How to make a good hamburger?

Ok, ok .
Thanks for your answers all.
So if I resume, take lot of care according meat cooking.
And put at the last time the other component.
Tomatoies, salades and ...
Must I've cook the bread ot not?
Cause I fond of liquid cheese on meat.
So how do you do to have melting cheese without cooking salad and tomatoes?

Brother Soifran

PS:I will try to taste your reciepe TwinkieStabllis.
Sounds marvelous :)
brother_soifran said:
Must I've cook the bread ot not?
Cooking the bread is optional. A toasted bun is good. An untoasted bun is good.

brother_soifran said:
Cause I fond of liquid cheese on meat.
So how do you do to have melting cheese without cooking salad and tomatoes?
1 - Cook the meat.
2 - When the meat is almost done, put the cheese on top.
3 - When the meat is fully cooked and the cheese is melted, put them on the bread together.
4 - Add the fresh tomatoes and greens LAST.
5 - Eat. :mrgreen:
brother_soifran said:
Cause I fond of liquid cheese on meat.
So how do you do to have melting cheese without cooking salad and tomatoes?
UniversalWolf's advice is best. Be sure to follow the advice about putting putting the vegetables on last, because a for a truly delicious hamburger temperature plays a role, and it's best to have the condiment and vegetable toppings chilled.
Dirk Magirk said:
TheWesDude said:
bah, i hate most bacon, they are 3/4 fat and 1/4 meat... stupid imo

How dare you sully bacons good name.

sorry, bacon = meat from a pig

i do realize that hogs have high fat content, but seriously, i dont mind a little fat on my bacon, your normal bacon you get in stores ( at least around here and every where else i have been ) is no more than 1/2 meat, and usually 1/4 or 1/3 meat, rest fat

thats not meat, thats just eating fat.

if you consider "bacon" a strip of fat with a little meat thrown in, i dont need that kind of bacon.
TheWesDude said:
i do realize that hogs have high fat content, but seriously, i dont mind a little fat on my bacon, your normal bacon you get in stores ( at least around here and every where else i have been ) is no more than 1/2 meat, and usually 1/4 or 1/3 meat, rest fat
You need to find a store with better bacon. It should be no more than 1/4 fat.
Well, personally I think that hamburgers suck. If you're thinking on McDonald's type hamburgers that is; they really suck :p And it's only because they are way to small! I mean, who can get fed up with one hamburger?! You need 5 of the damn things if you don't wanna get hungry in an hour or so :p

I'm much more used to pljeskavica:


and "komplet lepinja" (translates loosely to something like "complete hamburger"; hell yeah it's complete 8-) ):


Now that's a happy face, or what?
I wana fuckin eat.

Fuckin eat is 2 activities done at the same time.
While that junk looks good only on the commercials this


looks the same way on the menu card and in the reality. While that McCrap stays crap no matter how much makeup they use. So, forget that junk and taste the heavens usafag or whateverfag you are.
Nah. No fast food. Ifen you like a good burger you really got to make it yourself.
I for example mince a little garlic and put it in the ground beef (if you can grind your own do it. Use chuck though) and some Worcestershire and salt. The beauty of grinding your own meat you can really get away with keeping it a little pink in the middle if you prefer (insert vagina joke here).
The best burger is always simple. For cheese I just use sharp chedder. Nothing fancy.
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
*gross picture*

like a bunch of deep-fried cocks? gross. no thanks.

While that McCrap

mmmkay. just gonna stop you right there and point out the ridiculousness in saying "Burgers = Fast food/McCrap". then i'm going to say something like "hey, eurofag. that's cool. you keep your deep-fried cocks, i'll keep my beer-brats, burgers and Football. not soccer, but FOOTBALL." then i'll say something like "your music sucks too, discofag" and walk away to a toilet where i'll shit out the remains of the beautiful burger i had for lunch.

TwinkieStabllis said:
yeah? well personally i think that YOU suck, eurofag! now look at this tasty bitch and WEEP!:

That's the best picture of a good burger you could find?

Good hamburgers are delicious. Bad hamburgers are meh but still doable. McDonalds and Burger King and the like are not representative of good burgers.
The best goddamn hamburger I ever had (when I still ate meat) was the one I had in a Hard Rock Café. Now that was a fucking good hamburger. That was a hamburger with some fucking style, dawgunnit.

Just saying. :roll: