How did you discover Fallout ?

One of my friend's little brothers recommended it, went out and bought a copy of 1 and 2. I then spent and entire summer playing fallout.

on a side note the same person also recommended "dexter" the T.V. series. Which I rate highly.
My dad actually introduced me to the game. Back when I was about 10 or so, we got it. He beat it really fast and then got Fallout 2 and beat that. One night, my friend slept over and we didn't have anything to do, so we started playing it.

Lemme say that I was hooked in the first 2 hours. :]
Well, that's digging into the past...

About a year before FO1 was released, my mom chose to move to a small town, on the outskirts of our country's 2nd biggest towns. She had divorced my father a bit before, and he still lives where I spent all my youth.
I soon found myself moving between my dad (with all my youth friends) and my mom (living in a lonely shithole between farmers).

That's when my love for PC tinkering came up: The lonely days at my mom's left me with an overload of free time. I got my first own computer (bought off of the nutcase neighbor, a 45y old C&ca fan, who always cheated on me in strategy games). I remember I hated the fact that I couldn't build my own pc.

Somehow I got internet working with some old dialup modem, and discovered the world out there - and, on my scavenges for immersible, long and superbly designed games (ranging from FPS over RTS to RPG) I somehow stumbled upon Fallout.

How? Don't know. It feels like it has been a part of my life for very long. I do remember a familiarity for most people here: Noticing a sunray falling on my screen, realizing that I've been playing all night again. Living in a wooded environment, without the sound of cars, faintly hearing animal noises in the background, really added to the Fallouty feel!

Somehow I became friends with Fallout fans irl, without knowing they've played it... I even got someone working for me (outsourced contract) that plays it.

Still, it is a game for a specific crowd... The patient, think & try type, that enjoys subtilty and can relate major issues.
People I like :D
My partner was working on a Games mag in 1997 and brought home a copy with the review of FO. Read the review and just had to rush out and buy both games. The rest as they say, is history.

Best RPG ever!!!
I just introduced my 10y old brother to the world of Fallout yesterday...

Let me describe him:
- not many friends, "different" from others of his age
- if he sees something new, he wants to know all about it
- hobbies: mostly reading, watching documentaries, games & looking up things, learning to program in err... Dreamweaver or Flash
- when he gets home from school (frustrated, cause it doesn't pose a mental challenge), he "walks back and forth in the yard for an hour, or 2" according tot mom. I think he's playing in his mind.

Definately a character profile that fits a RPG player, right?

Seeing him reminds me of my youth, really... He could be facing some hard years! With parents that can't answer his questions, and don't understand him... I hope he'll accept my help.
I actually saw it on the shelf in 1997 and bought it immediately, having recognized it as a updated version of my all time favorite game Wasteland.
My uncle traveled a lot and when i got my first PC in '99 and one sunny day he came home from his "journey" and game ne 2 games - Fallout 2 and Heroes of might and magic 3 ...
First i tried Heroes 3 and it was so so stupid game ( i mean i was a little stupid boy - 10 years old and that game was sooo complicated for me at that time)
Then i tried fallout - same thing that time i just hated games with to much speaking and dialogs in them ....(maybe cus at that time i didn't knew english at all )
But few years after that(i was totaly forgot that i have fallout and didn't played it yet)a friend of mine came to my place ,saw my pile of cd's and grab fallout . On the next day he was like " Looool dude this game is amazing , u should try it". So i did and it was so cool - the char development , the game atmosphere, the music ,everything . And after 5 years i'm still playing from time to time and everytime i find something new in the game :).
Fallout 1&2 are the best game i've ever played.
The sad thing is that we had to wait 9 years for fallout 3 :(....
A friend of mine lent me his Fallout2 CD, can't recall exactly how long ago. I was unimpressed with what I thought were RPGs... lots of clicking to kill the monsters and not much else, so I was actually reluctant to waste time on the game.
Some days later I decided to give it a try, and the temple of trials really did nothing to ease my discomfort with RPGs. However, once I was past that (and the adaptation to the UI), Fallout2 proved not only to be the best RPG I ever played but also one of the best games.
A while later I bought Fallout, and I don't buy many games... that tells something.
I got a demo of Fallout 1 in 1997 and it didn't really impress me, then again I was but a 11 year old kid and the demo as far as I can remember didn't really show how great the game is. Anyway I completely forgot about it. But then a few years later in 2001 or 2002 I got myself Fallout Tactics and that's the game that got me into the whole thing, I ended up falling in love with the Fallout world so I got my hands on Fallout 1 & 2 not longer after that as well and the rest is history...
I first played F1 when it came out in 97. I was a sophomore in high school and I remember I would bring the manual into Chemistry, read it, and show my friends the funny pictures of VaultBoy. I was a nerd then (and now) and even my nerd friends didn't know about games like that; I helped expose them to a world of greatness. I remember when I was nearing the end for the first time I think I played the game for 5 straight hours until I beat it. I remember I had to keep playing the last scene so that Dogmeat would stay alive because I'm meticulous like that!!

I really don't recall what made me ever want to try or get that game but I'm sure glad I did.

I then got F2 and loved that to death.

I eventually got Tactics and thought it was okay. I really did miss the story and memorable characters.

Even back then I loved the iso view but I always yearned to see the world in 3D. These I would definitely still love both.
I think i heard of fallout 1 in like 2000, i played a demo, my cousins had a pack of demo games and i got it borrowed for a few days and tried fallout, but back that day i was only eight, and i forgot about the game for seven years, but then i was looking for some games in gamespot and i found fallout 3 screenshoots, so i decided to get both fallout 1 and 2 games
Althought i wasnt very old back when i tried fallout and i aint native english so i had many problems to know how the game fuctioned as the demo was fully english and my native language is portuguese, only now i have a knowledge of english of 5 years because of school, but no one of my friends like these type of games because they are morons
While I was in the navy a fellow shipmate got me a copy of Wasteland for my C64 emulator. Since I loved that so much it was mindblowing that there was going to be a sequil of sorts using my favorite PNP RPG... GURPS.


I was bummed to find out that Steve Jackson, like a fucking idiot, drove off Interplay with too much meddling. If Fallout had been GURPS, GURPS would have been more mainstream.

Ah well, they tweaked GURPS into SPECIAL. You guys like it well enough, you might have loved the 4 stats (with two substats) of GURPS. Maybe not. :lol:
Diebold said:
I was bummed to find out that Steve Jackson, like a fucking idiot, drove off Interplay with too much meddling. If Fallout had been GURPS, GURPS would have been more mainstream.
That's not exactly how it went. It was as much Interplay's fault as Steve Jackson, really.
Diebold said:
I was bummed to find out that Steve Jackson, like a fucking idiot, drove off Interplay with too much meddling. If Fallout had been GURPS, GURPS would have been more mainstream.

Ah well, they tweaked GURPS into SPECIAL. You guys like it well enough, you might have loved the 4 stats (with two substats) of GURPS. Maybe not. :lol:
And no one would even think about creating V.A.T.S...
An update to my 10 y old kid brother recently starting: He's calling me every week now, saying he found a pipe rifle, recruited Sulik, found a shotgun, and so on.
Even my mom kicked in, saying she stole & lockpicked - I guess my brother didn't understand those worlds.

My mom always complains that she doesn't understand my brother, same as with me in my younger days: We"re both focussed on knowledge, and try to read and learn as much as possible.
Both my mom and stepdad aren't.

So every time I go there, my brother clings to me, discussing all matters bothering him the past week/month... Ahh, a true RPG fan growing. He'll be understanding English better than his parents in no time. Goes for quite some other things too, afaik...

Makes you wonder about how intelligence is induced upon men, where did he get his interests from? I wasn't around him that much, and all his close family isn't that knowledgeable. He even has trouble finding friends, they all are "occupied by trivial things to him"...

I hope to get a kid like him one day :)
I read a preview about it in some gaming mag, and having played Wasteland I was sold on the spot.

Wasteland, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are among my favorite games of all times. Which is part of the reason why I get so angry when I see how the series is about to be turned into something it never was intended to be.
A friend of mine showed me Fallout 1 years ago, he walked into the brotherhood base and started blasting people with a minigun. I was intrigued.

I eventually bought both Fallout 1 and 2, and both games have remained installed on every computer I've owned since then.
It was one of the first games I ever baught when I got my first p.c. I had to work as slave labour (£3 p.h) at a local supermarket and as a rent boy at weekends to buy it and appart from xcom 1+2, close combat and jagged alliance 2, probably the only one I still play.