Huh, Las Vegas is a really huge city

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I assume the desert would reclaim Vegas, so most of it would be covered in sand.

Curious observation - I imagine that sand covered buildings which would look a lot like ancient egyptian ruins (not that I want pyramids or some shit like this, but it would be a relic of the past) would be very pleasent to gaze upon.
Thats how New Vegas looks to me:


And I hope they stick to it.
There are some things in Fallout 1 and 2 that the developers claim they weren't really looking at when they were making the games. I'm guessing this is one of those things.

Another example would be ChrisT talking about the sky colours in PV13, and claiming that they weren't really seeing sky colour as important in Fallout 1/2 and didn't concentrate on it except for cutscenes / talking head backgrounds. This is his excuse for all the purple skies in the PV13 concept art.
Ravager69 said:
Curious observation - I imagine that sand covered buildings which would look a lot like ancient egyptian ruins (not that I want pyramids or some shit like this, but it would be a relic of the past) would be very pleasent to gaze upon.

That is a near certain bet:

Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas (never mind it wasn't there in 1959).
Keep y'all modern buildings out.

It is actually curious that Vegas would not be a target at all, but it's hardly a military priority. It has no sustainable infastructure, though...I guess that changed after the war? Vegas is a very artificial town, always has been, one of those places stomped out of the ground by pure willpower.

The Dutch Ghost said:
I don't remember Necropolis' real name but the city was never directly hit by a nuclear warhead.

I have no clue about the Fallout world. But during the cold war at its peak the Soviet union had definetly more then enough nuclear wareheads to at least hit every major US city once (and most europeans as well).

If I remember right it was somewhere said that they aimed at least at London always with 2 or 3 wareheads (direct cordinations). Thats of course talking about the wareheads which are always programmed regardless of the situation.

Though I would assume that china had less bombs in numbers but rather powerfull wareheads (makes kinda sense I think) compared to Russia which would have a range of all kind of weapons. Now question is if in the Fallout time line the Russias did lunched their arsenal as well?
In the current previews J.E. Sawyer has said the Vegas wasn't directly hit. I think we will see simlar but different land marks ito those in RL, like tower in the tralier that is sort of like but different than the Stratosphere Tower.
In Fallout 3 we never got the details of what was exactly dropped on Washington.

Hotpoint, in his story "New California Dreaming", had a pretty good explanation: Washington DC was hit by something akin to a low-yield neutron bomb, which left it radioactive for a good while, and then the Supermuties and Raiders started to show up. It also explains why there are no farms, the river's continued radioactivity and why the architeture didn't suffer as much as it should have.
That actually pretty much breaks with the Fallout spirit; most cities IMHO should be devastated during the nuclear war, or started to deteriorate soon after due to the after effects.

Now we had complete buildings still standing but people retarded to the point that they live in junk and scrap made towns.

I rather would have Washington DC being turned into something close to the Glow, a series of highly radioactive craters.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
In Fallout 3 we never got the details of what was exactly dropped on Washington.

Hotpoint, in his story "New California Dreaming", had a pretty good explanation: Washington DC was hit by something akin to a low-yield neutron bomb, which left it radioactive for a good while, and then the Supermuties and Raiders started to show up. It also explains why there are no farms, the river's continued radioactivity and why the architeture didn't suffer as much as it should have.

The problem with that is that there is evidence of nuclear bombs being dropped on DC.
For example Takoma Industrial which has a nuke crater right next to a building.
Silencer said:
Necropolis being located on the map much closer to Barstow, though. Or was the Hub in Barstow?

The Hub is Barstow, if anything, but there's no canon ruling on what town the Hub used to be.

Necropolis is geographically in the wrong place, but it's Bakersfield, as per a holodisk in Fallout 1 placing Vault 12 in Bakersfield.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
In Fallout 3 we never got the details of what was exactly dropped on Washington.

Hotpoint, in his story "New California Dreaming", had a pretty good explanation: Washington DC was hit by something akin to a low-yield neutron bomb, which left it radioactive for a good while, and then the Supermuties and Raiders started to show up. It also explains why there are no farms, the river's continued radioactivity and why the architeture didn't suffer as much as it should have.

To be more precise I explain it in the story as an airburst neutron detonation above DC which killed everyone there initially, in concert with salted bombs that left behind a crap load of long-lasting fallout . The place remained dead long enough that the plantlife didn't recover and much of the soil washed away hence all the exposed rocks (not enough roots to bind it).

There were a few larger warheads that did get through outside DC and these scoured away a lot of the surrounding towns with the occasional high-yield surface burst shattering the raised highways.

The small craters in the city are from mini-mirvs set to surface-burst from a missile that made it through the DC Air and Missile Defences (you could fit a hell of a lot of those tiny Fallout 3 nukes on an ICBM).

I admit I was reaching (even fallout from a Cobalt Bomb isn't going to be particularly hazardous after two centuries worth of half-life decay) but we work with the canon we're given in the Fanfic trade :P
I always think of Fallout 3 as a fanfic of the previous Fallouts. One of those ones where the dude has seen the movie once and decides to write an epic fanfic and gets bored half way through.

As I haven't read yours Hotpoint, did you manage to explain why both the Americans (National Guard Armory) the the Chinese (Megaton) use WWII era atom bombs?
Alphadrop said:
I always think of Fallout 3 as a fanfic of the previous Fallouts. One of those ones where the dude has seen the movie once and decides to write an epic fanfic and gets bored half way through.

As I haven't read yours Hotpoint, did you manage to explain why both the Americans (National Guard Armory) the the Chinese (Megaton) use WWII era atom bombs?

Haven't actually got that far in the story yet (I'm only 10 chapters in, about 45K words) but considering the pathetic yield of the Megaton Bomb (which should have been 21 KT if it was really a copy of Fat Man) they just look like WWII era Atomic Weapons.

Considering all the other retro-styling prevalent in Fallout why not have your 2070's era bombs made to look like their ancestor? As regards the (again pathetic) explosive yield of the Megaton Bomb it's an advanced Neutron Device like the others which did detonate over DC, small bang, loads of hard radiation.

I also explain in the Fic why rifles firing the same ammunition as pistols are so much more powerful incidentally. The powder is slow-burning so it doesn't get the chance to accelerate the bullets to full speed in a short barrel.

So many annoying things to explain away *sighs*

In a nuclear war there are going to be some sought of defenses. America could probably shoot down some missiles heading for important targets. And shooting missiles from half way across the globe may not be as accurate as you think with 50's technology.