Hopeful features in GTA IV

I won't play GTA until they have a metalhead protagonist and the whole game is about burning churches.
Rockstar has always been pretty cool concerning that, it's just that it always takes them a while, and I want to play it now, dawgunnit!
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Rockstar has always been pretty cool concerning that, it's just that it always takes them a while, and I want to play it now, dawgunnit!

Not sure, GTA SA had a crappy control without a Pad and the interface was not good for a PC user...
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
No, it didn't. It was perfectly fine after you got used to it.
Well, that's a bit of a tautology.
But I have to agree: I like the keyboard interface just fine. I think Vice City's interface and camera were slightly better, though.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
No, it didn't. It was perfectly fine after you got used to it.

Of course, you always got used any kind of interface, but I didn't like it. A good interface is good from the beginning,
Vice City for PC was the ultimate refinement of the interface IMHO. San An was a step backwards with its camera. PC has it all over console with the ability to aim the minigun like you're watering your rose bushes. That thing eats up cars, helicopters, people, whatever you have that you don't want :twisted: .

We'll have to see; it could be grand, it could suck. San An was good, the action was better and there was a whole lot more of it, but the story was too forced, CJ was inconsistent and too altruistic (I loved Tommy Vercetti- he was perfect because he simply acted for himself and his friends, who were consistently his friends from start to finish, except for Lance and when he betrayed you you actually went "Shit!" -or at least I did). I finished San An and I sometimes still screw around in it -the map is huge and fun to play in, but it's Vice City that keeps me coming back for more, looking for mod cars and re-playing the story line again and again.
Sander said:
But I have to agree: I like the keyboard interface just fine. I think Vice City's interface and camera were slightly better, though.
In San Andreas, I found that most running, jumping, and especially shooting tasks were easy with the keyboard, but for driving, I had my Saitek gamepad plugged in and ready to go.
Paladin Solo said:
Seconds actually being seconds, no health bar (hence, realistic damage, people and vehicles included), non-scripted (as least, within quest-wise) consequential events such as worrying about leaving evidence of crimes (hence, having some heat on your tracks, hence getting rid of bodies, stolen cars, etc...) or consequential events on your health (smoking, alcohol, drugs, getting shot, losing limbs, going blind, etc...), fully, and realistically populated environments that fluxuate with time and events, more random events (not just weather-wise and random police chasing someone), npc non-scripted consequential events (npc(s) robs a bank and they have the heat after them on a daily basis, drug raids, sting operations, etc...), ability to fully customise your character, including career choices (basically, a much more involved and detailed version of SA's character customisation), ability to actually buy and own things and hence, lose them, get stolen etc... such as vehicles, weapons, etc...

That's all I could think of in a flash.

That'd be something I'd like to see in Mafia 2.
I loved the first game, and thought that it was waaaay better than any GTA game I've played.
SA driving needed some getting used to, but I preferred it over VC's after a while.

Judging by the trailer, it's what we've come to expect from the series.

Yeah, the writing is sub-par, but GTA's always has been.

I'll buy it once it's out for the PC.
GTA's writing was always campy, but it had a sense of humor and didn't take itself too seriously. The biggest error I can see in GTA IV is if they left that element of self-indulgence and cheese out. Vice city IMHO was the best game of the series because it embraced that. I mean come on! Dennis hopper as the artistic porno director?!?! I was just waiting for him to turn into frank from Blue Velvet and start sniffing oxygen.
Did anyone else notice how the porn studio was on prawn island? You know, prawn... as in like pr0n??