Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

you don't have to, I think. Might be wrong. But soon enough people will rather get away from D3, as its right now either about dieing all the time in Inferno or playing the AH (auction house) game. Some people spend more time there then actually gaming. And D3 offers no late game content except for playing Inferno. So, I guess they will make it easier soon enough.
Okay, okay... someone got in, but they can't use the data because it's encrypted. And no one can break that stuff, it's ImpossibleTM

Finally pushed my barbarian into level 60 yesterday, before Izual & Diablo. After these suckers, I'll close Hell and finally play Inferno.

Curiosity for non-portuguese speakers: Hell (eng) = Inferno (pt-br).

Normal - Nightmare - Hell - Inferno, in here, is translated as:

Normal (Normal) - Pesadelo (Nigthmare) - Tormento (Torture) - Inferno (Hell)
While Wilson's replay is not cool at all, it's hard not to eyeroll at the veritable crusade this has spawned. As if the people inhabiting the cesspool that are the diablo forums are some kind of chaste saints deeply offended by a cuss, while Blizzard's dev team probably deals with death threats on a daily basis. I mean, seriously, it's half hilarious and half depressing.

On another note, that 1.04 patch seems fine indeed. May go back to playing the game if it rurns out well. My witch-doc has been collecting dust because I don't want to play a Wizard lite, but it seems that pets will be viable now. Oh, and sorry purists, but eventually getting rid of MF is a good move in my books. What an utter bore of a stat.
yes, the changes to some classes seem reasonable, I don't mind making less useful skills better. Though the changes to drop quality is also welcome. And the so called "paragon" system, where you have a chance to "level" up even after you hit 60. Your level will still be at level 60 but you have a chance to earn "paragon" levels till you reach 100 so like 60 + 40 paragon. With each new "level" here you get +3% in magic and gold find I think. Reaching 100 here is compared to reaching lvl 99 in Diablo 2. Though just what I have read could be wrong. Funny how people somehow are panicking now, thinking the MF gear they bought for "billions" is now worthless ... well next time better don't spend MONEY on a game that is getting constantly patched.
Ilosar said:
On another note, that 1.04 patch seems fine indeed. May go back to playing the game if it rurns out well. My witch-doc has been collecting dust because I don't want to play a Wizard lite, but it seems that pets will be viable now. Oh, and sorry purists, but eventually getting rid of MF is a good move in my books. What an utter bore of a stat.
1.0.4 is a straight out nerf to appease the noobs, and the paragon crap is something to keep the nolifers busy.

Blizzard always does this. First endgame content is incredibly hard, and once the truly hardcore get past it, they slap a nerf on it so that everyone has a shot at it. In the hope of not losing hardcore nolifers, they've thrown the paragon thing in.

If you want to max out paragon, you're looking at about 7000 hours of normal gameplay according to some calculations I've heard. 5000 hours if you play with +XP gem in a helmet socket.

So don't cry victory over MF just yet. Only the truly lifeless will max out MF without any +MF gear on.

Looking around at some of my more hardcore friends, the game is already dying. The hardcore are bored. The gameplay is uninteresting. And now most hard stuff gets a nerf (Ghom, invuln mobs, the most difficult combos for bosses are being removed, enrage timers removed,...).
I suspect now might be a good time to cash out in the RMAH if you have some really good stuff and are thinking of stopping. Grab some money & get out.

PS: Yes, I too feel that while D3 was sufficiently fun to play for a while, I do feel it kinda shit on the memory of D1 in an attempt to appeal to the most broad audience possible. Seems like a common blizzard tactic nowadays. Characters like Shen and the Pandaren (sp?) are only there to appease the asian market. They bring absolutely no further value and basically delude the older lore & setting.
some people call it nerfs, others call it "balancing".

Why should hardcore players be any focus at all? You know what was the mistake in the first place? Inferno being the only endgame content. Many things which made Diablo 2 succesfull for such a long time are not present in Diablo 3. Like the PVP, the ladder (and its reset), the fact that "usual" people could actually play the so called "end game" etc.

With the changes from 1.09 to 1.10 in Diablo 2 Magic find was not the most important stat anymore either. And rightfully so.

I dont see Diablo 3 as "good" Diablo game, but it is fun, if somewhat dull and boring after some time. But I think some of the changes in 1.04 sound good. And dont forget, the mobs get easier but the "usual" enemies receive a buff between 10 and 20% or something. Many of the things they do now should have been there since the first day, like a better balance between the classes and builds. Why do people think it was a good thing that the only barbs which survived inferno have to be "tank" barbs (pre 1.03).
Yeah.. My friends and I ended up becoming bored and haven't logged into B.net for at least a month now. Variety is seriously lacking, but I think I also just don't have it in me to "grind" in any game anymore, especially if there's no player vs. player gameplay to incentivize making the same runs over and over and over again.
they killed my DH.

not sure if it was intentional, or an unintentional side effect of messing with them, but gas grenades no longer allow DHes to play the tank build.

the core mechanic that allowed DHes to be tanks was that it worked like so:
throw gas grenade
gas grenade explodes dealing damage, LOH #1
gas grenade dot hits 1 sec in, LOH #2
dot #2 hits, LOH #3
final dot #4 hits, LOH #4

now the caltrops and shuriken cloud helped people with lesser gear make it or lower LOH make it work.

when i have been trying it, for some reason i am not getting the LOH procs from the DOT, or else those procs are reliant upon the new lowered proc chance rather than LOH inherent proc chance of 100%.

i have also noticed that im not getting my almost 900 LOH, i am getting 200-500.

so now rather than getting 4 procs of LOH from gas grenades, now you only get the initial, and they are half or less of what your LOH stat is.

something is bjorked.
Makagulfazel said:
Yeah.. My friends and I ended up becoming bored and haven't logged into B.net for at least a month now. Variety is seriously lacking, but I think I also just don't have it in me to "grind" in any game anymore, especially if there's no player vs. player gameplay to incentivize making the same runs over and over and over again.
Just today I had some of the best rounds in a long time. Playing Inferno with my barbarian was never that much of a problem. I died in act 3, it was a very slow grind. But I had no trouble playing act 2. Alone.

Problem? As soon you get in a game with someone else ... impossible. Not that we cant go forward, but seriously, dieing 3 or 4 times with every mob isn't what I consider "fun". And playing Diablo alone is something I hate. But thx to patch 1.04 its possible to play it with 2 or 3 people. Its difficult, but not frustrating. Not that our gear is "perfect". But well some of us have also a life next to Diablo.

I think this patch is definitely a step in the right direction.
Did an Act III sweep fairly effortlessly yesterday. Clearly a significant nerf compared to what it used to be. Act IV is still a pain in the ass, but not quite as impossible for my monk as it used to be.