Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Eternauta said:Chavez is alive in the Venezuelan and Latin American people.
Eternauta said:A sad fact that he died, but it fills us with hope, when we see how the people who supported him have reacted, and how many they were.
Eternauta said:(...)the leaders can and will eventually die, their deaths cried, but the people that gave them their power will still be there to carry on with the struggle.
Eternauta said:X'il, don't be such a cliché, you can do better than that. But since this forum is related to gaming I will just say you're clearly a noob when it comes to Latin American reality.
Walpknut said:As a Latin American, I am neither glad that he died, nor I am sad. Man had an over inflated ego and kept his country in rather poor state, he acted like a child in front of opposition, and hsi supporters were no better, some threating him like some sort of demigod.
On the other hand, Dying of cancer sucks, my grandfather died of that too. But I still find hillarious some of his supporters are still yapping about the cancer gun. Like, Chavez the rather fat man didn't have any unhealthy habits that would lead to develop certain kinds of cancer.