I think the Democracts are not really hardline, or at least only hardline where it's pointless. Banning all "assault rifles" is pointless, the majority of gun violence is done with handguns. And banning ALL guns is ridiculous, too, because there are just too many around already.I feel that both blocs don't fulfill my 'gun-law' needs properly. The Democrats are too hardline about it and the Republicans are too invested in the NRA. I can surely agree with more testing and background checking, but little more - Japan is NOT an example to follow, IMO.
Gun control is just treating a symptom, and doing it badly at that.
Guns don't cause violence (although one could argue that the ubiquity of guns and their inherent value to violence does make violence in general seem much more acceptable for average people), the violence is a symptom of underlying societal problems. Guns just make them worse, but banning them wouldn't really do much since there are too many to get rid off.
There's a divide in society, and there's constant fear for and of the future, of strangers, of neighbours, of everything, due to the constant pressure from society. People on all sides of the political spectrum are getting more and more hardline with little to no dialogue possible anymore.
Guns only do damage if you want to use them against your fellow men (or if you're an idiot, but that's not the point right now). That is the issue that needs to be fixed. Why do so many want to hurt others?