MajorDanger said:
Why would anyone go to a site dedicated to FALLOUT games and not expect nothing but hate? Maybe because we actually got another fallout game after it's original company went bankrupt. It only took what, 10 years for a new fallout game?
Actually, we got Fallout: Tactics and Fallout: BoS, and even though they were "new" fallout games, I wouldn't call them "gifts."
You take a gift like this and shit all over it because it isn't 3rd person or turn based and doesn't measure up to the unrealistic and draconian standards you went into it with. You didn't honestly expect a game made in 2008 to be the same as, or even remotely similar to a game made in 1998, did you? If so then all of you have yourselves to blame because you went into this with a mind closed tighter than a (witty similie).
"Gift like this?" If you call a mediocre, watered down shooter/rpg hybrid clusterfuck like FO3 a "gift" then I'm glad I'm not on your Xmas list.
I didn't want a re-hashed FO1 or 2 (another fallback of the Beth apologists). I wanted a decent "Fallout" game. Something in the vein of Fallout 1 or 2, and deserving of the title "Fallout 3." What I got was Oblivion 2.5: Hats and Guns.
You must not play many 'real time shooters'. How are the controls 'clunky?" Do you have an infatuation with buzz words? i haven't even played the computer fallout 3, so I can imagine how much better being able to aim a well repaired hunting rifle with a mouse must be. Aim and click, aim and click. How does that differ from any of the other 'real' FPS's you referred me to. It doesn't.
Since when is "clunky" a buzzword? How's this: FO3's aiming, on the PS3, feels as accurate as riding a cow with 3 legs.
If you don't notice a difference in feel between CoD 4 and FO3, it's you sir who don't play enough shooters.
Vats being an 'i win' button? Turn up the difficulty if you're finding the game too easy. I honestly didn't start to get bored with how easy shit was until I got a plasma rifle at level 17 with 100 in Energy weapons and the Commando and Sniper perks, both which increase your VATS accuracy significantly. The game was over for me anyway.
I'm playing on "Hard."
I don't mean to come off as a dickhead but I'm starting to get irritated with this shared hive-mind that the current combat system doesn't belong here. You couldn't possibly build a game on the Oblivion engine and still make it purely turn based, and you couldn't realistically market and sell a true to form turn based game in this day and age.
Here's a thought: don't build a Fallout game on the Oblivion Engine. Stop being lazy bitches and design something from the ground up for once.
As for not being able to sell turn based games, here you go:
Advance Wars (and it's sequels)
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Jeanne D'Arc
Romance of the Three Kingdoms (whatever # they're up to now)
As for "evolving" I'm willing to bet Starcraft II and Diablo III will outsell FO3, and they'll still be isometric, and true to their original games, even in this day and age.
So either everyone shuts the fuck up about these irrelevant gripes that the game doesn't play like the first two and tries it, or continue to hate it but still play it with dozens of mods in a vain attempt to try and make it like Fallout 1 and 2. Part of the reason I bought it for the XBox.
So it's okay to praise a game, but not to point out it's glaring faults?
You're right on the money. The really frustrating bit is that I don't think these people really hate this game. I think they desperately want to hate this game.
When you're snubbing your nose at things like "large game world" and at the same time, citing that random bottles don't break when you drop them...that's a real turning point. People like this will never be impressed by anything, relagating themselves only to outdated, subpar experiences for no other reason than nostalgia.
I don't hate the game. I just think it's mediocre, and falls into many of the same traps that Oblivion fell in. Shitty combat, terrible dialogue, no real sense of consequence, horrid animations, brutal story, and atrocious AI.
As for "regulating myself to outdated games," that's just trolling.