PlanHex said:
But you know what? Even if there's a better chance of getting awsum itemz in D3, I think I still prefer D2, because the grind wasn't unfairly challenging.
(and the rest what you said)
Exactly! Finally someone who understands. You nailed the issue on the head without just complaining knowing that most of the things in D3 are very similar to D2. Time consuming farming. Low to now drops etc. I see you are another D2 hardcore player oh the joy of wasting your childhood with gaming
Though I agree that the combination of affixes on some enemies can make it pretty difficult, and sometimes impossible to beat them in D3.
But playing your barb on hell in D2 if it was not a perfect build wasn't really easy either. Gosh! Playing against Diablo alone with a lvl 90 Barb using Immortal King set would get you killed sometimes simply because the enemy in Diablos realm had Iron maiden wich would reflect damage. Pretty awesome as melee fighter when you cause the damage to your self. Whirlwind in the group. Suddenly dead with the first 2 sec.! I just played recently before the release D3 with the barb again. It seems they changed that spell. It has no effect anymore. Not like in the past.
Some combinations on the elites in D2 could be quite powerful. Ever got an elite with immunity to physical damage, extra strong and mana burn? Oh the joys of that fight ... it was worse then a fight with Baal sometimes ... because the minions had mana burn as well.
sea said:
Crni Vuk said:
Strange though that people have not even played D3 for a week and already complained "where is my super gear!".
The issue isn't "super gear", it's that a) uniques suck b)
uniques and sets are ludicrously rare c) even good rares are very hard to come by d) you need better quality items to beat certain acts than what you can find in them (without grinding for hours). Plus the actual number of modifiers on items, options for building your character etc. are dramatically reduced over Diablo II.
Did you even played Diablo 2?
What you describe here can be said almost as well about D2. Most of the uniques sucked there as well. Except when you started to make them elite which was not easy either (with the cube and runes). Most of the green set items have been useless as well. I sure almost never used them. And even with hours of grinding you would most of the time not even find a single good item. Again, I got most of my stuff by trading. With runes and gems. And I had my MF sorce in D2. Multiple characters. Thousands of Baal-Meph etc. runs. Rune runs. Playing characters only because of the rune quests. And so on. I was much younger at that time and I had much more time and friends in D2.
Maybe D3 is a bit different, for sure. But when I read the complaints regarding equipment it feels like people really never ever played Diablo 2.
korindabar said:
Crni Vuk said:
So just because once a weapon was bought in the auction house does not mean equipment is dropping better or worse compared to Diablo 2. Again. Finding the REALLY good equipment in D2 could take you ages. Strange though that people have not even played D3 for a week and already complained "where is my super gear!".
Not sure what you're saying... I'm talking about people needing to buy gear on the AH because the gear they needed wasn't dropping in acts 1 and 2. This was a physical limitation on the types of items that could drop in these acts.
It wasn't a small percentage, it was a 0 percentage.
Then I am curious how the people got their hands on the stuff they sold on the auction house if it was a zero chance?
Guys. Someone MUST have been able to find the stuff by grinding one way or another.
I will say it again. You could play MONTHS of Diablo 2 in Hell and NOT find a single GOOD peace you needed for one of your characters. The amount of garbage you might get was very high. In D3 at least you can give it to your smith which makes the progress with low lvl characters much easier. There was a french guy which managed to get the enigma in around 1 or 2 months.
Of. Playing. D2. As. Full. Time. Job.
It was the high number of cheating back then (and now) which increased the number of valuable equipment in D2 and mde it easy to buy and trade the stuff. Seriously there was literally no chance to get for example the Immortal King set in "time" if you never traded with other players. With all the hours I played D2 I cant remember a single time I had the soul cage as drop. Or Tyraels Might. Or something like that. It takes really ages to get those things.
Now you buy it over the auction house. Might be that this is at the moment not really "great" because of the prizes. But those will drop eventually. Things will get normal.
Maybe I am wrong with this no clue. But it feels to me like people play Inferno for 1 or 2 months now (since the game is released) and expect that it works like Diablo 2 after 1 or 2 years! Strange enough, A friend told me that those coming from D2 accept things as what they are - he is playing Inferno with his friends and he played for years with me D2. Though people which moved over to D3 from other games like WoW ... now complain. Well. Make out of that what ever you want now. Finding the best stuff or just acceptable gear in the highest difficulty was always "hardcore gaming" in Diablo terms the rest of the usual players had only the chance to trade or buy. I don't know why people complain about that now at least if you are coming from "old" Diablo games as how like many people claim.
SuAside said:
It's that it's boring as shit to farm
same question to you. Did you played Diablo 2?