Well, that's digging into the past...
About a year before FO1 was released, my mom chose to move to a small town, on the outskirts of our country's 2nd biggest towns. She had divorced my father a bit before, and he still lives where I spent all my youth.
I soon found myself moving between my dad (with all my youth friends) and my mom (living in a lonely shithole between farmers).
That's when my love for PC tinkering came up: The lonely days at my mom's left me with an overload of free time. I got my first own computer (bought off of the nutcase neighbor, a 45y old C&ca fan, who always cheated on me in strategy games). I remember I hated the fact that I couldn't build my own pc.
Somehow I got internet working with some old dialup modem, and discovered the world out there - and, on my scavenges for immersible, long and superbly designed games (ranging from FPS over RTS to RPG) I somehow stumbled upon Fallout.
How? Don't know. It feels like it has been a part of my life for very long. I do remember a familiarity for most people here: Noticing a sunray falling on my screen, realizing that I've been playing all night again. Living in a wooded environment, without the sound of cars, faintly hearing animal noises in the background, really added to the Fallouty feel!
Somehow I became friends with Fallout fans irl, without knowing they've played it... I even got someone working for me (outsourced contract) that plays it.
Still, it is a game for a specific crowd... The patient, think & try type, that enjoys subtilty and can relate major issues.
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