Every time Thor pulled the trigger of his sniper rifle the kickback would send a bolt of pain down through his side. Making his aiming shitty today. After traveling a few dozen yards they found another ditch filled with rancid and filthy water that made them gag, but they had no choice as a mutie fire team was heading across their path. They had just begun firing into the group of muties as they were running towards the center of town, when something much more horrible than mutants became interested in the running figures.
Running wasn’t the best of ideas, for deathclaws are after all the barren world’s most toned and dangerous predator's. The sight of a running prey was overwhelming and just too irresistible. The onlooking deathclaw exited the building making high pitched noises that rang through the background as it gained speed in it’s pursuit of the running mutants . Mel, one of the mutie gunners was the first to notice the pursuing creature.
"Guys, we got problems", and pointed to the creature pursuing them.
The other mutants managed a glimpse as they ran but wished they hadn’t. The deathclaw chasing them was fast, oh so very fast.
"Move." Hissed the mutant fire team leader. "Move your fucking asses or I’ll shoot you myself." he roared.
The sound of the chase only brought unwanted attention from another of the primal hunters, as another joined into the pursuit along side it’s brother. It was a race against time, the buildings not far ahead and the deathclaws not far behind.
The buildings was so close, but not close enough. They didn’t think of what may lay in wait in front of them, only concentrating on going forward to escape the dangers behind, until a deathclaw tore out from the debris in front. The creature had lain waiting just till the mutants passed it by.
Using its speed and ripping talons, the deathclaw nearly instantly killed the last mutant. Mel yelled out in despair as his best friend was ripped from behind him.
Stopping and levelling the mini gun, The gunner unloaded what rounds he had left at the deathclaw killing his friend along with the monster.
"Mel... come on, he’s dead." But the fire team's words didn’t register with the mutant.
He just stood there and drew a long gleaming mutant sized knife from its sheathe.
"Fuck it, let’s go." Yelled the fire team leader, "Leave him."
They turned and ran, they didn’t look back, none of them did as they heard the death cry of Mel as the deathclaws took him. The mutants kept moving the last yards to the buildings which seemed to take so very long. The death of the gunners seemed to have ceased the pursuit of the creatures as they had something to feed upon. It wouldn’t last forever.
All the while Scorpio and Thor watched in horrid fascination as the deathclaws fed upon the hapless mutants and the carcass of their kin that had died. When they finished with the carcasses they began to sniff the air, and momentarily looked in the direction of Scorp and Thor. Then shook their heads as if they had smelled something rotten and moved off to find new prey.
"Now why in the hell did they not try to get us"? Scorp asked.
" I had heard a rumor that claws do not like ghouls because of their smell, so do not attack them unless provoked. Since we are in this damned smelly ditch, i think that is why they did not smell us and left". Thor said wonderingly.
"Are you sure you want to go into that town? I think we should wait here and pick off the stragglers". Thor said to Scorpio.
"yeah, who the fuck wants to walk into a town full of muties and claws". Scorpio said.
So they took up position to intercept any muties that fled from the battle to the south.
OOC: Sorry about the long posts guys, but when i start typing, the words just flow out.
Running wasn’t the best of ideas, for deathclaws are after all the barren world’s most toned and dangerous predator's. The sight of a running prey was overwhelming and just too irresistible. The onlooking deathclaw exited the building making high pitched noises that rang through the background as it gained speed in it’s pursuit of the running mutants . Mel, one of the mutie gunners was the first to notice the pursuing creature.
"Guys, we got problems", and pointed to the creature pursuing them.
The other mutants managed a glimpse as they ran but wished they hadn’t. The deathclaw chasing them was fast, oh so very fast.
"Move." Hissed the mutant fire team leader. "Move your fucking asses or I’ll shoot you myself." he roared.
The sound of the chase only brought unwanted attention from another of the primal hunters, as another joined into the pursuit along side it’s brother. It was a race against time, the buildings not far ahead and the deathclaws not far behind.
The buildings was so close, but not close enough. They didn’t think of what may lay in wait in front of them, only concentrating on going forward to escape the dangers behind, until a deathclaw tore out from the debris in front. The creature had lain waiting just till the mutants passed it by.
Using its speed and ripping talons, the deathclaw nearly instantly killed the last mutant. Mel yelled out in despair as his best friend was ripped from behind him.
Stopping and levelling the mini gun, The gunner unloaded what rounds he had left at the deathclaw killing his friend along with the monster.
"Mel... come on, he’s dead." But the fire team's words didn’t register with the mutant.
He just stood there and drew a long gleaming mutant sized knife from its sheathe.
"Fuck it, let’s go." Yelled the fire team leader, "Leave him."
They turned and ran, they didn’t look back, none of them did as they heard the death cry of Mel as the deathclaws took him. The mutants kept moving the last yards to the buildings which seemed to take so very long. The death of the gunners seemed to have ceased the pursuit of the creatures as they had something to feed upon. It wouldn’t last forever.
All the while Scorpio and Thor watched in horrid fascination as the deathclaws fed upon the hapless mutants and the carcass of their kin that had died. When they finished with the carcasses they began to sniff the air, and momentarily looked in the direction of Scorp and Thor. Then shook their heads as if they had smelled something rotten and moved off to find new prey.
"Now why in the hell did they not try to get us"? Scorp asked.
" I had heard a rumor that claws do not like ghouls because of their smell, so do not attack them unless provoked. Since we are in this damned smelly ditch, i think that is why they did not smell us and left". Thor said wonderingly.
"Are you sure you want to go into that town? I think we should wait here and pick off the stragglers". Thor said to Scorpio.
"yeah, who the fuck wants to walk into a town full of muties and claws". Scorpio said.
So they took up position to intercept any muties that fled from the battle to the south.
OOC: Sorry about the long posts guys, but when i start typing, the words just flow out.