so it was 15 years ago, I got that oversized box I sadly don't have anymore

and the manual wasn't called manual, it was called vault dwellers survival guide (I think). just one more example that there was a lot of thought in the game.
It was a time where in germany translated versions did not come as fast as they did now, but I preferred the original anyway, being bilingual and the localized version was cut (no maximum blood setting).
so I had this box, but I needed to go to work. a friend of mine was at my home and I told him "try it out" just to ask him later of he thought that it rocks ?
While I am an rpg fan I always found myself that (same with books) either I make it past the first few pages or not. sometimes the game did not appeal, sometimes I just wasn't in the mood (did not play morrowind or skyrim for those reasons).
luckily I had no problem getting to shady sands and vault 15 and from there on I was hooked.
things that I did:
- I worked on being wealthy (killed all the shady sands raiders and used that bug that I could overpack Ian if I just gifted everything to him, just to steal things back when needed).
- worked as a caravaner until a hidden timer ran out (the one after the water chip, there was some hidden timer when the mutants took over the world)
- saved the game and decided to kill the whole world, everyone I found

(there was some bug at the gun runners, I always got into combat even after everyone was dead, making looting the bodies tedious)
- played as a sniper with 10 perception and shot everyone in the groin with the sniper rifle and enjoyed all the combat taunts of my enemies (we mutants don't share the same weakness as you humans)