How did you discover Fallout ?

It was a little bit lucky.. I ordered some pc collection, PC Gamers. First game was Fallout 2 and I just tried that, then my life went into closet.. :D
Some kid in JR. High School owed me money but instead of giving me 5 bucks he handed me a burned copy of Fallout 2. I remember him saying something like "its like Diablo but in the future" at the point i was not a fan of RPG's but after two hours i realized Fallout is no Final Fantasy nonsense. After playing F2 half way I uninstalled it and went out to buy the original.
was bored and checking out the local electronic boutique and seen it on the shelf,looked cool so i grabbed it
I saw a friend playing it and then started to ask a bunch of questions like, "can you do this, can you do that". This led to me getting the game which I havent regretted to this day.
"A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…" . One girl in my neighborhood played Fallout. She give me copy of first Fallout. One month later i buy original Fallout and i have fun with this game... always.
Um, So I'm very new here. I'm also a LOT younger than most of you here. You all are my senpai's here :p

I usually play a lot of traditional Japaneses RPG's. (Final Fantasy etc etc...) I hate RPG set in the past or fantasy RPGs where there are elves or basic stuff like oblivion. Just don't like them too much.

When I first heard about Fallout, it was when I got a copy of Fallout 2 for the Mac. Since Mac doesn't have that many games to play with, I couldn't really complain.

I remember my cousin playing this game like ... about .. 10 years ago or so. he was really into it. He was like 8 years older than me too so I thought this would be an old (one of those horrible text RPG's made a long long time ago). It was an RPG though, which I LOVE, and it wasn't like other RPG's so I couldn't really complain since I didn't have any game installed on my Mac (except for WOW *rolls eyes*).

When I first started playing, I fell in love with the battle system. Then came the story. Then I fell in love with the environment. It was so ... different. I had not played a game like this and I knew I was in for a treat.

Instantly, I had to get a copy of the first game for the PC and play it at work on a PC XD. I ... don't know what to say ...

This game was ahead of it's time. I love a game that a person can play 10 years later and go "Whao, this is good... " Not many games can do that.

And so I thank Fallout and Interplay. Great game, I'm a Fan.
It was 1998(I was 10 years old then :D ) when i got my first computer. My father gave me some money so i could buy a game for it. I went to a local game store and looked games for about an hour or so. Suddenly I just spotted a game called Fallout. I just knew that I needed to get that one! So I bought it and went to home. I got totally hooked to that game! And I still think it is best game i ever had and will ever have.
I discovered fallout reading about it on a hardcore rpg forum, played it roughly until i found it in EBgames store both the big box of fallout 1 and the ultimate collection (fo1,fo2,fot) at around 5€....

Got to actually finish them with the ragfox's italian translation (tifone).
:o I discovered fallout 1 while doing my time in foster care 6 years to be exact......A fellow foster kid spent ruffly 30 min describing the game i was amazed bye the freedom you had in the game and how well the towns people reacted to the path you went down, that wasn't just was the many options of character creation and karma system the graphics wasn't much to talk about but id rather have a good story then x-box 360 graphics.

I discovered fallout 2 (my favorite of the series) also while in foster care, fallout 2 carried on many of the great traits of the first, although fallout 2 wasn't complete when packaged and sent to shelves...example suliks sister,where is she?
holy grenade....I never found the grenade :( etc. etc. Note: I know their are mods and patches just would have been nice to have had it all the first time when i lost my fallout virginity.

They should redo and resale fallout 2 with new content with the old....Bethesda!.....but who am i.....

I played all the other fallout titles they were ok but didn't do it for me.

In closing Fallout is the best rpg of all time.
Through my classmate.

He was talking to my other classmate about it suddenly mentioned "Iguana on a stick".

I thought I had to check it out! LOL
Shamefuly I have only recently started playing the games.

Ive been a gamer for years but untill STALKER came out I had never found any game that totally suits my needs.

Then from STALKER I looked for other games of a similar style and discovered Fallout. Been obsessed with it since then :P
Wiggum said:
It was 1998(I was 10 years old then :D )

Jesus Christ, Thx for making me feel old, I was 19 in 1998....I was browsing through all the game and that rectangular red box stood out from the others, I could not resist.
A long time ago I've had read a preview in a game magazine and the game seemed interesting to me, being already an avid RPG player (both PnP and CRPG), no big fan of sci-fi though. After that I heard nothing about it for a few years.

Then I saw it ar my friend's PC and being told, that both of them were released as a free game in the mentioned magazine. I had no choice than to order both issues. Never regretted. I can say Fallout was my way to science-fiction (and A.C.Clarke of course).

BTW Does anyone know how (or IF) Fallout 1+2 run in Linux?
Mediaplay R.I.P.

I was looking for something amusing to play back in 99 and found Fallout 2 on the shelves at Media play. It said you could pimp your spouse. That was all I needed to see so I bought it. Oddly enough I never actually tried to do that. Mainly because the "spouse" was a pain in the ass to deal with. Been hooked on post apocalyptic goodness ever since.
I had been eyeing it ( :boy: 1) for years prior to finally purchasing this sweet gem. I think it was the wicked box art that always drew me in like a tractor beam on full suck (after all, who can turn away from such a cute steel-clad mug?). But, not having realized my ignorance at the time, I always turned it down for more graphicly intensive games. 'Till one day, as I was perusing around lookin' to pick up some last minute essentials at the NEX(Navy Exchange) before a long 6 month deployment :salute: , I came across a bargain bin in the electronics section with a Dual Jewel copy of both FO1 & 2 sitting atop the pile just begging me to buy it, and @ $1.99 I was not going to pass this offer up. We've had an on-again, off-again relationship since 2001.
OOps....sorry Dopes. I accidently clicked the little "!" by your post and sent a snitch to the Admins. Maybe that'll learn me to not go randomly clicking on interesting buttons before I know what they do no more, huh? :shrug:

(your right Ziltoid)
Maybe that'll also teach you to use the edit button instead of double posting. Yeesh.
I was given the two good ones by a friend, along with a few other oldish pc titles, like NOLF, a couple Star Trek games, Dungeon Keeper II, Silver, Cesar III, an assload of Sonic emus, and many, many more games I can't even remember.

Good times.