So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Check your question again, it has nothing to do with lethality rate.History proved a bullet to the head kills you EVERYTIME no matter what? Really?
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Check your question again, it has nothing to do with lethality rate.History proved a bullet to the head kills you EVERYTIME no matter what? Really?
Yeah I've got no idea why they felt it was necessary to make it TWO bullets. One is stretching it, to be honest.
Quick fan theory: In Fallout 2 the Enclave president said that due to radiation and FEV basically every human in the western wasteland is at least slightly mutated in some way. Hence the mass destruction: if a new, superior human race arises, the old one will be killed off. The Courier has such a mutation: extra-strong bones. This makes the skull hard to penetrate, and also accounts for how hard it is to kill even a level 1 Courier with minimal Endurance compared to any other person in the game.