How do you think you will die?

I thnik I´ll die in the nuclear catastrophe,
we ALL will die then!

Yes, I know I´mm playin´ to many Fallout...
Lobsters, eh?

Better get a Lobster Magnet, then.

:: drumroll ::

:: laughter ::

Lobster sticks to magnet. =P
I will die alone... forgotten and empty in the ruins of this world.

Or perhaps I will just clone myself and live forever!!!
Well.. since ive already been clinically dead.. (leukemia) I'd say id like to die like johnny depp did in 'dead man' while listening to Alison Goldfrapp's - time out from the world

I will most likely die for one of the following reasons:

Playing with chemicals (Chlorine bleach and brake fluid, hm...)

Attempting to recreate a MythBusters experiment (first reason possibly related to this)

Attempting to construct and fire a large, dangerous siege apparatus (possibly related to reason number two) or at least recreate that cool Stake Gun from Painkiller

or in a bloody shootout in the lobby of Bethesda's HQ when they release a horribly fucked-up Fallout 3 (and you know they probably will fuck it up).
Burned by the radioactive blast of a hydrogen bomb. Something like Sarah Connor's dream in :terminator: II.

Here is a death quiz. Discover how you are going to die!!!

After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!

Hmmm WTF???? :shock: Good... Bad... I'm the man with the gun. :twisted:
That test sucks, I tried it 4 times with different answers, and every time it said i was going to kill myself after a version of columbine. That's crap, I'm about the only person I truly like, and I'm the LAST person anyone has to worry about ME killing.
The test seems fatally flawed like so many others.

Die of natural causes
(you have many years to live, from the date you read this) Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack? Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats.
quietfanatic said:
The test seems fatally flawed like so many others.

Die of natural causes
(you have many years to live, from the date you read this) Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack? Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats.
I just got the same thing... Twice with differing answers...
Same here. Funny, I always assumed my previous answer to this thread was closer to correct.
I'm surprised you're considering your options since we're all going to die in 2018 following a giant meteorite strike. By the way I won't be around to see that because the death quiz gives me only six years and fourteen days before I burn to death in a house fire while having a good time with a lady of negotiable virtue. Sounds about right! :twisted:
Kurgan is back? That's awesome! Welcome back, man!

By the way:


Wooz said:
Omg. Le Kurgan.
I think it's your first post since 2003.
Hmm, I think I remember that dude from when I was a mere lurker.

Kurgan: Weren't you the French dude who went to Australia for uni? Or somesuch.

Anyways, welcome back.
Return of the Kurgan

Big T: Spot on! I'm halfway through my IT course.
Ratty: Thanks for remembering! Beautiful sculpture, lots of gore, fantastic choice! :twisted: Back on topic, how's the world domination master plan going? Do you plan to die at the hands of a secret agent entering your lair and subduing your bodyguards before saving the day/girl/grandpa-with-wandering-hands?
Re: Return of the Kurgan

KurganFr said:
Do you plan to die at the hands of a secret agent entering your lair and subduing your bodyguards before saving the day/girl/grandpa-with-wandering-hands?
Close enough. I plan to accidentally swallow a D&D die and choke to death.

Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack.. Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats