The DICKtator
Earth said:Makta said:There are 4 kinds of Fallout people now days...The F-NV fanboys
ie: me, and only me, who you've decided you have a personal hatred of because I posted a couple of admittedly hot headed threads and comments when I was bored.
Makta said:and then the people with common sense like you Walpknut and a few others that actually point out all flaws/positive sides of all the games without randomly hating it for not being your fav game.
Does this include you by any chance? Because you seem as much a blinded Fallout 3 fan as you claim I am of FONV.
Actually you were far from the first one so it's not just you! And i tend to attack both sides more than i should so i'm not classified as the best group.
Allthough i am quite awesome in a evil bastard way

SnapSlav said:Whether he intends that it does or doesn't, we all know Makta qualifies. I've seen him write up some posts that show hints of him breaking away from that, but there's still ample FO3 fanboydom to overcome before I would dare to include him in the 4th category. Hell, I'd like to believe I belong in the 4th category, but as he described it, it just read like a massively self-masturbatory superior race brown nosing than an actual group of players, and I don't think I'm so "perfect" that I could own such a title. I don't think anyone is. Everybody has their bias, so even the most sane of us aren't transcendent of flaws and preferences.
F3 is actually below F1-2 and Tactics in my list. But i like/hate it as much as i like/hate NV. The difference between me and fanboys is that i don't love or hate everything about the games but i point out pros and cons in both! Wich is something people seems to have a really hard time with.
"xx sucks because xx got xx! But xx2 is perfect even if it has the same xx as xx had!" That is what i tend to see in comparisons of the 2 games and that is a reason why i "brow nose" people who can actually judge things without being biased even if they dissagree with me!
And my self-masturbatory superior race is better than your non mastubatory inferior race!