I don't get it, when it is about going to war, which costs a shitload of money and creates huge amount of debt (which also comes out of the taxpayers pockets) most of US citizens don't say a word, but when it comes to saving lives, and taking a step towards ending discrimination in healthcare, as health should bea fundamental right for every citizen, no matter the social strata of which he is part of, they start to protest and. And all this because of illegal immigrants, a phenomenon which first of all is the fault of the citizens themselves. I mean most of the illegal immigrants wouldn't come over if they wouldn't find any work, but of course it is cheaper for a business owner to hire illegal immigrants and pay them squat and also work them till they drop, then hire their own, . Hell, maybe if you force your citizens to pay for everyones healthcare, you as a business owner will think twice before hiring illegal immigrants and work them to death, because in the end you will have to pay for their hospitalization.
Really? People haven't been going on and on about all the "unjust" wars that are going on? They're pretty unpopular. The people are talking. Hell, it was brought up quite a bit during the last presidential campaigns. People are quite concerned about it. What are you talking about?