First time out of the vault

That died of Covid?
This is important to me because I'm starting to worry that I'm worrying too much about something that may or may not be a real threat.
What's your situation? How has it affected you?
In the past 11 months, living in one of the least locked states, I haven't met one person that knows another person that has died due to the pandemic. I know people that got sick but that's about it.
My wife, myself, and my mother had it in our house hold. Then an aunt and uncle had it. It was a milder flu for me with weird, rough cramping for 2 days. My wife and my mother had a milder flu that lasted 3-4 days.
My uncle who is the oldest of the bunch at 55, needed oxygen for 48 hours, but important to note which isn't stated enough, this was because of pneumonia not covid.
It probably would have been best for all young and healthy people to just get it, like we used to get measles or chicken pox.
This whole response cause the biggest transfer of wealth we have ever seen out of the middle class. For me, that doesn't happen on accident.
Both my wife and my mother are nurses. My wife has never been called out and hospital been so vacant as this past year. My mother is in elder care and weirdly had many patients die in the beginning before it really spread and hasn't had a covid death since the fall. She also experience the state not accepting any other cause of death, even if the patient was already on hospice, or not expected to live longer than 1 year.
She believes the both that the state inflated the numbers, and that something was going around, but also points out doctors were choosing to intubate patients based on pcr test results and oxygen levels, when these patients should have never been expected to recover from intubation and that killed them without us knowing what would have happened otherwise.