Still Mildly Glowing

TwinkieGorilla said:Humpsalot2 said:it could be im just sick of the JRPG standard
Eh, maybe you should stop playing generic JRPGs then?![]()
TwinkieGorilla said:Humpsalot2 said:it could be im just sick of the JRPG standard
Eh, maybe you should stop playing generic JRPGs then?![]()
BarackSays said:That sounds...pretty underwhelming to be quite honest.
The Dutch Ghost said:BarackSays said:That sounds...pretty underwhelming to be quite honest.
Yet it spoke more to my imagination than "We need you to go out to save the community."
Yeah, the whole "chosen one" scheme which united F1 and F2 is gone forever...Humpsalot2 said:Im still annoyed at the current story types in FO3 and NV, in FO1 and 2 you had to leave your home to save your village/vault/friends/elders/ect... by any means possible, this did a few things for me
1) Made me feel like the city hero
2) I was out there for the city not just myself
3) I would rationalize killing a shop owner to get my first sub machine gun (or doing something else "evil") bc i had to do it to save my village... now in FO3 and NV, you do something mean you are just an asshole out for yourself.
FO3 story was "i miss my daddy"
FONV story starts "Revenge/ why did someone shoot me?"
both 3 and NV are narcissist story lines, that dont make me feel like the "Hero" just some guy doing what he wants to find the info he wants, which leaves the choices to be "The Punisher" or super timid "Ill help you, so i can be strong someday" or something in between, but never "My friends rely on me" hero type like what was in FO 1 and 2.
Ausdoerrt said:I like the NV plot. Sure, it's personal and "narcissistic", but hey that was an interesting way to throw the player into the world. A very plausible one too. The nicest thing about it is that it take away that "you're special" feel that was prominent in FO3. You're really just a part of the world and none of it revolves around you.
TwinkieGorilla said:In this sense it is much more tuned to table-top RPG gaming.
Gustavo said:I saw your post on NMA about roleplaying, afraid you are going to be disappointed with FONV. I am at level 10 and this appears to be the same as FO3 for rp....You will need a weapon skill, repair, lockpick/science, and speech it seems. No playing a brilliant, smooth talker who never has to fire a shot, not going to happen. If you try this you will spend your time running from everything, and you can't outrun a deathclaw I found out. Speech and science seem to be the most valuable skills I have come across, too bad I didn't pick either.
sea said:Yeah, you still need to have at least one decent combat skill,unless you rely on stealth. The main story doesn't seem to require you to kill anyone, but you'd have to work pretty hard to sneak past everybody. That said, if you don't mind running from enemies, you can get through most situations in the game without too much bloodshed. There's definitely side-quests which require fighting, though, like taking out Legion outposts for the NCR, rescuing hostages, that sort of thing, but as far as I can tell it's not needed.
Humpsalot2 said:it could be im just sick of the JRPG standard "ive lost my memory". Think that is a lazy way to start a game. Sometimes it ends up cool like in KOTOR 2, you playing the bad guy seemed to be the plan at the start for that story, instead of hmmmm lets say we have a character that lost his memory and go from there lazy bs.
Ya the being chased by robots does sound cool for VB. gotta go, class.
sea said:Not so sure, really. There are a lot of choices in Fallout 1 and 2 that are very obviously "bad" and unnecessarily so, such as working with Gizmo when you have a much smarter alternative in Killian, or enlisting as a slaver in The Den. I never had to rationalise a good or evil deed based on my needs as a character, even with the fairly scarce resources in the first two games.
sea said:I understand what you're saying, but I still think the rationalisation given for doing bad things in Fallout and Fallout 2 is pretty poor. Resources aren't so scarce that shooting random people in the face is justified. "I brutally murdered this merchant for ammo so I could kill a bunch more people which probably wasn't necessary to complete my quest in the first place" isn't a very compelling argument in my eyes. Maybe it makes you feel a bit better, but it's pretty shaky to me. Ultimately you're showing a lack of respect for the lives of others.
The fact that the games do a very poor job of ever motivating you as a player to save your people doesn't help - why should I care about all those faceless people in Vault 13? The game tells me I'm supposed to like them and it's my duty to save them, but it hasn't provided me a reason to do so beyond the fact that it's the plot. It's the same problem some films run into - in Star Wars Episode II, for instance, we're asked to identify with characters because of their roles in the story and not because they behave in emotionally engaging ways. Maybe as a writer you think it's "obvious" why players should care about Vault 13, but I know that as a player I was much more interested in exploring the wasteland than I was in saving those xenophobic, undeveloped NPCs in Vault 13.
sea said:Maybe as a writer you think it's "obvious" why players should care about Vault 13, but I know that as a player I was much more interested in exploring the wasteland than I was in saving those xenophobic, undeveloped NPCs in Vault 13.
Anarchosyn said:Good points. Ironically, we were given the chance to form closer emotional bonds with the dwellers in Fallout 3 yet the story never really capitalized on that early game investment.
sea said:Actually, in New Vegas you're shot in the head and have memory loss as a result of that, at least short term, otherwise it'd make no sense for you to not know the various factions, locations and so forth. Pretty much the only thing you know about yourself is based on the note left on your body detailing your courier job. Pretty much stock standard amnesia. By contrast, all the other games have treated you as an outsider, isolated from the rest of the world.Nalano said:There's no "I lost my memory" for any of the Fallouts - 1, 2, 3 or NV. 1 and 2, you were just starting out in the world. 3, you're born in the game. NV, you're a nobody, but in all of them you always know who you are.
Humpsalot2 said:Ok now we are on the same page, the writers of the plot are not motivating us.
"Save your village" is a good motivator for me, and not for you, as you said you would rather explore the wasteland.
But on a plot argument, and not a gameplay argument of "interested in exploring wasteland" which is more motivating reason to you? "Go save your village(including your relatives, i assume)" or "Figure out why dad left the vault(i think a very very close word for word quest for first quest in FO3)"
Were you disappointed with New Vegas? just like you hated Fallout 3................
I'm curious