There is certainly a sense of disbelief amongst some people at what Israel has done, that Israel was prepared to go so far as to kill the spiritual leader of Hamas.
Many people here are calling this a red line over which Israel has stepped.
Mourners console Sheikh Yassin's wife (centre) in Gaza on Tuesday
This has created a deep sense of anger which is not showing itself on the streets - but it is certainly there.
This is the reason why most people here expect Hamas to do what they have threatened - take revenge for the killing of their spiritual leader.
Some people on the streets of Gaza have expressed fear for what may happen now, that perhaps we are about to see a new bloodier phase of the conflict.
Certainly, no one wants to predict violence.
However, the events of the last few years have shown that when Israel does assassinate members of Hamas or other leaders in Gaza or the West Bank, then the militant groups will try to stage some sort of retaliation.