Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

I'm guessing a plate armour wearer of some kind as there is usually one or two. Though this might tie the bow user so you can get someone heavily armoured using a crossbow or lightly armoured using a hunting bow.
I do hope for someone with cool armour though as manly barbarians aren't my thing.
Kyuu said:
The fact that the Rogue from the first Diablo was killed in the first act of Diablo II doesn't matter
Wait, what?
What did I miss?

Also, I'm hoping for a return of the Monk class from Hellfire.
Alphadrop said:
I do hope for someone with cool armour though as manly barbarians aren't my thing.
I agree. Never liked the Barbarian much (hugely muscled, physical-juggernaut archetype), and like I said, the Witch Doctor (tribal voodoo archetype) doesn't appeal to me either. I do like the Wizard so far, though.

One interesting bit of speculation is maybe something like a Marauder class. Would be more of a quick, agile sort of melee class, and I can imagine him having a tree based around spears/polearms, which would be cool. Think: something like this.
PlanHex said:
Kyuu said:
The fact that the Rogue from the first Diablo was killed in the first act of Diablo II doesn't matter
Wait, what?
What did I miss?

lol I was confused about that too. I played the whole game like 5 times and never noticed that Rogue died in the first act.
most people never make the link between the rogue & Blood Raven without someone explaning it to them. and with good reason as it's never made obvious in the game itself.
But it's good that Blizzard thought of adding those subtle clues.

The false Summoner is also a character from the first Diablo.
SuAside said:
most people never make the link between the rogue & Blood Raven without someone explaning it to them. and with good reason as it's never made obvious in the game itself.
True enough as it's not really spelled out for you. Kasha does say that Blood Raven was a captain of the Rogues during the assault on Tristram Cathedral though.

I think the main reason most people never make the link is because they click through the quest monologues. :P
Kyuu said:
True enough as it's not really spelled out for you. Kasha does say that Blood Raven was a captain of the Rogues during the assault on Tristram Cathedral though.

I think the main reason most people never make the link is because they click through the quest monologues. :P
heroes flocked to Tristram. a captain implies that she led at least a semi-decent number. the D1 rogue was a lone archer.

i never made the connection on the first playthrough (i listen/read all dialogue) and learnt of it only years later.

in the same way the Summoner is implied to be (at least the body of) the sorcerer from D1, but it is never said outright. and it of course doesn't need to be. people are usually better off always making their own interpretation of events of lore.

i always hated parts of the FO Bible because they conflict with what i feel the FO universe should, and discarded those parts. i'm pretty sure others feel the same. and here Blizzard kinda leaves it open for you to decide (though it's no coincidence that the two non-canon heroes of D1 end up corrupted and the canon hero ends up as Diablo himself...).
SuAside said:
heroes flocked to Tristram. a captain implies that she led at least a semi-decent number. the D1 rogue was a lone archer.
Yes, heroes flocked to Tristram, but when you play the game you never encounter a single other hero. Unless you count multiplayer, but then that'd discount any of the heroes being a lone anything. But according to lore, there were many, many heroes who attempted to lay siege to Diablo's minions beneath the cathedral. That would include more than one Rogue, presumably, and it would stand to reason that the Rogue you play would be the Captain, rather than some rookie.

But I agree with you, the connection is only implied and hinted at, and it is better that way. However, while being able to interpret things for yourself is cool and all, if the event has any significance to the plot then it really has to have an official "canon" version.
The problem I always had with Diablo was that the entire story line was so subtle. I'd had no idea about any of those events from purely playing the game.
That stuff is all so simple if you just actually followed the story, listened to the NPCs and so on.

I think the only people that bothered to experience the storyline or actually even play Singleplayer are the people that bought the damn thing back in 2000.
It really weirds me out to think that so few people actually really experienced the game.

Also pubbies are idiots, just throwing that in there.
I listened to the dialogs each time I played the game and never made the connections. I thought Blood Raven was just one of the Rogues.

Even though she was a captain, I doubt any of Tristam heroes were rookies, so it wasn't much of a hint for me, especially since there wasn't any squad in the first game. It's cool that she is the Rogue but I wish I knew it when I was playing.

I wonder if any Diablo 2 characters will come back, besides Cain.
maximaz said:
I wonder if any Diablo 2 characters will come back, besides Cain.
I would bet on seeing familiar D2 classes coming back as either bosses (like the D1 classes in D2) or NPCs. Unless of course they're planning on possibly bringing one back for the inevitable expansion.
Kyuu said:
Yes, heroes flocked to Tristram, but when you play the game you never encounter a single other hero.
you meet plenty, but they're a bit busy being dead. :P
Wow, I was so lost in the ozone that I never even got wind that we get to re-visit the area of Tristram in D3, and even explore the ruins of the Cathedral. This is sure to bring back some good memories from the first Diablo, if done right.

And, I believe that Tyrael and Cain are so far the only prequel characters "confirmed" to be in the game and play a (rather major) part in the story.

I want that.