Healthcare reform just passed!

Oh noez! America is doomed! Well thats what the fat guy told me so it must be true. the commies are taking over with their Social programs and interfering with my Social Security......

Ok that is enough of that. So it passed...wee....But it won't take effect for years now anyway.

I'd rather have Dental....that shit can burn a hole through your bank account.....2k for a fucking cap.
TheGM said:
Oh noez! America is doomed! Well thats what the fat guy told me so it must be true. the commies are taking over with their Social programs and interfering with my Social Security......

Ok that is enough of that. So it passed...wee....But it won't take effect for years now anyway.

I'd rather have Dental....that shit can burn a hole through your bank account.....2k for a fucking cap.

Jeez and I thought dental here was expensive. Saying that I get it for free because I am an evil socialist liberal commie spunging of the state to further my evil plans of global domination. That or I'm unemployed.
I like how people are like "you Americans", when the Americans didn't have anything to do with it. Representatives don't represent the American people anymore. Hell, after all of the backdoor dealings it took to finally pass this thing?

I think that's what American needs. The government has done such a good job with everything that we need more of it in our lives. Especially since healthcare isn't an American "right", nor was it demanded by a majority of the people. But as long as those politicians that we against it finally got their backs rubbed a certain, way, i'm sure everything will be swell for the American people.
I like you americans who dont want the bill act like the representatives did that by their absolute will, like there are no americans wanting the healthcare.
Radiated Heinz said:
I like you americans who dont want the bill act like the representatives did that by their absolute will, like there are no americans wanting the healthcare.

Since when does the American government listen to it's people? When they go into unpopular wars? When they start adding to and chiseling away certain rights?

Oh wait, it was when this major reform was put to a vote in November, right?

Sure, some Americans want this. However some don't. Healthcare is not a right. Never has been. Well, until now apparently. Nevermind the millions of people who are quite happy with what they have.

It just has to be "agreements" and back door dealings that got this passed. It has been pretty unpopular. Unpopular in government and for the people. Now it has been passed. I think it would be interesting to see how that was all done. You know, behind the scenes.

But in the end, fuck it. The government does whatever it wants.
If this was such a great deal for all Americans, then let the people vote for/against it. Don't cram it down our goddamned throats, and leave it for our children to pay for it.

Is it my obligation to pay for people who take welfare, need to get health insurance for their 7 children? No.

Regardless, take a look at the various town hall meetings, and see what the average American thinks of this legislation.

November will show how how the country feels about it.

I get the feeling Democrats are going to get a rude awakening.
Grazhdanin Viper said:
November will show how how the country feels about it.

I get the feeling Democrats are going to get a rude awakening.

Yeah, I can see the Republicans taking over *again* pretty easily in November. But regardless, I see Obama having pretty much using all of his energy to get this thing passed and not really accomplishing anything else during his presidency.

It's kinda funny. 8 years of Bush and people wanted a change. Not even 2 years of Obama and people seem to be ready to go back.
Yeah, this is all going to be repealed when the backlash it caused gets the republicans voted back in. That's what shady, backroom, partisan politics begets.

And so the pendulum swings again, I just fear the extremes of both parties when it does swing.
Cimmerian Nights said:
And so the pendulum swings again, I just fear the extremes of both parties when it does swing.

That's why we need a democrat in the white house and a republican majority or vice versa. It's much safer for everyone when nothing gets done than when politicians come up with "good ideas".
Well, this bill is the child of partisan politics, and it'll will only beget and engender the same kind of petty bullshit from the republicans, all to the detriment of the people.

Recently voters tend to overcompensate for the failings of the previous regime. We just went from total bible-thumping neo-con evangelicals to having the most liberal member of congress (a whopping single term) take his place. These extremes beget and engender the same partisan backlash.
Agreed, but seriously, why all the urgency? Why not take the time to do it, but do it RIGHT?

Oh, wait, election year. What was I thinking?

Republican attorneys general in 11 states warned that lawsuits will be filed to stop the federal government overstepping its constitutional powers and usurping states' sovereignty.

Ten of the attorneys general plan to band together in a collective lawsuit on behalf of Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.

Boy, this healthcare stuff is going to be really entertaining. It's definitely not over yet.
Professor Danger! said:
Boy, this healthcare stuff is going to be really entertaining. It's definitely not over yet.
So we didn't even have to wait very long at all for out petty partisan backlash!

This is what's so great, so instead of investing time and resources into taking care of people like the whole point of this debate should be, we waste it all on lawyers and attorneys with countless man hours spent bickering over the minutiae.

Let's form a committee, get some independent council to investigate!

Meanwhile the people for whom this bill will affect one way or the other all lose while we arbitrate a partisan pissing contest on the taxpayer's dime.
you being sarcastic about having more taxes its ok. Being sarcastic for more welfare is almost funny, if not depressing.
OakTable said:
Oh god damnit. God fucking damnit. "Hooray for more taxes and welfare! HOORAYYYYY!"

Look on the bright side, the other western first world countries can no longer laugh at America for being the only one without national healthcare.
It seems Americans like to waste money on overpriced healthcare.

Quick comparison (I thank my American bro for supplying the nubmers):

America: Removal of three wisdom teeth, 1 hour procedure: 4800$
Poland: Removal of three wisdom teeth, 1 hour procedure: 100$

How come we're not nearly as well off as America, but our healthcare is waay cheaper and just as adequate?