Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I don't find anything wrong with the feel of the game. feels plenty Diablo to me. like I said earlier, it reminded me so much of Diablo 1 that I went from slight interest to slight extacy.
but I do get the complaints about difficulty. granted, this is the first part of the game and it's still giving you tutorial tips right up until the end. but with my first character, a Demon Hunter, I didn't use one single health potion during the entire beta. as someone who normally doesn't play these types of games, I found that a bit odd. I was only below half health maybe once or twice. with the Mage I had to use some early on, however, so it could be that the DH class simply suits me very well or is actually an easy class to play. either way, it's still too early to tell and I can imagine the game getting a lot more difficult later on. enemies seem to do a lot of damage if they actually get to hit you. with the DH it was pretty easy to avoid that, though.
but I do get the complaints about difficulty. granted, this is the first part of the game and it's still giving you tutorial tips right up until the end. but with my first character, a Demon Hunter, I didn't use one single health potion during the entire beta. as someone who normally doesn't play these types of games, I found that a bit odd. I was only below half health maybe once or twice. with the Mage I had to use some early on, however, so it could be that the DH class simply suits me very well or is actually an easy class to play. either way, it's still too early to tell and I can imagine the game getting a lot more difficult later on. enemies seem to do a lot of damage if they actually get to hit you. with the DH it was pretty easy to avoid that, though.