Honest Hearts screenshots leaked, trailer coming soon?

brfritos said:
Most of the time I use light armor, specially after Dead Money and that friggin' overpowered reinforced security armor. :P

Love vault security armour so having a version of that with the highest rating of any light armour was awesome, shame about the mustard yellow colour.
Wonder if they're going with slightly overpowered weapons and armour again as a reward or something more cerebral.
What about that club thing then? Would you really use that when you have the Anti-materiel rifle or Oh Baby?
Anti-materiel rifles are for pussies.

Josh Sawyer on twitter

jesawyer J.E. Sawyer
every time someone asks me about future DLC announcements, the ghost of joshua graham sighs in the desert and scares a tribal to death.
Well Josh Sawyer, hurry up man, we have been waiting for announcements since February.

We are really in the mood for more adventures of the Courier.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Well Josh Sawyer, hurry up man, we have been waiting for announcements since February.

We are really in the mood for more adventures of the Courier.

[url="http://twitter.com/#!/jesawyer/status/57232238617698305" said:
JE Sawyer[/url]]every time someone asks me about future DLC announcements, the ghost of joshua graham sighs in the desert and scares a tribal to death.

Poor random tribal.
I somehow have the feeling, that people get way to overexpecting about Graham and Ulysses. Wonder if the DLCs will keep up with that hype or if players will moan about how much they aren't what they thought they would be.
So the tribals are back. Didn't Chris Avellone acknowledge how they were an unwise choice for the setting... or I'm imagining things again?
I didn't read anything in this thread just to spite you all. I just want to say "If this is even half as good as Dead Money I'm stoked..." and then leave.
.Pixote. said:
Isn't DLC meant to be useless filler in between proper games. :look:

Used to be. Now it is a way to generate a bunch more money for things that probably should have just been included in the game in the first place, or were cut because they weren't up to par.
Fallout1FTW said:
So the tribals are back. Didn't Chris Avellone acknowledge how they were an unwise choice for the setting... or I'm imagining things again?
I like the idea of tribals. As long they are very well written. And get a nice looking camp which makes sense. Better then what we got with the Khans in Vegas for example.
sea said:
decent voice acting and writing, lots of new art assets and cool weapons etc., not very buggy, well-balanced with okay level design

Well good to know there was one person who didn't want to put a bullet through that annoying little girls skull as soon as she opened her mouth.
Wouldn't say it was well balanced either, depending on weapon loadout some of it was incredibaly hard and the weapons are overpowered in the wasteland.
The art assets were pretty cool though, even if totally out of place.