Hopeful features in GTA IV

I wouldn't mind if the game borrowed a lot from the Godfather game. I played it on the wii and it was great to extort businesses and raid family's warehouses, only to persuade them over to your side. I think san andreas had some of the gang interactions in the later half of the game to reflect this, but it'd be good to add more depth a la Godfather.
So did you guys happen to get a look-see at the maps that were leaked onto teh webz a few days ago? I think it was the PS3 version.

Looks like a mighty big map, without that long sprawling nothing-ness that was San Andreas!

My interest is gathering day by day!
I'd have to say that they did do a good job of recreating NYC in their own image, after seeing some aerial shots.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I think he's supposed to be generic Eastern European...

Looks like Croat after all. He speaks the language, with a Russian accent but still.... awesome!


Had a chance to check the game out briefly on a friend's Xbox. I was really impressed by all the details and new aspects of gameplay. It's a real visual treat from the water and rain details to the electric sparks from broken lamp posts. Car chases are a lot more intense now that you can fly through the windshield. In addition to Radio stations, there are TV stations with some hilarious programming. The random conversations and actions by NPCs in the streets feel a lot more natural. Also the acting and general storytelling are a lot better than the impression I got from the trailers. And the fact that Niko lights up a cigarette every time he takes a walk... priceless.

IGN review

cool TV spot:
KQX said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I think he's supposed to be generic Eastern European...

Looks like Croat after all. He speaks the language, with a Russian accent but still.... awesome!

That youtube link is down, too bad. He might be a Bosnian Croat since I hear he's supposed to be running away from the shit that happened in the war in Bosnia.

Anyway, this game has me all hot and bothered and roxxorz my boxxorz from all the previews and videos. I can't wait 'till it comes out for the PC which I hope will be faster than earlier GTA's.
I still really don't see how this game is so significantly different from all the previous GTA games that it suddenly deserves to get a 10/10 consistently.
Because... uh... Slav protagonist
It looks far more realistic than the previous episodes ( probably because of how the physics are handled ) and also more brutal. It may not be the best game of these last ten years ( :roll: IGN... ) but yeah, it looks pretty good as far as I'm concerned. Will give it a try at a friend's probably this week.
imho, gtaIV will rock. what if it doesn't mean a main advance in the history of videogames? I love playing a good game twice (or 10 times in case of FO2). And I love to get a fresh bit of something familiar that I liked before, with improvements (that's why you like FO2 modding). Many improvements, in this case.

In any case, you need something to chew while they launch FO3, don't you?
KQX said:
Because... uh... Slav protagonist

By the way, this must be the only place on the web that isn't all 'OMG GTA4 DROOOOOOOOOLLLL'

That said, I don't know. It has some neat additions to the previous games including some more consequential choices, but it still seems to be basically the exact same game.
Well that's what a sequel should do in the first place : same game mechanics, neat additions and different story. And from what I've seen so far, GTA IV does it VERY WELL. May not be the game of the decade but it's at least probably the game of the year ( not that it has been a very interesting year so far ).

too bad i dont have a 360 - here's hoping it pops up on the PC later this year or else i might be forced to buy a damn thing.

i think the main improovement from what i see online is making the game more cinematic with more memorable characters and story while keeping the great mechanics. also the multiplayer ACTUALLY sounds involving and freshly courageaous for such a high profile product (alltho similar things have been done before) - compared to other titles today
radnan said:
I second this.

My (PS3) pre-order should have arrived today.
I've been waiting for 3 hours for it and hardly got any sleep last night, but now I just found out the damn postmen are on strike.
And it's not even a nation-wide strike! It's only in three area codes in Copenhagen, one of which is where I live of course, and it only applies to parcels, packages and such, not regular mail. :wall:
Once again the gaming media manages to be idiotic enough to turn me away from a game

You're not going to play a good game because it got overhyped by the gaming media?

Wow, you take your reviews real serious