Healthcare reform just passed!

I think the funniest part about all this is that we're headed your way in Sweden, with a two party system with marginal political differences and privatized healthcare/insurance. Then again, we've always looked up to the US like crackwhores wanting crack, so no surprise there. If you actually try to go the other way, maybe my country will follow suit and won't turn to shit within the next couple of decades.
I don't get it, when it is about going to war, which costs a shitload of money and creates huge amount of debt (which also comes out of the taxpayers pockets) most of US citizens don't say a word, but when it comes to saving lives, and taking a step towards ending discrimination in healthcare, as health should bea fundamental right for every citizen, no matter the social strata of which he is part of, they start to protest and. And all this because of illegal immigrants, a phenomenon which first of all is the fault of the citizens themselves. I mean most of the illegal immigrants wouldn't come over if they wouldn't find any work, but of course it is cheaper for a business owner to hire illegal immigrants and pay them squat and also work them till they drop, then hire their own, . Hell, maybe if you force your citizens to pay for everyones healthcare, you as a business owner will think twice before hiring illegal immigrants and work them to death, becasue in the end you will have to pay for their hospitalization.
What I find ironic about the post-war Latin American immigration surge into the US, is that most of the southern States in the US were originally apart of Mexico (therefore Spanish Latin America) during much of the 18 and 19th century, and separatists from the United States of America forced the locals out and took over the lands. Sometimes the ‘White People’ of this world (I include myself) need to understand the past a bit more deeply and react with a greater sense of sympathy. What we fear the most is fear itself. The Republicans need to join some swinger clubs and relax a little more, Armageddon isn’t the answer…
.Pixote. said:
What I find ironic about the post-war Latin American immigration surge into the US, is that most of the southern States in the US were originally apart of Mexico (therefore Spanish Latin America) during much of the 18 and 19th century, and separatists from the United States of America forced the locals out and took over the lands. Sometimes the ‘White People’ of this world (I include myself) need to understand the past a bit more deeply and react with a greater sense of sympathy. What we fear the most is fear itself. The Republicans need to join some swinger clubs and relax a little more, Armageddon isn’t the answer…

You don't just have to bring up the south. You can include the entire country. This place definitely wasn't a desert island when it was found.

I like how the politicians act all crazy, when they're usually exempt from the shit they pass. And at the very least, it doesn't effect them the way it does the common citizen. I agree, though. They should relax, have a drink, and realize it's not really that big of a deal.

I don't get it, when it is about going to war, which costs a shitload of money and creates huge amount of debt (which also comes out of the taxpayers pockets) most of US citizens don't say a word, but when it comes to saving lives, and taking a step towards ending discrimination in healthcare, as health should bea fundamental right for every citizen, no matter the social strata of which he is part of, they start to protest and. And all this because of illegal immigrants, a phenomenon which first of all is the fault of the citizens themselves. I mean most of the illegal immigrants wouldn't come over if they wouldn't find any work, but of course it is cheaper for a business owner to hire illegal immigrants and pay them squat and also work them till they drop, then hire their own, . Hell, maybe if you force your citizens to pay for everyones healthcare, you as a business owner will think twice before hiring illegal immigrants and work them to death, because in the end you will have to pay for their hospitalization.

Really? People haven't been going on and on about all the "unjust" wars that are going on? They're pretty unpopular. The people are talking. Hell, it was brought up quite a bit during the last presidential campaigns. People are quite concerned about it. What are you talking about?

Do you really think that forcing a business to purchase health care for its employees would force someone from cheap labor to more expensive labor? Do you know anything about making a profit?
Professor Danger! said:
Really? People haven't been going on and on about all the "unjust" wars that are going on? They're pretty unpopular. The people are talking. Hell, it was brought up quite a bit during the last presidential campaigns. People are quite concerned about it. What are you talking about?

Back when everybody was celebrating the victory in Iraq before we invaded they didn't give two shits about the cost of it.

They never do, They are to busy dancing in the streets like true patriots to think about bill. The acted the same damn way every European did when World War 1 started, celebrating, parades, and saying it will be over by Christmas. To question where the money would come would be un-Patriotic. I know....I was told to move to France-Canada when I brought it up one time.
the_cpl said:
I just filled my tax papers. Can't wait the government spend my money on illegal immigrants' health care. :roll: I want a national health care for the citizens and for the legal immigrants, but not for illegals. :| And I don't think the government is ready for this huge health system changing action.

Ignore the fact that Illegal Immigrants are humans.
Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, yet they enjoy everything the States have to offer. It's not even that hard to get in legally, so why do they keep doing it?
I'm amazed at America's utter opposition to helping people.

Inb4 "WHY NOT VOLUNTARILY GIVE TO THOSE WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE INSTEAD OF TAXES??!?!" My question is how does it make a difference?
OakTable said:
Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, yet they enjoy everything the States have to offer. It's not even that hard to get in legally, so why do they keep doing it?


I am a middle classed Latin American, and I can assure you, its harder to one of us to live in the US than you think. Much harder. Really.
Why is everyone else responsible for taking care of Mexicans except Mexico? People want to bash America for wealth inequality but then give Mexico (not a poor, 3rd world country) a free pass and still expect America (a country that by most accounts in this thread is FUBAR) to pick up their slack?

Shouldn't Mexico be shouldering responsibilities proportional to its standing in the world?

What does that say about the rich and powerful of Mexico and why are they not held accountable but America is?

Radiated Heinz said:
I am a middle classed Latin American, and I can assure you, its harder to one of us to live in the US than you think. Much harder. Really.
To get a Visa? Fill out a few papers, pay a few fees, wait a few months. I've gone through it. It was painless.
OakTable said:
It's not even that hard to get in legally.

So people are risking their lives crossing the border for an ungodly sum of money, often being shot by landowners or killed by heat stroke/thirst and then eaten by coyotes, with those getting in being continuously hunted by the police, just for a tax cut?

I think I understand now. :roll:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Why is everyone else responsible for taking care of Mexicans except Mexico? People want to bash America for wealth inequality but then give Mexico (not a poor, 3rd world country) a free pass and still expect America (a country that by most accounts in this thread is FUBAR) to pick up their slack?

Shouldn't Mexico be shouldering responsibilities proportional to its standing in the world?

What does that say about the rich and powerful of Mexico and why are they not held accountable but America is?
'Mexico sucks too! Please start talking about them not us!'

It's a bit hard for a Mexican who walks into a US hospital to be treated in Mexico, no?
Cimmerian Nights said:
To get a Visa? Fill out a few papers, pay a few fees, wait a few months. I've gone through it. It was painless.
Were you a poor Mexican with little education?
Cimmerian Nights said:
Sander said:
'Mexico sucks too! Please start talking about them not us!'
It doesn't suck at all, double standards do.
What double standards? No one is praising Mexico's health care.
Letting them off the hook for taking care of their own people and then blaming the US for not doing the same, when they don't even do it for their own people. Applying one set of rules to one and not the other = double standard.

But I do apologize for letting that get in the way of the general America bashing.

Sander said:
Were you a poor Mexican with little education?
Since when are those obstacles exclusive to entering America?
Cimmerian Nights said:
Letting them off the hook for taking care of their own people and then blaming the US for not doing the same, when they don't even do it for their own people. Applying one set of rules to one and not the other = double standard.
No one is talking about Mexico. No one is criticizing Nigeria's health care either, does that mean that everyone thinks that health care system is fine? No. It means that what's being discussed isn't Nigeria's health care system, but the US health care system, which is seperate from other health care systems. THis 'why don't you talk about them' line is nonsense, it's like someone just caught a kid stealing cookies from the cookie jar and the kid goes 'But he did it too!'

But if you do want to talk about Mexico too, there's actually a very good reason why the US should have a better health care system than Mexico: the US is much wealthier than Mexico and hence has more means to take care of people.

Cimmerian Nights said:
Since when are those obstacles exclusive to entering America?
Since when is anyone claiming those are exclusive to entering America? Oaktable claimed it was easy as pie to become a legal US citizen. Obviously, that's not true across the board. Which is why I made that remark. To debunk what someone else claimed.

Now stop trying to divert the attention away from the issue at hand: the USA's health care system. Not the health care system of Mexico, not the way immigration is handled elswhere, not Tidzjikistan's treatment of its own people, because this thread isn't about that.
Can anyone tell us which country in the world offers the best health care system…I always thought it would be a country from Northern Europe (maybe this is a myth) - their affordability couldn’t be as bad as the US.
All I ask for is some consistency, if folks lament the lack of social services for illegals, perhaps they should look at why they come here in the first place. If folks truly gave a shit about that, they'd look to the source of the problem, which is not America.