Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

Well, it looks like I was right about the martial artist thing.

That's 2 classes with Asian origins, so what would happen to the last one? :)
Starseeker said:
Well, it looks like I was right about the martial artist thing.

That's 2 classes with Asian origins, so what would happen to the last one? :)

I'm not so certain I'd consider this most recent addition to be of "Asian" origin. It seems to me the style is more so that of the Middle East, more specifically, Persia no?
So there is a cool new interview with Leonard Boyarsky on Hellforge.

It looks like they're trying to be closer to Diablo 1 in terms of style and overall feel. The quests (and other content) will also be randomized for each playthrough, just like it was in Diablo 1. That's what I was hoping for. Anyway, it's a good read.

PS. Where is Boyarsky from? I got this strange vibe from the interview that English is not his native tongue (not trying to offend or anything).
maximaz said:
It looks like they're trying to be closer to Diablo 1 in terms of style and overall feel. The quests (and other content) will also be randomized for each playthrough, just like it was in Diablo 1. That's what I was hoping for. Anyway, it's a good read.

I only played a wee bit of the original, I mostly played/play Diablo 2; what do you mean when you say the quests will be randomized like in the original? If this were the case in D2 then Blood Raven would have a completely unique graveyard each play through, or a different Mephisto room each time you faced him? That sort of thing?
As an example, in the first two (three?) levels there were 3 quests to chose from: The Butcher, King Leoric or Poisoned Water. In each playthrough only two of those would show up.
And I think that pattern was the same until the lowest levels. 3 quests available, 2 chosen randomly.
Dirk Magirk said:
I only played a wee bit of the original, I mostly played/play Diablo 2; what do you mean when you say the quests will be randomized like in the original? If this were the case in D2 then Blood Raven would have a completely unique graveyard each play through, or a different Mephisto room each time you faced him? That sort of thing?

Pretty much what PlanHex said. You'd get a different set of quests for different playthroughs. In a particular game you may or may not encounter a particular quest. If this were the case in D2, you might not get the Blood Raven quest at all but something else entirely. It made replaying the game feel fresh and much more enjoyable than D2.
not sure if I'm up for another round of mindless hack'n'slash these days, but the game sure looks pretty.
I believe this is an appropriate use of thread necromancy...



"Fresh" and "original" design, or an example of the D3 devs totally missing the mark?

Edit: Changed broken image to link, seems however Twitter hosts their images isn't reliable.
No it's not. And the character design is totally boring.

EDIT: And it's off again. Not really worth it, to be honest.

5th class of Diablo 3 revealed - Demon Hunter

Full info on:

http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/characters/demonhunter.xml http://www.diablofans.com/topic/22400-the-demon-hunter-unveiled/?s=8a18441592858b05156cd50201b79f7c

Demon Hunter - well, it seems to be a combo of assassins and amazons. The weapon progression seems to be right, iirc, repeating crossbows and grenades were invented in China after the long or composite bows.

I am, however, interested in a statement from wiki, it says that D2 classes might be brought back through future expansions of D3. Is there any confirmation on that?