I come here to stay sane...

X12 said:
Akratus said:

i dont get it, screenshot of OA

Akratus said:
X12 said:
Akratus said:

i dont get it, screenshot of OA


Ok, I really hate when people do this, they post something without any context to the main topic, and then look down upon anyone who doesnt get it. All i got from that is, logically, the Lone Wanderer put two and two together, and figured out that the Outcasts needed him/ her for something.
How is that dialogue not fucking terrible?

They are not perceptive, not intelligent and not good!

That is not how people talk
Akratus said:
How is that dialogue not fucking terrible?

They are not perceptive, not intelligent and not good!

That is not how people talk

Yes, its very bad. Perhaps not the worse, but very bad. But you werent saying you were sharing it because its terrible, you just shared it. I didnt get the context of what you were saying.

Oppen said:
Species restriction are wrong, you should have the freedom to do anything you want. Whether an Nord Mage or High Elven Greatsword Warrior, I want to have the choice to be whatever i want, and Skyrim gives me that choice. You still get certain advantages in certain species, they just arent so obvious. I love freedom. Oblivion seemed too.....restricting.
You are assuming sandbox, where anything you want is what you should get. In role playing, I think consistency is more important than sandbox (both might be achievable, and if that's the case, both are better than one, but in cases where you need to choose, you have to prioritize). If your origin in a game is inconsistent with a race, you just can't be that race, as simple as that. A supermutant or ghould origin would instantly break the "you come from a safe vault" lie on Fallout 3, for example. It makes no sense within that story. The same for Fallout 1. And for supermutant, it's valid for Fallout 2, where your village assumes supermutants are evil (the opening calls them a big evil that turns you into a beast inside, and that's based on the way the village sees the world); a ghoul PC might not break logic there, aside from the fact they didn't get high amounts of radiation.
Yes, however (at least with Elder Scrolls) its been said that a Nord can do almost anything a Altmer can, and there are still certain species limits. For example, Nords have resistance to Frost, Dunmer have resistance to Fire, Bretons have (lesser) resistance to all magic effects, Altmer start with extra magicka, Bosmer and Argonians have more disease resistance, Kajiht have extra unarmed damage, etc. Plus all the species have certain "Tag" skills that give you a 5 point head start, raising them to 20 (except for one which has a 10 point head start and raises it to 25, eg, Two Handed for Nords)

Anyway, as for the main topic of this thread....why bother? Who cares if someone thinks Fallout 3 is a great game? They just have different tastes. Not bad, just different. Different priorities. Different ideas of what should be in a game. Opinions are opinions. Most people who say "(x game) is the greatest game ever" mean in their opinion it is. Remember, the natural language of the internet is hyperbole.
X12 said:
Anyway, as for the main topic of this thread....why bother? Who cares if someone thinks Fallout 3 is a great game? They just have different tastes. Not bad, just different. Different priorities. Different ideas of what should be in a game. Opinions are opinions. Most people who say "(x game) is the greatest game ever" mean in their opinion it is. Remember, the natural language of the internet is hyperbole.

Yes, this is true. I personally don't care. I presume most people don't.

It's when people start saying, or even worse, forcing it down your throat that Fallout 3 is a good game. Fallout 3 is not a good RPG or a good Fallout game. This is usually what NMA (usually) says. It's simple statement of fact.
Wumbology said:
X12 said:
Anyway, as for the main topic of this thread....why bother? Who cares if someone thinks Fallout 3 is a great game? They just have different tastes. Not bad, just different. Different priorities. Different ideas of what should be in a game. Opinions are opinions. Most people who say "(x game) is the greatest game ever" mean in their opinion it is. Remember, the natural language of the internet is hyperbole.

Yes, this is true. I personally don't care. I presume most people don't.

It's when people start saying, or even worse, forcing it down your throat that Fallout 3 is a good game. Fallout 3 is not a good RPG or a good Fallout game. This is usually what NMA (usually) says. It's simple statement of fact.

While i dont agree it should be forced down peoples throats, to some, it IS a good game and a good rpg. Because some people have different tastes. "Fallout 3 isnt a good rpg" is not fact, its opinion as much as "Fallout 3 is the best". People should have the right to say what games they like. You know....if people stopped worrying about "which games are better" and instead just enjoy the games they like playing and ignore the ones they dont, we might have a better time.

Fallout 1 and 2 are ISO-TURN-RPGs, made for hardcore gamers. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are 3/FPS-RPGs, made for casual gamers. Trying to compare them is like trying to compare Pasta to Pizza. Pasta (F1 & F2) is refined food, for refined eaters. Pizza (F3 & FNV) is for casual get togethers. Similar, but not the same.

Besides, nothing can be worse than FailOff: Bombs of Sex.
Languorous_Maiar said:
X12, you're must be teenager or so.
In old times, every games was hard as Fallout. (I would say, Fallout wasn't even hard so...)

Im actually 20, but since Fallout came out when i was young, I didnt get to play it when it was out. The first game i played was Spyro The Dragon.

Also by "hardcore" i dont mean "difficult" i mean "takes time to learn". As in a game you cant just sit down and learn how to do it right from the first few minute, the opposite of casual.
for that aspect, Fallout is easy too.
Wasteland is way harder than Fo 1,2 and Wasteland is easier than other RPGs.

if Fallout is hardcore how about JRPGs.
compare with fo3 or skyrim, jrpg would be hardcore too.

or just fo3 and skyrim is too easy to use brain.
Anyway my main point stands: why do we care so much about who likes which game? Why do people feel the need to assume that they are correct. Fallout Classic Fans, Fallout New Age Fans, you are both right and wrong, because what you say is an opinion.
woo1108 said:
It's not a new age Fallout fan.
it's just new age TES fan.

Opinion, not fact. "Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns" Bullshit it is. I played both and they are different. The only thing similar is they use the same engine. They are two different types of games.
No it's not just oblivion with gun both prototype of skyrim with gun. since it's prototype, there aren't many quests in fo3. yes it's my opinion but nothing different between oblivion, skyrim and fo3 as a basic aspect of rpg.
only different thing is PA setting or fantasy setting and gun or bow that's all.
X12 said:
woo1108 said:
It's not a new age Fallout fan.
it's just new age TES fan.

Opinion, not fact. "Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns" Bullshit it is. I played both and they are different. The only thing similar is they use the same engine. They are two different types of games.

Only slightly different shaders, same walking system and lack of sideways animation, same first and third person views, same melee system, same terrible quest structure, same terrible writing, same terrible characters, same focus on dungeons, also broken rpg systems (eg stats and skills).

The biggest difference is the art styles.
Akratus said:
X12 said:
woo1108 said:
It's not a new age Fallout fan.
it's just new age TES fan.

Opinion, not fact. "Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns" Bullshit it is. I played both and they are different. The only thing similar is they use the same engine. They are two different types of games.

Only slightly different shaders, same walking system and lack of sideways animation, same first and third person views, same melee system, same terrible quest structure, same terrible writing, same terrible characters, same focus on dungeons, also broken rpg systems (eg stats and skills).

The biggest difference is the art styles.

So they are SIMILAR, not THE SAME. if it was "oblivion with guns" we be fighting dremora and other mythical creatures in Tameriel.....USING GUNS.
of course oblivion with gun doesn't mean fighting with mythic dawn with gun but it means using lots of mechanism of oblivion and little original mechanism.
and for genre it's far away from other Fallout series but near to oblivion.
anyway, i have no problem agreeing Fallout: Capital Wastes (3) and Fallout: New Vegas are spin offs, part of the main canon (well, in the important parts), and story, but different gameplay.
X12 said:
Anyway my main point stands: why do we care so much about who likes which game? Why do people feel the need to assume that they are correct. Fallout Classic Fans, Fallout New Age Fans, you are both right and wrong, because what you say is an opinion.
Because when the masses, who most of the time just don't know any better due to lack of exposure to quality RPG's, respond to LARP-fests with dumbed-down mechanics like FO3 and TES to the point that that's the only kind of crap developers make because the marketing department says so, the rest of us that want something with more going on in the mechanics department are left with shit to pick from.

I....just dont understand the hatred for Skyrim. How is it not a Role Playing Game? No one seems to say this, they just automatically say "its not a role playing game" without anything to back it up. You get to play a role, any role you want. Now if you are saying its not a RPG like Fallout 1 and 2, no freaking crap!
Because Bethesda games tend to allow too much direct-player-influence (i.e. FPS or button-mashing mechanics), which means large portions of the RPG-elements become redundant or meaningless. The point of an RPG isn't to do whatever you want whenever you want, and have what you do only mean as much as the color of the cape you chose for your character to wear... that's a LARPing simulator.

The point of an RPG is to creatively manipulate the characters within their defined abilities within the context of the game to accomplish objectives while minimizing significant limitations, while also reducing or eliminating the direct influence of the player's actions through the interface, and then have the game-world present a meaningful reaction to those choices/actions (the last point there being the most difficult part of designing a quality RPG, and a lack of it is the main reason why a considerable portion of RPG's made in the last 10 years or so are considered shit by so many)

if you let the player bypass statistical character building or other RPG-aspects of the game, or make it so it doesn't really matter what choices you make (either because the character building system is badly designed, the game is designed so there are too many ways to do the exact same thing making it impossible to fail, or because the player can just use interface manipulation--i.e. FPS mechanics/save-skumming/etc.-- to compensate for a lack of character ability), it ceases to be an RPG and instead becomes a half-assed version of whatever other type of game it's supposed to be a RPG-hybrid of.

Species restriction are wrong, you should have the freedom to do anything you want. Whether an Nord Mage or High Elven Greatsword Warrior, I want to have the choice to be whatever i want, and Skyrim gives me that choice. You still get certain advantages in certain species, they just arent so obvious. I love freedom. Oblivion seemed too.....restricting.
Case in point. if one race/class/build/whatever plays almost exactly the same as another in an RPG, then it's not really role-playing, but rather virtual LARPing.

X12 said:
anyway, i have no problem agreeing Fallout: Capital Wastes (3) and Fallout: New Vegas are spin offs
apparently you didnt' pay attention through FO1 and 2 and into NV then... FO3 is a spinoff, as it's content is only loosely related to the previously-established franchise lore, while NV grew directly out of FO2 the same way FO2 grew directly out of FO1.