id's post-apocalyptic game: Rage

nice monsters:


I love the beginning of the trailer when we can see eternance or a part of a PA city, that looks so cool!
It looks interesting :) . Is it only me or the graphics are a lot better than in Fallout: Interceptor?
Doom 3 stayed true to the original games formula, I have no problems with that.

I'm looking forward to this game.
Sorrow said:
It looks interesting :) . Is it only me or the graphics are a lot better than in Fallout: Interceptor?

Fallout: Interceptor ?? Could somebody post info about that game ??
He's making a joke by comparing Fallout 3 to X-COM: Interceptor, which was a First Person Space Shooter (like Wing Commander) set in a series that had previously been turn-based strategy. X-COM: Interceptor failed horribly, which is presumably what he's hoping will happen to Fallout 3.

It's in the same vein as the Fallout: Enforcer jokes of the past, which were a comparison between Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and X-COM: Enforcer. Both of which were terrible 3rd person shooters, and cheap attempts to cash in on the "lowest common denominator". Both were made even in light of the failures of previous spin-offs. Both failed miserably.

For that matter, one could also make comparisons between Fallout Tactics and X-COM: Apocalypse.
I've read an article about what happened to X-Com series a few days ago. That's the second of my favourite series that got killed off this way :( .

Kan-Kerai said:
For that matter, one could also make comparisons between Fallout Tactics and X-COM: Apocalypse.
No, it would have to be Fallout 3 with isometric view, 2d graphics, TB/RTwP combat whose action would happen inside a giant Vault with a Vault Map replacing World Map :P . The Vault would have ultratech equipment and scientists that would work on new equipment and a full government.
Also, it would be unfinished and have weapon damages halved or a more brutal hit point progression :P .

Arcanum would be closer to X-Com 3.
Hello Sorrow,

And I am afraid that won't be the last, I used to be a major Wing Commander fan, I even liked Prophecy for what it offered.

But I really can't stand Wing Commander Arena, which I think is nothing but one of those old 2D shooters but in a 3D enviroment, instead of of the somewhat arcade space simulator that tried to tell a story.

It also happens with television shows and movies, people these days feel that classics have to be 're-invented'.
I stopped playing Wing Commander after playing WC:5 - I couldn't stand the protagonist XDDDDDDDDDDDD .
From previous WC games I played only WC:4 and I liked it.

The creators of X-Com are pretty vocal about what they think about what happened to the franchise. They started their own business. I think that working for big corporations results in franchise being killed off sooner or later. That's why I'm buying games mostly from indie developers lately.
I hate having monsters in games like this...Far Cry failed because of those lame-ass things, and I'm already worried about Left for Dead because of the damn Hulk zombie.

Semi-realism is nice, not every game has to be about effing aliens.
metalboss44 said:
Doom 3 stayed true to the original games formula, I have no problems with that.

I'm looking forward to this game.

Still doesn't make Doom 3 fun or less repetitive.

Anyways, we have a while to see if they can pull this game off.
Doom 3 was fun for me because I only played the first level, and then my savegame got corrupted and I chose not to give a shit.

The Doom 3 engine is just boring.
I know Quake 4 wasn't developed by Id but that was one of the most dullest, boring games I've ever played. Doom 3 was way better but still an ok game, nothing great.

I'm not looking forward to an Id game anymore, unless it's something other than FPS. This looks like something different with the Motorstorm elements and all but I have no idea how this would work without any RPG elements. I suspect, they might know they need a change and try to do something very different with some sort of RPG or JAK II style freeroam.

I like the monsters too, I wouldn't mind them looking like that in F3.
I don't think I will ever play this game, but it looks really nice.

Especially the logo, with the not-so-imminent Anarchy sign :clap:
Well, this game looks like complete and utter garbage. Not surprising considering who made it I suppose. I hated Doom 3, and this looks like its going to be identical except for the setting, so I think I'll avoid the Christmas rush and start hating this "game" now.

Oh no! Yet another monster jumping out at me from yet another corner! Oh, the horror! :roll: