Ideas for new Fallout threats

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

I would like to hear people's suggestions for new threats to the wasteland that are on par of that of the Master and his Super Mutants, the President and the Enclave (original, not FO3 version), Dr Presper/Limit 115/B.O.M.B.001, or the Calculator and its robots.

Please some original ideas and not scenarios in which the previous organizations, individuals, or computer can become a threat again.

Any plans/ideas on what would make the new organizations/individuals a threat would also be nice to read.
For the love of god, no more "cleansing the wastes" crusades. F2, Tactics, VB, F3 all had goons wanting to cleanse the wastes. You could even argue F1 had it, since the Master wanted everyone to be the same, which is quite similar.

My thinking is, why do you always have to be the "Chosen One" who saves everyone? I get tired of protagonists being messianic figures. It's just been done to death.

For twist, how about some trigger happy BOS asshole murders your family, and you just want revenge. Simple. If you don't want revenge, you can just forget it and fart around the wastes. Hell, be a dick and blame your circumstances.

There are many options for "small scale" epicness. Have your brother lead an of raiders who terrorize the countryside. Only you can take him down. Make it personal. Maybe he's not all bad. I'm up for a sympathetic bad guy.
I think that a organized group of raiders or bandits sounds feasible. Maybe a large group of cannibalistic tribals. Not on par with the Master or the Enclave but still dangerous enough to pose a threat.

I find it strange that there are no tribals in F3,but this has been discussed already so I won't.

I can see Raiders being much more organized though than they have been depicted. Surely they could have scavenged a large stockpile of Pre-War tech and the like. I could see their motivation being as simple as "survival of the fittest" and them not giving a shit about human life. Cannibalism was touched upon a bit in the series, so it's not a new concept, but cannibalism just seems practical if you think about it.

I remember the ending to "A Boy and His Dog."
Surprised the hell out of me, but it really made you think. How far would people go to survive. My guess would be "all the way."
Maybe it's just me, but if it came down to me starving to death because I can't find any food or grow any, you would be left with little choice, but to find some sort of creature to hunt or hunt your own kind. I guess killing "Evil" people would make it more appealing.


Perhaps a large coalition of Chinese troops. Surely there would be another group of Power Armor wearing guys out in the wasteland just aching to kill people and take over. Maybe they would hold some sort of resentment to the US, or maybe they just feel like discriminating against people different than them.

Racism has been touched on in Fallout with the Ghouls and Mutants, but perhaps it could take a more prevalent role with the Chinese. Maybe even a remnant of the Mexican or Canadian forces. I don't know what their tech level would be, but surely after the bombs fell people would want to search for other countries and their survivors to see whats left.

Since the Commonwealth was building androids maybe a android threat might be plausible. Especially with that kind of tech. I could understand a hate towards humans from an androids perspective since humans destroyed the planet.

If you want to go with Tactics as canon (like Bethesda eluded too in F3) then a organized Deathclaw rising might be a threat. Maybe you could even say that the Enclave was building up a force of Deathclaws to unleash on the Wasteland (perhaps with slave collars of some sort) and target specific races like Ghouls and Mutants. I know the Enclave has been beaten to death ,but they don't even have to be in the game. Just add in the back story that the Deathclaws were being tamed and used as slave warriors.

Not the best, but it's all I got for now.

I have been working for a long time on an idea of my own for a Fallout OC, since the cancellation of Van Buren.

Rather than some army, the main threat was an individual and his followers who are working on some nefarious scheme that could cost many people their lives if put in action.
Any more details?

I too am working on something similar but it's not for Fallout.
Hello TorontRayne,

I don't want to spoil it as I would like to use it one day, so I will PM it instead, but it deals in general with background on the Vault Social Experiments, the US government's/Enclave's space program, and government secret projects left over from the War.

Like in Fallout 1 and 2, something from before the War was coming back to haunt the wasteland.
But this time the player is a part of it.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hello TorontRayne,

I don't want to spoil it as I would like to use it one day, so I will PM it instead, but it deals in general with background on the Vault Social Experiments, the US government's/Enclave's space program, and government secret projects left over from the War.

Like in Fallout 1 and 2, something from before the War was coming back to haunt the wasteland.
But this time the player is a part of it.

I see. I too have had thoughts about a space program/Lunar colony. It seems to fit the setting well IMO.
I see the biggest two threats in the Fallout universe being Nature & humans. But that isn't really new and rather general.

The progression of towns in Fallout 1 to what they became in 2 struck me as interesting game in itself. What I mean is that by completing quests or not the player improved a town, but alot of it was off-screen or after the ending. How about a world that is more dynamic and that by spending the time helping Gecko instead of visting New Reno when you do get there the Wrights have been wiped out?

Pipe dream. I know. If we had systems capable of that then true AI wouldn't be so far off.
I always thought the regular, remnants of the U.S army could have played a role.

I mean, nothing like Enclave or anything like that, just a couple of military bases out here and there, in which this faction could either be neutral or peaceful, or helps normal wastelanders resume their lives.

A nice counter-weight to the BOS, Enclave, Mutants and all that.
Actually, the BOS were remnants of the armed forces, yes?

Actual remnants of the original armed forces, would be dead, however, only their descendants left (again, like the BOS)
I like the Chinese army idea.

As for the PC, it would be interesting if the "natural" path for the player was the bad one, and he would have to suffer a bit for going good. Sort of a flip-flop from the norm.
Rev. Layle said:
Actually, the BOS were remnants of the armed forces, yes?

Actual remnants of the original armed forces, would be dead, however, only their descendants left (again, like the BOS)

Were they? I thought they were an average vault that developed into tech hoarding badasses.
from the Fallout wikia:

Under the history section:
Mariposa Military Base

The founder of the Brotherhood was Captain Roger Maxson. He was a member of a military team commanded by Colonel Robert Spindel, originally sent to the West Tek research facility on January 3, 2076 to monitor the experiments in the interest of national security. On January 7, 2077, all West Tek research was moved to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base, along with Spindel's team.

On October 10, Maxson and his men discovered, to their horror, that the scientists at Mariposa were using military prisoners as test subjects in their experiments with the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Morale in the base broke down, and Spindel suffered a mental breakdown, eventually committing suicide 5 days later. Maxson's men turned to him for leadership.

After interrogating Robert Anderson, the chief scientist, and learning about the extent of their actions, Maxson executed him, and the other scientists soon followed. Maxson, now in control of the entire base, declared himself to be in full desertion from the army via radio on October 20. Strangely, he got no response, as the rest of the army was busy fighting the Chinese threat. Three days later, the bombs were launched, and the Great War ended two hours after it started.
I am personally sick of "saving the world" type of storyline and would like to see something more down to earth. Something like a large and well organized group of raiders whose leader tries to form a new government with him as a president with violent actions. The thing is that although the raiders can be seen as evil (they also would have zero tolerance towards mutants) they may be a chance to bring peace and prosperity to wasteland since strong arm tactic is needed to take control of chaotic post apocalyptic world.
Rev. Layle said:
Actually, the BOS were remnants of the armed forces, yes?

Actual remnants of the original armed forces, would be dead, however, only their descendants left (again, like the BOS)

Yes, but the BOS ended up turning into something completely different.

And you can't possibly assume the entire army would have been wipied out. There would have been training camps/forts, isolated bases, communication stations, depots and so on that were not targeted.

I don't see why some of these bases, being undamaged, could have supported farming, electricity production and so on. Eventually, the descendents of the original soldiers form a militaristic community much akin to Sparta in Greece in the classical period, perhaps even establishing the begginings of a new state.

This would be an interesting faction to deal with.
Yes, it's silly that somehow a local faction like Brotherhood of Steel suddenly starting with Tactics became the only power armor descendant of the US military in the whole United States. There should be many other similar factions here and there.
How about starvation? The climate gone to hell, the Wasteland is experiencing the worst drought ever and people are killing each other to get their hands on the last sources of food? No evil/mad/mad and evil organisation wanting to take over the world, simply basic fight for survival on a giant scale. Player's role would be to find enough food to survive (it would be strange if everyone was starving to death, but your character never ate anything), support the faction he\she believes to be the most worthy of survival and perhaps finding the source of the climate change, like an pre-war super weapon, accidentaly awoken by a band of half-witted farmers.
Its perhaps me but I feel you have to be careful with introducing with new high tech factions, to much and you risk breaking with the Fallout atmosphere.

Sort of give the people what they need and not what they want.
I'd rather have new high tech factions than the Brotherhood and the Enclave ad nauseum.