The concentration of media in Venezuela is atrocious, there are 111 private channels in the hands of the opposition and only 13 state channels. Journalists often work as political operatives and often engage in illegal practices, such as espionage and information theft. Journalists that fall imprisoned aren't anything special.
Ilosar said:The concentration of media in Venezuela is atrocious, there are 111 private channels in the hands of the opposition and only 13 state channels. Journalists often work as political operatives and often engage in illegal practices, such as espionage and information theft. Journalists that fall imprisoned aren't anything special.
Sorry, but this is BS. I'm not anti-Chavez by any means, he did a lot of good to Venezuela, but there's no denying his track record regarding press freedom is nothing to be proud of. When Human Rights Watch, Reporter sans Frontières, and Freedom House (among others) heavily criticize your policies, something's wrong. Like it or not, the press was gagged, and it's not excuses such as ''oh, but they spied on us!!'' that will convince me otherwise.
Hassknecht said:
What a monster.
Actually, he only won four. Pffft. Stroessner and Trujillo won like ten each. Paragons of democracy, both of them.G-Man said:Chavez came to power after winning elections, in fact he has won so many elections that I've lost the count. He must have been one of the most democratic presidents in history.
DammitBoy said:Taking a pineapple up the butt in Hell, most likely...
Jebus said:Still Venezuela is at least or more corrupt now than it was even before Chavez. You can't explain that.
He was a brilliant orator in his own way, I'll give you that. Still, the figures and statistics seems to contradict all his statements and promises. Venezuela did no better and often worse than its neighbours, and that despite all that oil money. Even I couldn't have fucked up so badly, and I don't even speak Spanish.
DammitBoy said:Jebus said:Still Venezuela is at least or more corrupt now than it was even before Chavez. You can't explain that.
He was a brilliant orator in his own way, I'll give you that. Still, the figures and statistics seems to contradict all his statements and promises. Venezuela did no better and often worse than its neighbours, and that despite all that oil money. Even I couldn't have fucked up so badly, and I don't even speak Spanish.
Obviously you don't understand that he accumulated 4 billion dollars of personal wealth for the benefit of his people.
Jebus said:Everything I say is based on figures from Transparency International, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, etc. etc.
34thcell said:On corruption: cronyism isn't always so bad. You have to look at specific examples to judge the damage.