Help topic: Identifying books/comic books/movies/anything

Here's a challenge: In my childhood I played this PC game demo and I'd really like to figure out which game it was so I can finally hunt down and play the full game. It would have been 96 or 97 when I played it and somewhere around 93 to 95 when it was made(educated guess from my memory of the graphics style, the demo disk was pretty old by then too)

It was a third person point and click game, where you have static scenes and clicked where you wanted the PC to go. My memories are very hazy of it so I'll try my best with the details. You controlled a young man who was in a secret agent training boot camp or something, and the only people there were you and a drill instructor.

You had to pass a series of tests to graduate. In one test you were locked in a jail cell and had to figure out how to get out. To get out of the jail cell you had to ask for foor and you were brought rice in a metal bowl and sit it on the tray compartment. Then you stand on the top of the bed's headboard, jump onto the springs, then grab onto the light in midair and rip down the electrical wires. Then attach the wires to the bowl and tell the instructor you were done and he'd grab the bowl and get shocked, fingers melted to the bowl. Reach through the tray compartment and grab his keys and you're out. In another test the instructor hid somewhere in the camp and you had to find him, he was hiding in a barrel in the food pantry and to get him to come out you clicked on the hole in the barrel where he was peeking out and the PC poked him in the eye.

That's the only details I remember, other than a vague memory from the opening movie where a man drives up to a bank in an armored car and a man walks out of the bank and asks for the password and the answer the driver gives him is "bimbo"

Sorry I don't have more, I'm reaching back for four hours of my life from fifteen years ago.
A kids tv show, late 70's early 80's probably Australian. A group of modern day kids get marooned on two tropical islands, one of which is controlled by 17th century pirates who want to capture them. On the other island they find a WW2 amphibious vehicle with a stylized mouth painted on the prow.

What was it called, did they make it off the island before the show was cancelled, why am I even asking while sober? :)
I've been trying to find this horror movie I remember watching as a kid at my babysitter's house. This was in ~94, but the movie itself was most likely from the 70s-80s. I was five or six at the time, and I definitely remember there being tits; so it'd be rated R for sure.

It was about some creepy family (possibly on a farm, or just a really rural home). I'm almost positive the little girl had one of those sock monkey dolls. Unfortunately that's all I can remember. Hopefully there's an old cheesy horror movie buff out there.

requiem_for_a_starfury said:
A kids tv show, late 70's early 80's probably Australian. A group of modern day kids get marooned on two tropical islands, one of which is controlled by 17th century pirates who want to capture them. On the other island they find a WW2 amphibious vehicle with a stylized mouth painted on the prow.

What was it called, did they make it off the island before the show was cancelled, why am I even asking while sober? :)

Was it 'The Lost Islands'?

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
tits and sock monkey doll

Hmmmm. Tits narrows it down to about 97% of all horror movies from the 90's and 80's. Sock monkey doll... in what context??

This is probably even more ridiculous but does anyone remember a music video from the early 90's of a band playing in a white room and one of them (the guitarist I think) is wearing a dark baseball cap and a colorful sweater (or wool sweater type top) with a row of skulls on it as part of the pattern? It was a rock song.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Hopefully there's an old cheesy horror movie buff out there.

I am, somewhat... but I definitely need more info. It doesn't ring a bell so far :(

Ah, I love this thread. I'm a nostalgia nut. There's a couple of posts here that beat me to helping identify some of the stuff already sought. Maybe next time! :roll:

There's one thing that I've never been able to find for myself among the multitudes of random crap I've rediscovered through the years. Maybe on the offchance someone remembers this one:

It a claymation / stop motion movie (definitely not "The Adventures of Mark Twain", but certainly a similar style) with strange little stories, almost like fairy tales, but not. I think the opening story was a mouse reading a story to his son about a giant who had lost his toe and was looking for it. I also remember two rocks sitting on a hill, singing to each other. My guess would be that it was from the late 80s to early 90s, give or take. Can't find this movie for the life of me, so if you know it, you have my undying love.
It a claymation / stop motion movie (definitely not "The Adventures of Mark Twain", but certainly a similar style) with strange little stories, almost like fairy tales, but not. I think the opening story was a mouse reading a story to his son about a giant who had lost his toe and was looking for it. I also remember two rocks sitting on a hill, singing to each other. My guess would be that it was from the late 80s to early 90s, give or take. Can't find this movie for the life of me, so if you know it, you have my undying love.[/quote]

Here you go

I remember a movie in which the car was possessed with some sort of evil spirit (not Christine). It was made in the states in the 1970s, set in Nevada, or a similar desert location. Anyway the start of the movie a guy is standing waiting to hitch a ride when the evil car rolls up and runs him over.

EDIT: Found it - The Car 1977.

A Movie/Series about a Cop that is dead but he spontaneously comes back to life or something like that. The guy had a very 80s stache, his friends/colleagues put sunglasses on him while carrying him places. I am not sure about the year, we got old movies and reruns all the time without being told so. It must be relatively popular as I remeber it being dubbed to spanish.
Let's give this a try. I'm looking for one or more science fiction shows/movies from the late 70s or earlier. These are very early recollections so I may have mixed up multiple sources. The elements I remember are the following:

1. There's some room/location from where the hero proceeds where there are friendly people and things are generally safe. I'd assume this is the bridge of the Enterprise in Star Trek except that I seem to remember the exit being an iris door and the ST bridge has a normal elevator door.

2. Going from the safe inside-place to the dangerous outside-place, the hero encounters a villain with two shaggy humanoid henchmen in a corridor or some such. The villain subdues the hero using a beam that shoots from one of his eyes and the henchmen grab him.

3. The villain goes on to produce a copy of the hero. This sounds much like Star Trek's "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" except that where Kirk was duplicated on a spinning disc, I seem to remember this hero sitting in an upright chair with the copy being formed behind him.

4. The hero escapes from a holding cell by producing a little robotic device that can move on its own to blow up a lock mechanism or something. I remember feeling bad about the little fellow. Possibly after escaping the hero encounters the villain and his henchmen again.

And that's all! I was also going to ask about a movie I once saw the first few minutes of, but I identified it myself after googling for "spy movie bond ripoff weather control" and clicking the first hit. (I didn't actually expect that to work.) After watching a 2-minute YouTube summary of Our Man Flint, I realize I actually have no desire to watch it.
Walpknut said:
A Movie/Series about a Cop that is dead but he spontaneously comes back to life or something like that. The guy had a very 80s stache, his friends/colleagues put sunglasses on him while carrying him places. I am not sure about the year, we got old movies and reruns all the time without being told so. It must be relatively popular as I remeber it being dubbed to spanish.


there's also a sequel, where Bernie is reanimated by voodoo (but only works when music is playing).
Ok, so maybe somebody can help me out.

There was a cartoon not that long ago (2000-2004) on Fox Kids, that was pretty similar to the X-com games (the original ones). There was a team of three guys and a chick who worked for a secret government agency that combated alien threats on Earth (no, not MIB), they even had armor similar to the ones first researched in the first X-com (plastic armor if i remember ), they also flew around in Chinook helicopters to the insertion points.
I also remember that the last episodes of the first season (i don't know if they made more) was about some alien force reanimating dead solders from cemeteries which then attacked the Cheyenne mountain complex.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
A quick google for fox kids tv shows throws up these possibilities. Alienators: Evolution Continues or Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends.

Nah sadly none of them is what I had in mind. The funny thing is that once I even wrote a mail to what formally was Fox Kids, and they sent me back a response saying that they don't know....:). The only thing I know that there was a cartoon like that on FOX kids, and I didn't hallucinate it and that I wasn't drunk when I saw it (I haven't started drinking that much till a couple of year later :)).

One more clue maybe it will help identify the show. In the credits when they presented the protagonist, one was a colonel if i recall, one was a chick, there was a third black guy who was the kind of the muscle and he had survived a close encounter with some aliens and gained the ability to morph it's hand into materials with which he came in contact, and I don't really remember the fourth dude (now I am not even sure that he even existed :P).

P.S it's not invasion america
Year is off, 1996, but on Fox Kids:

DevilTakeMe said:
Year is off, 1996, but on Fox Kids:


Yeah that was it. In my part of the world it was aired in the period I specified but it could have been a rerun.

Anyway thanks I have searched for the name of this cartoon for a very long time.

I have to ask: You have some kind of pop culture encyclopedia crystal ball thingy at home that you know al this :).