Budget games a year or so after it F2 was released. £10 for both. Used to love RPG games, and post-apocalyptic stuff. Or maybe it was the price. F*ck knows.
Either way, played it solidly with a friend (not quite multiplayer as we know it today) and is actually the reason i use this online persona (me ste, him al, Steal) which was always our character's name... I was a big gamer, but the intricacy and sheer hilarity of the game i loved. There was nothing finer the first time i discovered how to get dogmeat, or chose bloody mess and a trait (sh*t, i almost said 'perk' then, F3's having a bad effect on me).
I still play the originals to this day, and my friend i used to play with never liked another game ever again (seriously, everythings 'sh*t' compared to fallout...)