Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

I very much like the Vault and for whatever reason the supermarket, realy I love that place.Thats pretty much the moment when my retries ended tho.Cant be bothered for the rest anymore.
i personally injoyed the game a lot. it was the first fo i played after that i bought fallout 1 2 and tactics. i havent played fallout again yet because i barely get the chance soon ill see if the game does hold justice to the others.
This game really get's pretty dull...on the 4th playthrough!
Let's see...I've completed Fallout 1 about 20 times and Fallout 2 about 8 times (yeah, Horrigan is STILL hard) and I'd play some more at the moment if my gaming computer wasn't being fixed!
I've replayed Fallout 3 three times with about 30 hours each time. The first time was when it first came out and I was extremely curious as to what Bethesda had wrought in my beloved franchise. Disappointment, it turns out.

Replay #2 was after some mods came out. I modded the game so it would be extremely difficult, and that wrung more enjoyment out as the first 15 hours or so I was just barely holding on.

Replay #3 was this past couple of weeks. Same mods. I just REALLY want to play FO:NV, and was trying to sate the need with Fallout 3.

After ~100 hours of gameplay, I think it's safe to say that this is not an RPG by any measure. Quests are boring. You have no effect on ANYTHING. You're not really playing a role, you're going through the motions. However, there is one redeeming feature, and that's exploration. I genuinely enjoy trawling through the wastes and seeing what's where. With a good set of mods, the wasteland becomes extremely inhospitable, and the game becomes more of a tactical adventure. You'll still become godly if you quest and level up, though.

The only charm in Fallout 3 are the little flourishes you can find through exploration, like the Shelter in the Bethesda Ruins, or the terminals at the Georgetown Police HQ. Everything else is flat and boring.

Mods I highly recommend:

Real Injuries + Primary Needs
Mart's Mutant Mod
DC Confidential
DCInteriors (THE BEST mod. Bar none.)
I've replayed the game... 3 times I think. I've probably clocked about 300 hours in it. Most of that is just wandering around, doing side quests and whatnot. I probably would have done more full playthroughs if it wasn't so easy to max out skills/stats. If I had the PC version I would love to mod it and do another playthrough though.
Not replayed it yet. No need to, in the end there is no difference between characters.
Yeah, Ive probably replayed it 3 or 4 times, but only beat it twice because the main story is.... static I guess. Right around level 10 I usually find myself quitting, because even on very hard it's usually pretty easy by then. But I still do find new places, so that's about the only fun thing left.
The first time I played it was before I had tried FO1 or 2, and I thought that it was really cool.

The second time was a couple of weeks ago, after I had played FO1 4 times and FO2 once. I created a character who killed everyone he saw, instantly. Oh man is that game bad. Lvl1 character can beat Super Mutants to death with a baseball bat. :facepalm:
It was better then i expected,
but then... it just made me want to play Fallout 2,
and after i played FO2, it just reminded me why i didn't replay FO3 sooner.
After a break from playing it non-stop, I picked it up again and went for a more scavenger type, realistic adventure, playing the game on harder difficulty and not getting the Power Armor in the beginning and 10 million caps and other unfairness.
maximaz said:
I planned to replay it as an evil character but I didn't get too far past Megaton before changing my mind. I haven't turned it on since, not even once. I also got into achievements lately and I couldn't even make myself replay it for those.

I think we all somewhat enjoyed it the first time just because of the curiosity that built up over the years (those who did anyway).

Btw there is console commands to grant yourself achievements ;)
I've probably played about 400 hours total on Fallout 3.. I still find small things every now and then. I don't know what it is about Fallout3 that make me wanna play it.. maybe the vastness? Why people gotta hate on Fallout3 so much anyway? It can't be compared to FO1 or 2 in any way other than the fact that it has the same brand name and that they were made in two different time periods. I played FO1 after playing FO3 and I enjoyed both and am still currently playing FO1, regardless of the isometric view. Just wish people wouldn't ramble on and on about what a terrible game FO3 is.
I played it twice, first time round I got halfway through the story, but I was distracted by Tactics. Second playthrough (I had GoTY), I reached lvl 30, finished every quest, did every unmarked quest, and tried to get every unique weapon, but after about the 12th weapon, I was thinking, WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF!!!. Then, Iwas thinking of a third playthrough as an evil character, just to let some rage out, but I realised, the only bonus for being a evil character is a house in tenpenny, and that isn't worth it, whereas if your good all the time you get all the shit! It just wasn't right to me.
Well, as a note, I like Morrowind and Oblivion (assuming that some major mods are installed, noteably OOO+MMM which makes it a entirely new game)

I enjoyed my first playthough of FO3 with all the DLCs. It was fun, though two of the DLCs where more first person shooters then RPGs (O:Ak and the Mothership Zeta, which i felt was silly but fun) and Point lookout had a lot of charm, and was the only area that was a challange. The main quest was rather quick. The final battle at the water purifier was so easy it was stupid, and it took me two guesses to guess the code and save the world.

Didn't never went to the pitt, and got bored with broken steel.

tried starting it up with a evil charicter, and well, its has low replay value. Very low. One of these days I will go explore, as I still have to play the Pitt, and visit about half the map (Heck, never stepped foot in ten-penny tower) but I will do that after finishing Fo1, FO2, Tatics, and NV first.
I managed to end the vanila but lost my end game save before 1st dlc came; tried to restart only managed to do Point Lookout which was to my great suprise O.K. Later I wanted to finish Broken Steel, Pitt and OA but game began crahing freqently on my old computer; got new but since I got NV I coud not look at this shit, deleted this abomination from HD and and gave all my F03 discs to my 10 years old nephew. Now I'm free and :D man.
lmao said:
Curious about this one. How many of you intrepid Fallout fans have replayed Fallout 3 since your initial playthrough, and how was your experience the second time around? Did you enjoy it any more or less?

I played Fallout 3 as soon as it came out, and I just loaded it up with a crapton of mods and went for a second playthrough.

Even with the mods and the DLCs, my experience is exactly the same it was the first time. The mods (FOOK2, MMM, real injuries/primary needs) made it a lot harder at first, but I managed to become massively overpowered anyway. This game just has...no replay value whatsoever. There simply isn't enough choice anywhere. Most quests have a single ending. If they have two, one is a "bad" ending and one is a "good" ending...and neither ending has any repercussions for the game world at large. That makes Fallout 3 replayable twice and no more than that. Granted, I played a "good" character both times, but I can't imagine that playing a "bad" character would really change my mind about Fallout 3's replayability.

I played this game again on evil, I have to admit it was a little improvement. Blowing up a town with morons with lousy dialogue made me feel a little better. Also the fact that by doing so I erased a bit of this silly game. But then again, I did think a lot "why do I even bother to play this game?". I should ve accepted that I wasted my money on this game, as FO3 is just not the game for me.

Still the storyline sucks, even though you re playing "evil" you still have to do the "I love my daddy" main quest. Wich kinda ruins the whole experiance for me. Also the thons of other quests are basically the same. There is no evil option with the dumdum kids, you can't blow them up.

Looking back at it, I d say it may possibly be an average game. But then you really have to FORGET that its name is "Fallout 3". As a "fallout" game it sucks, the dialogue writing is horrible and so is the story.

Most of all this game reminded my of what I learned in marketing, there was a name for the strategy of these kind of games that are made:

* Cash cows are units with high market share in a slow-growing industry. These units typically generate cash in excess of the amount of cash needed to maintain the business. They are regarded as staid and boring, in a "mature" market, and every corporation would be thrilled to own as many as possible. They are to be "milked" continuously with as little investment as possible, since such investment would be wasted in an industry with low growth.