It was a sunday and i was bored of my mind. i had bought this new expensive computer, top of the line! with pentium 2-266 and a firiggin huge 4MB graphics card and a sound card and a microphone and... oh it was soo good; and i had bought it all myself; tooth, nail, soul, my unborn child and all (with now thinking about it my family putting the cash for about %40 of the price for my good performance at school... Remembering these details is so not cool

Anyway i had finished this awesome game about a blonde guy a golden gitl and monkeys, i had also finished the other game i had about a little girl runningaround in a "Edgar Allan Poe's" like city... There wasnt internet yet in my country (is it edible?) and the only gaming magazine was barely continuing to publish let alonse give cds...
So i was bored and got permission to go out and explore THE "boulevard". there was this very good place where you could buy hamburgers and fries and there were other cool places which sold things from funny shaped erazors to lego boxes. (there were also a lot of useless places that were displaying Designer suits and smilar useless shoes. !sneakers are the besT! ). There were big brothers and 2 big sisters who jumped around on skateboards too. it was nice to watch them...
So i went to see what new goodies the "Writing materials and toys and legos and little figurines selling" shops had to offer. In the biggest of them all, i found near music cassettes, in a forgotten deep corner, a little plastic tray with 20-25 cd boxes on it. They were all worn out but they were cheap. Heck if i skipped my planned hotdog and fizzy drink (and the bit of chocolate or the ice cream after it)... if i put in the emergency money and this little pennys... wow i can buy
2 games! so what to buy, what to buy... Ill buy this cool game and... well rest of these dont look too good. i guess ill try that cd-case with big robot-like head on it...
Later when i got home i installed the cool game and played it for about 3 days . it was a good game. Then i tried the other game... It had weird installation sizes... 1Mb/10MB/50Mb/600MB???... Well my monster has 3 gigabytes of space! it can take the biggest one!
And so i started playing Fallout....