Hands on look at new skyrim "remaster"


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"

So, I don't know where else to put this. But i will say, After seeing a little bit of it i can hardly make a different out of it. I mostly just see a bit of blur and better terrain texture and meshes. Though, the hair still looks disgusting. Again, Why they remastered a 5 year old game is a bit odd to me. Not only that, but it still looks, plays and feels like the same old game. Remember when they remastered the first halo game and the graphics were vastly overhauled, Not just some silly shader shit? Feels so unlike it here, Oblivion, morrowind and daggerfall are much better games to remaster.

I already made a thread like this but whatever I guess.

It's a quick and easy cash grab that is Bethesda just testing how much they can get away with after Fallout 4's 5 minutes of negativity. The truth is most of the F4 "haters" were just bandwagoners that don't understand why the game was bad and still enjoy Skyrim/F3 for the exact same flaws. Bethesda will make a quick recovery.
Oblivion, morrowind and daggerfall are much better games to remaster.
Nah, too much text in them.™ Official state regarding Morrowing, that's right.
It's a quick and easy cash grab that is Bethesda just testing how much they can get away with after Fallout 4's 5 minutes of negativity. The truth is most of the F4 "haters" were just bandwagoners that don't understand why the game was bad and still enjoy Skyrim/F3 for the exact same flaws. Bethesda will make a quick recovery.
That what's people wanted, more Skyrim on a next-gen, since Xbox 360 is already collecting dust, and it's decade at least to wait for another Elder Scrolls game.
Lol, One of the comments from a fellow "PC" player. Uncle Tom of PC community.

"Oh please, I have been from PC master race since 2004, and even I can acknowledge you are making an ass of yourself. These graphics are better than PC graphics with mods, ran on maybe a gtx 660. Of course the best 4k mods and all running on a gtx 1080 still looks better. But nah this shit looks insane for consoles."

Listen here motherfucker, if you actually paid attention and had eyesight, You'd see the horrid still bland textures on the tables such as the one in the video at 1:12:56 mark. Some others probably too. The lighting looks better and of course the console kiddies will find it better than the awful vanilla textures. But for me and most other people out there, This barely looks different, No it doesn't take ENB to notice it either.
Cash grab.
As a modder do I benefit? Not sure yet, I wasn't included in the cool club of modders that got a beta kit.
I'm a little sore that Bethesda would rather give a beta kit to hundreds of shit youtubers, then to an equal amount of modders. But, I think when it hits in a few days, there will be problems, not just because of PS4, but there will be shitty limitations and bugs breaking xbox versions of the game.
The commercialization of mods is a bad idea. I don't want it to destroy Bethesda, but I would like them to have a valued learning lesson from this and for it to bite them hard. That probably won't happen.
Who are you and what have you done to DirtyOldShoe?
I know i know, I sound soft, but the thing is, I don't want to hate them. I want to love them again.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I want this to hurt their pockets, enough so that they have to reflect on being a shitty company. I want them to have to struggle to make a good game and fight for it to be the best god damn game ever made. If they die, there is no glory for me.
I know i know, I sound soft, but the thing is, I don't want to hate them. I want to love them again.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I want this to hurt their pockets, enough so that they have to reflect on being a shitty company. I want them to have to struggle to make a good game and fight for it to be the best god damn game ever made. If they die, there is no glory for me.
Meh. I might just move on to other studios. If they crumble will I enjoy it? Probably. I'll have a lot of new memes and shitpost topics. If anything, seeing them succeed will nullify some of my shitposts.

Oh crap I need them to fail so badly. Since I came out as a regressive I've lost everything. My shitposts are all I have left.
It is pathetic how greedy Bethesda has turned out. It's not enough that their games already sell a fucking SHITLOAD of copies, but to re-release a 5 year old game and not even add anything of significance is just down right pathetic.

*crosses fingers* Please... For the love of Ragemage, let this shit blow up in their face...
In the year 2011, November 11th to be precise, I walked into the online store named Steam and purchased a videogame titled The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I was able to modify it that day, no need to wait for a tool kit from the developer.

I recalled an earlier time when a similar title was released Aptly named Oblivion, When the item was installed upon and unto my computing device, I was able to start modifying it without delay..

Many years before this, I recall entering a non-virtual store and purchasing a titled called Morrowind, It was quite the prize to behold indeed, but much greater then that, I was able to start modifying it whenst it be reconciled within the inner tunnels and crevices of the sexy Pentium desktop I had weighing down my table.

Let us step in our time of the machines and gander at the fine folk who waited in an alternate universe called EB games. Buying, installing, briefly playing and moving on as they were trained to do. Those fine folk then waited an additional 5 years, to feed off the scraps of our 5 year labor. for $60.00, but not so much, as these folk live in a limited world where they are always pushed to move on, move on to other things, you will get a taste, a broken and fragmented morsel, for $60 more.

Bethesda thanks you for your ignorance.

So, I don't know where else to put this. But i will say, After seeing a little bit of it i can hardly make a different out of it. I mostly just see a bit of blur and better terrain texture and meshes. Though, the hair still looks disgusting. Again, Why they remastered a 5 year old game is a bit odd to me. Not only that, but it still looks, plays and feels like the same old game. Remember when they remastered the first halo game and the graphics were vastly overhauled, Not just some silly shader shit? Feels so unlike it here, Oblivion, morrowind and daggerfall are much better games to remaster.


Did anyone except the most starry-eyed Bethtards really expect anything different, other than the laziest, most effort-free cash grab they could get away with? It doesn't matter if you can barely tell the difference on-screen between the original and the remaster, nor does it matter that PC mods can blow it away graphically for no cost. They'll still sell millions and millions of copies, and keep pushing harder and harder in the direction of making their fans pay more and more for less and less actual new content.

Bethesda knows its new fan base all too well.
Is it really a 60$ on steam? Next-gen consoles too?
Also, wasn't Skyrim Special Edition supposed to be free for Legendary Edition/Original+all DLCs owners?
Also, what's about mod compability?
Is it really a 60$ on steam? Next-gen consoles too?
Also, wasn't Skyrim Special Edition supposed to be free for Legendary Edition/Original+all DLCs owners?
Also, what's about mod compability?
$60 PS4 limited cheat mods
$60 XBox Limited to 5gb mod storage, will probably have problems with how things are compiled on microsofts XBox.
$0 for PC if you have the DLC, claims that it is smooth sailing porting mods, but if you follow the cool kids that got it early, you'll notice that the ass kissers will say it runs perfectly, non ass kissers say "DNC, Can't say anything, but there could be issues."

I tend to favor the non-ass-kissers.
$60 PS4 limited cheat mods
$60 XBox Limited to 5gb mod storage, will probably have problems with how things are compiled on microsofts XBox.
$0 for PC if you have the DLC, claims that it is smooth sailing porting mods, but if you follow the cool kids that got it early, you'll notice that the ass kissers will say it runs perfectly, non ass kissers say "DNC, Can't say anything, but there could be issues."

I tend to favor the non-ass-kissers.
I've read some discussions suggesting the 64-bit .exe won't work with the current script extender. So any mods that require SKSE wouldn't work, if that's the case.
I don't really have a problem with this "Special Edition", although I don''t care about it that much either. if console players want to pay for Skyrim on the newer consoles with some visual tweaks and modding support, then they can do so - people who own the complete Skyrim pack on PC will get this for free and can play it over the original version if they want to: with all that being said, this is still a very lackluster "Special Edition" of a five year old game.
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I've read some discussions suggesting the 64-bit .exe won't work with the current script extender. So any mods that require SKSE wouldn't work, if that's the case.
That's sort of old news. SKSE needs to be rebuilt from ground up, that will take time, for it to be at the level it is with the current edition it will take multiple months, for all the mods that use it to be updated individually, if they can, will take months. The common logic from PC users that I have seen and been a part of is, about 60% are going to jump over to the new Skyrim, 40% don't care. Of the 60% about half of them are going to go over, when things get ironed out, be that 4 months from now to a year.

So a recalculation, about 30% plan on going over on the day that it is released, if you factor in that many of those users do not understand that SKSE and all there favorite mods like SkyUI will not be available, your looking at around around a 50% turnaround of that group, so I would say from my research that 15% of the existing modding community will brave the new Skyrim, another 15% will migrate over over the next 4-6 months and another 15% will trail over the next year.

Also, a lot of modders have been put off by Bethesda, entitled console users (not all console users are entitled) and others have been scorn by the paid modding fiasco.

It will be slow, messy and make some people really angry.

I will have my popcorn ready.