What's wrong with casualization? Are you even serious?
They haven't gone too far? They just gutted the entire Skill system and reduced dialogue to four choices at a time....
While I am on the fence about the dialogue -- I can see ways this might benefit the series in the future, but I can also see how it could hurt the RPG aspect -- I never really found the skill system "as we've always had it" to be all that compelling anyway, and it was frankly far too punishing for its own good. Far too often did I come across something necessary to continue the game's main story and I didn't have a high enough associated skill level to do it without cheating. Now, I'm not sure what to make of all these rumors about the skill system, but if they're true, I'd have to see the new system in action first before I pass judgement on it. Same with the dialogue change. We don't know enough yet without actually playing the game ourselves to pass judgement on something.
I've said this before, in other threads -- I love the classic Fallouts. I play them often. That being said, they don't really do a good job -- for me -- of immersing me into the world, largely because of their presentation. Bethesda has some work to do, yeah, but so far their games have done a better job of immersing me than the classics ever could. The 3D world spaces actually give me a sense of exploration and the game being open-world, which is something I value highly in a game nowadays.
It's not like you won't have to micro-manage other aspects of the game anyway -- those settlements look like an activity that'll keep you constantly on your toes. What sense would it make to juggle min/maxing skill levels on top of that?
Oh, and in point of fact? Dialogue choices were ALWAYS just four choices at a time. It's just more evident now because they're tied to the action buttons on a controller rather than selected from a dialogue box. That being said, again, I am on the fence about this new dialogue system. I rather liked the old one.