Have a Merry Christmas, NMA.

DirtyDreamDesigner should win a medal for that post
Happy Holidays folks of NMA!!! Hopefully see you guys around in a prosperous and heartfelt new year!

Carib of Gator Land Florida,
Proudly serving in the US Army

"Follow Me."
Merry Christmas motha fuckers! We r00l cuz y'know we hav3 teh kr15ma5 f1rs+!!1

TheWesDude said:
oh, and per:


Though the lizards are perfectly capable of fighting a two-front war against the cats and the rats, they don't really know the reason.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Merry Christmas, you sickly bands of nerdlings and socially impaired, you overthinking, intellectual elitist, you rabid, opinionated fanboys (and fangirls), you Belgian sickos and Polish sweetpea fetishists, you furrys and otherkin and imps, you various depressingly optimistic or crazy right winged yanks, you weird Australiastanis with your perpetually nice weather, you un-understandable militant Ruskis and to all other who are a part of this community.

Interesting definition of the NMA community.

Merry Christmas to all.
The Vault Dweller said:
Eyemaster7 that was even funnier than what I posted in this thread!

In the spirit of the Holidays, I'm going to act like I didn't even notice that!

Merrrrry christmas, happy newyear, etc. to all.