I could be doing anything else. The gun control argument is settled, that's why this thread gets so silent whenever there are no leftists to scream and rage and lie and disgrace it with their presence. Humans agree that human rights are good, leftists think only they should have rights. That's why when the leftists fuck off and we have no retarded commie arguments to poke holes in, we end up making off-topic posts like "Man I sure do love tanks" or "Do you think bullets or explosives are cooler?" to pass the time until the next subhuman tankie shows up to dishonestly argue in favor of the dead ideology named leftism.
Insults aimed at me by insane lefties aren't necessary or relevant to the discussion. I don't need to care how people view me when I'm right. I don't need to sugar-coat facts, but at first I did so anyway. Facts and logic are on my side. Those who founded America are on my side. I shouldn't have to explain to a tankie why I should be able to keep my human rights but I've been in this thread doing that for you anyway because for some stupid fucking reason, I still think there are some people on the left that can be talked down from the edge, reasoned with, and turned into people again. You've said absolutely nothing in my defense when Liberals insulted me, or when they ranted about what they think of everyone who isn't a communist. Liberals love to insult free-thinkers because they're terrified of people listening to free-thinkers. It isn't a moderator's job to micromanage conversations and steer them on the path he wants them taking, it's a moderator's job to keep discussions moderate. You know, civil and reasonable. Liberals can't be either of those things because when they know they can't win a debate through reason or evidence, they attack and lie and cheat and play retarded games they only get away with playing if the site's moderators are asleep at the wheel or part of the leftist problem. Pull your head out of your ass and do something about the commie problem on your website, or shove your head further up your ass and stop bitching about the posts that poke holes in communist lies and mock commies for being wrong and stupid. Communists argue in bad faith. Communists live in bad faith. They could move to Communist countries, but they don't because they'd rather force Communism onto you and me. Communism is a dead ideology and every school should be forced to teach kids why it's a failed ideology. Because if they did that, we wouldn't see so many ignorant brainwashed raised-leftist teenagers who wear Che Guevara shirts and don't know that Communism has killed more people than Nazism.
The gun control argument should begin and end at "Commie, if you don't think I should have guns, try and take them yourself instead of trying to force jackbooted cops to do your dirty work". There are no valid arguments for disarming law-abiding citizens of America for the benefit of criminals and hostiles, when the ones making those commie arguments brag openly about wanting to kill disarmed non-Communists. The Second Amendment was written so that American citizens could defend themselves from a hostile government, a hostile ideology, or rapists, or anything else that wants to kill an American citizen or America.
Voting is an act of force. It's an act of forcing your will and your politicians and your policies onto others. Leftists abuse their right to vote by trying to remove everyone else's right to speak freely, defend themselves, live under anything other than communism, and so on. They idolize corrupt authoritarians in power and pretend to hate the state whenever Soros orders them to. They repeat what they saw on leftist talk shows because they're too stupid to understand anything said by free-thinkers. They can't win arguments with facts or reason, so they use dishonest tricks only an idiot would fail to see through. Remember when Antifa threatened to bomb the Minds IRL event? Trump's been president for four years. Look up a list of all the people killed or injured in left-wing terrorist attacks against conservatives. And there are no terrorist attacks on communists in retaliation. Isn't it ridiculous how Trump's video got banned from twitter because it used a red triangle commies didn't recognize the meaning of, when commies are allowed to burn American flags and wave commie flags and boast openly about how much they want to line defenceless and disarmed Americans up against a wall and kill them? Isn't it strange how censorship and political violence only ever goes one way?
Leftists are not human, and that's why they want to tear down and destroy everything good in the world and force their SJW Karenism on everyone else. Their ideology isn't something to take seriously, it's something that should be laughed out of every debate in the world, and yet when they punch us, we don't punch them back for it. When they shoot at us, we don't kill them for it. We keep extending the olive branch and we keep trying to talk the leftists into understanding that being good is good and being evil is evil, even though we know they are never going to stop wanting to get away with trying to destroy human rights. I look forward to the day everyone gives up on trying to reason with the delusional, violent, criminal left. I'm not going to speculate on why you find "Communists are wrong and here's why" more annoying to read than "People like Hassknecht shouldn't have gun rights". I guess you're just used to seeing more of the latter, which makes sense. Communists are bricks in a wall of ignorance no fact or reason can penetrate.
I wish you were as sick of leftism's bullshit as you are sick of hearing why leftism is bullshit.
How about this? I'll give you a vacation for a month. I'll stop posting in this thread for a month, and you can see if it goes anywhere constructive or conclusive.
Of course, it won't. Because there's only one conclusion for any bad-faith argument Communists make. Either Communists grow a moral compass and stop being evil, or they are stopped.