How to make a good hamburger?

TheWesDude said:
sorry, bacon = meat from a pig
Bacon is lightly cure and/or lightly salted cuts from the sides/rear of a pig. Bad cuts or not does not make it bacon or not. What makes it bacon is where it comes from and how it has been treated before it is sold. There is lots of meat from pigs, and not all is bacon.

Bacon also tastes like shit. I hate it.

As for good burgers. Make sure the cheese is the right sort. Not the crappy cheap stuff. Swiss sounds about right. The onion slices need to be real thin. Besides that most of what else needs to be said is said.
TwinkieStabllis said:
***10k tons of pure senseless bs***

Hey man it's not my problem that your diet was made up of fried cocks for so long that now you can barely make difference between penis and sausage. I'm not even going to wonder what else you have on your daily menu when you can't tell the difference between these two :P So it's no wonder you started eating 100% soya proof food. Better than cocks, that's for sure.

And yes McDonald's still sux big time. As does football, that's sport for pussies - try playing it without protective gear and with less faking for a change :P And it's not disco you douche-bag, it's punk-rock; I fuckin' hate disco :evil:

Beer is awesome of course, I give you that.
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
i eat fried cocks

yeah, yeah, we know. no big deal, man.

And yes McDonald's still sux big time.

who since the dawn of man has ever argued they don't? again: hamburgers are not inherently made by and for McDonalds. the fuck, man?

As does football, that's sport for pussies - try playing it without protective gear and with less faking for a change

oh this old gem. clearly, you are not closely acquainted with the game. do you know how many career threatening injuries these guys suffer every year? how about life-threatening? these guys hit harder than anybody in any popular professional game. without the pads it would be a gladiator death match.
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
As does football, that's sport for pussies - try playing it without protective gear and with less faking for a change :P
European football (soccer) is full of faking, gridiron football is not thusly handicapped.

TwinkieStabllis said:
oh this old gem. clearly, you are not closely acquainted with the game. do you know how many career threatening injuries these guys suffer every year? how about life-threatening? these guys hit harder than anybody in any popular professional game. without the pads it would be a gladiator death match.
Football is Rugby for pussies but one of the greatest spectator sports in existence.

As for burgers, add a little bit of cumin and pepper to the meat, melt a slice of cheddar cheese on top (pepper jack is also good), once cooked add guacamole, home made picante salsa, onion, bacon, and a leaf of lettuce if you feel like it.

Fuddruckers makes pretty tasty burgers, as far as restaurant burgers go.
TwinkieStabllis said:
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
i eat fried cocks

yeah, yeah, we know. no big deal, man.

Whatever makes you sleep better. It's your loss that you don't know what is good cuisine fren'.

TwinkieStabllis said:
who since the dawn of man has ever argued they don't? again: hamburgers are not inherently made by and for McDonalds. the fuck, man?

All fast food restaurants a la Mc sux. Burger King, KFC, you name it. Because they all sell basically the same junk food shit, only with different commercials and the fact that they pack their crap in another way. I just used Mc as an representative of the crap-burgers fast food industries you are so fond of. So go for it, stay ignorant, stay fat, see if I care. Cause I don't.

UncannyGarlic said:
Football is Rugby for pussies

My point exactly. And I never said soccer was any better. It sux as much as football. Now basketball is a sport that deserves respect.

Heh, heh, heh, sorry... I'll just.. show myself out. :lol:
UncannyGarlic said:
Football is Rugby for pussies

no, dude, it's not. this is what limeys and eurofags love to tell us, though, isn't it? i am not kidding you when i tell you that if the pads weren't there careers and lives would be ended in every single game. just last year there were a few close-call situations in regards to death/paralyzing injury. rugby players would get their asses handed to them in the NFL.

watch this, keep in mind Boldin returned a few games later, and then tell me this is a sport for pussies:

slo-mo replay at around 40 secs.

Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
All fast food restaurants a la Mc sux. Burger King, KFC, you name it. Because they all sell basically the same junk food shit, only with different commercials and the fact that they pack their crap in another way. I just used Mc as an representative of the crap-burgers fast food industries you are so fond of.

hey big brains! who the fuck is talking about fast food?! burgers are not inherently a fast food product, do realize this, yes? or do you have some kind of limited world-view which has tricked you into the trend of "all things American are fast, cheap and ugly"? you're like a teacher educating a class on a subject you know nothing about. but like...yeah, i get it. most 10 year olds get it. fast food bad. yes, thank you.

So go for it, stay ignorant, stay fat, see if I care. Cause I don't.

the irony of you calling me ignorant just gave me a boner. the fat part is awesome though...since i'm about 5'9" and 140 lbs. I'M SO HUUUUUGE!!!
But the pic you posted is a general example how hamburgers from fast food restaurants look. That's why I assumed you were all up for them and started defending homemade food...otherwise I have nothing against homemade burgers, sure as hell they are better than anything one can buy on the street. I just don't see why you are so much against the domestic cuisine I introduced in the thread :p

It's not gross, it's great, you can trust me on that one (definitely not made out from deep fried cocks, I tell you that). And glad you're not falling into stereotypes.

And that clip is fuckin' awesome? He actually remained unharmed after that...dual collision???
Also, KFC is awesome, whereas MacDonalds and BK are meh. KFC doesn't sell hamburgers.

UncannyGarlic said:
European football (soccer) is full of faking, gridiron football is not thusly handicapped.
Everyone hates that, though (except for the mediterranean nations). And when caught players do get punished.
Whoa cats, calm down. The hamburger is meant to bring people together, not as a tool of flame war destruction. The poor little hamburgers... :(

Anyway, if I have a good quality beef, I just throw them straight on the grill (charcoal, by the way). Seasoning the meat before hand is good (just a little salt and pepper). Lightly toasted buns are good, I usually just put on a cheese (usually American cheese or Provolone, sometimes cheddar) and some BBQ sauce, or ketchup if no BBQ sauce is available. Yeah, put the cheese on the burgers right before they come off the grill. Maybe I'll try some mozzarella with some Pecorino romano cheese next time. :)

You can find recipes for gourmet hamburgers online. Some people use blue cheese, Swiss, basically any cheese you want. I know some restaurants put blue cheese in the middle of the hamburger patty (make two patties not too thick, put some cheese in the middle of one and cover with the other. Make sure the two patties are sealed together, or the cheese will just come right out).
Listen to the posters above you, they have some good pointers.

I know people who put peanut butter on their hamburger rolls. They say its really good, but I have yet to try it.
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
I just don't see why you are so much against the domestic cuisine I introduced in the thread

ha! i'm not, dude. i was messing with you. i do it a lot. i'm sure i'd eat the shit out of your weird fried cocks.

And that clip is fuckin' awesome? He actually remained unharmed after that...dual collision???

yeah, i mean it was concussive but he came back and had a great year. it almost made their QB Kurt Warner retire though (he's pretty damn old already) when he got to thinking about his family and not being dead or paralyzed (he didn't retire, he went to the superbowl!)
Concussive? His nasal cavity was shattered open and had to be completely recomstructed. They had to peel half his face back to do it. And he plays a "pussy" position too.

Nothing like grilling in the summertime.
It's so primordial. urrrrrrr.
I like to use ciabatta buns for my burgers. Also, a few jalapeños is good.

And real men play Aussie Rules.
Knödelkarpfen said:
Dude, KFC is just as bad of a representative of southern fried chicken as McD's is hamburgers.
Except that KFC is awesomely delicious, while McDonald's is meh. Especially the zinger stuff.

Keep in mind that we get no 'southern fried chicken' over here whatsoever.

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Shit, I'm a damn northern Yankee and even I know that much. And what the fuck is with that cole slaw? It's an abomination.

Keep in mind that we get no 'southern fried chicken' over here whatsoever.
Read the state by state obesity ratios and be glad you don't.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Shit, I'm a damn northern Yankee and even I know that much. And what the fuck is with that cole slaw? It's an abomination.
Yes. As are the buns, and basically everything that isn't actually chicken. But the chicken is awesome.

Again, though: there is no comparative food available around here, so while there might be much better similar forms of chicken, I've never been able to get those.

Plus, I like it. So what the fuck do I care that it isn't a good representative of American southern fried chicken.
Sander said:
Plus, I like it. So what the fuck do I care that it isn't a good representative of American southern fried chicken.

because the authentic shit is pretty amazing and that should interest you to know, since you like the crappy stuff. like "hey, if the crappy stuff is this good...etc"