Input Device of the Future?


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So whaddya think -- input device of the future or gimmick?
It necessitates two actions to right click or scroll. None of the faux-touch-screen motions make up for how dumb that is.

Besides, I couldn't imagine working with a mouse with less than 5 buttons nowadays.
Aye to BN. The key to a good interface is to keep it as simple to use as possible. Two actions for one result is bad no matter what fancy tech you hide it behind.
How about this insert it up you ass - then if you lean forward, the cursor moves forward, lean back, the cursor moves back, to double click just clench your ass. Just make sure you wash it before passing it to friends. :P


I think I'll stick with the mouse. :roll:
Seems gimmicky. Like trying to use Kinect instead of a mouse. I can't see it replacing a more analog interface like we already have (with 5+ buttons).
I dunno. I understand the concerns, but the right-clicking thing seems like it could be easily turned into a really quick one-two tap with a little bit of practice. No less intuitive than double-clicking with a regular mouse. The other things that require more than one gesture might be a little goofy though.

Mostly it's a lot like a multi-touch screen except you don't have to touch the screen, which is one of the large downsides to touch-screen technology in general. You have to block a lot of the screen with your hand when interacting with it.

It's something I'd like to give a try and see if it becomes intuitive enough to truly replace the mouse.

I never got into the 5-million button mouse thing so not having the extra buttons wouldn't bother me. I just need left, right, and scroll wheel.
Lol, fair point. But the question isn't if the mouse is a hassle, but if this is a superior or inferior means of interfacing with your computer.

And if you're skeptical about use for desktop computers, how about use with laptops and other portable computers? Game systems (for example, browsing the web on your TV via the PS3, which is just awful with a game pad)?
Kyuu said:
Lol, fair point. But the question isn't if the mouse is a hassle, but if this is a superior or inferior means of interfacing with your computer.
No, this thing is not superior. The mouse, and touch pads/screens on portable devices, get the job done. This seems to solely exist because it can exist. Oh and because things haven't changed in 10 years, and things must be changed!

And if you're skeptical about use for desktop computers, how about use with laptops and other portable computers? Game systems (for example, browsing the web on your TV via the PS3, which is just awful with a game pad)?
Well, you kind of need a table or something similar for this thing to work, thus getting rid of the "lap" in laptop and making such portable computers not so portable anymore. And to utilize this for a gaming system is pointless. I see no games that would need it, and I see no reason to browse the web on your television either.
So its like my mouse, only it is thousand time more expensive, and hw does it stop carpal tunel sindrome? I am still makign the same hand movements as with my regular mouse, and its looks just as reliable as my cheap tablet, wich I hate to use. Gimmicky at best.
It appears to be worse than a mouse, tablet, and touchscreen all in one! Whoopee. Gimmicky crap is gimmicky crap.
It's just like with trackballs or touchpads. Does anyone really use those? EXACTLY!

[:D flame alert :D]

However, this can be popular amongst Mac users. That's how I imagine the retardation of one-button mouse - no buttons. Actuallny, no mouse at all :D

[/flame alert (Mac sucks)]
Walpknut said:
So its like my mouse, only it is thousand time more expensive, and hw does it stop carpal tunel sindrome? I am still makign the same hand movements as with my regular mouse, and its looks just as reliable as my cheap tablet, wich I hate to use. Gimmicky at best.

Yeah, I don't understand were the evolution is supposed to be. In the end it like a mouse with only two buttons.

To make things worse I guess you need to leave a clean area on your desk for the damn thing to work properly. Bleh.
Precision > Gimmick. Always. I can imagine how this would sell to the Mac crowd, perhaps.

But it's never gonna be as precise as a mouse, which scans the surface directly underneath it and responds to the slightest nudge. A motion sensor / camera that attempts to read all your hand movements is simply never gonna be as precise. As I said - great for office use perhaps, but to expect gamers or designers to move onto this pile of junk is ridiculous.

Also, why is it called a "mouse" if it's clearly a dog/cat type animal? Why the long intro about how the mouse is a thing of the past? Sounds like this product suffers from major identity crisis.
DarthBartus said:
It's just like with trackballs or touchpads. Does anyone really use those? EXACTLY!

Actually, i used to have a friend who used only trackballs. I must say, they're different, but in no way worse/less precise than a mouse if used right. He certainly didn't look disadvantaged in the countless games of Counter-Strike we played.

Agreed on the touchpads though. And from the demonstration, this thing looks pretty uncomfortable. On a mouse, your fingers rest on the buttons. Here, you have to suspend your finger in mid-air in an unnatural position.
Ausdoerrt said:
Actually, i used to have a friend who used only trackballs. I must say, they're different, but in no way worse/less precise than a mouse if used right. He certainly didn't look disadvantaged in the countless games of Counter-Strike we played.

I used a trackball a few times when playing Counter Strike, once you get used to it, it's pretty easy.
Touchpads however can go suck it, so can whatever this is, however best not for the thing .Pixote. posted. :V
DarthBartus said:
It's just like with trackballs or touchpads. Does anyone really use those? EXACTLY!

for more than 12 years.

and even the same trackball.

MS trackball explorer 1.0

in 98 i got it for my birthday, cost my parents $125

still going strong with 5+wheel buttons.
SkuLL said:
But it's never gonna be as precise as a mouse, which scans the surface directly underneath it and responds to the slightest nudge. A motion sensor / camera that attempts to read all your hand movements is simply never gonna be as precise. As I said - great for office use perhaps, but to expect gamers or designers to move onto this pile of junk is ridiculous.

This goes on top of how dumb some of the interface motions are. This can not be used for gaming, or graphical design, or any non-casual usage of the PC. Do the designers of this thing realise how often PCs are used for other things that just dicking around on the web? It seems they might not.