Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

I've just sent an email to them so, it will be interesting to see if I get a response. As long as they dont take on a "we will tell you want you want" attitude and listen to want people actually want then it should be fine.

I am open minded about this now and will give them a chance. I think they must be aware that its good bussiness to listen to your customers, I mean sure not everything we want will be included but as long as the most important parts are then cool :)
my thoughts exactly. we should be thankfull it wasn't going to be a Fallout online thingy next.
IPLY retains the rights to FOOL according to Gamespot.. Remember Herve's big PLAN!
I'm with Kharn and Odin here, this could turn out either way. Morrowind was quite boring and pointless in some ways. But then it could have been worse. Much worse. At least Bethesda knows how to make RPGs. Maybe they should have let FO3 die... We'll see.
Notice how all those bethesda games shown on their web are rated either 'Teen' or 'Everyone'?
I'm seriously gonna kill someone if they make it Teen.
Just imagine - super mutants looking like teddybears, teletubbies instead of sluts etc..
Bethesda is not a bad home for the Fallout license.

I've stated in the past that Bethesda was very interested in the Fallout license, and that many of the people that work there are longtime fans of the series.

I doubt that they'll use the VB code. They'll most likely be using the next generation technology of the Morrowind engine.

I don't know if they'll use the SPECIAL system, turn-based combat, or the isometric point of view.

At least the actual development process of the Fallout series is no longer in the hands of Herve or Molitor. :)
I have confidence in Bethesda. I actually really enjoyed Morrowind, but it was just a bit too much of a game for me and I found I stopped playing after a few weeks...But I did play it all the way through the main quest, and I enjoyed that part.

FO3 will be pretty damned good. Why does it have to be isometric to be Fallout? Seriously...Just because they update the graphics a bit doesn't mean the whole thing will suck.

I wouldn't mind a Fallout that is as in depth and full as Morrowind....Hopefully they will do better with their bloated graphics system for Fallout so it will be playable on machines that aren't P4 3Ghz..My only problem with the PC version of Morrowind is the terrible frame rates. Never played the XBOX version.
As soon as I heard the news, I ran like a bat out of hell to the nearest computer and had to offer my opinion on this.
To everyone who's taking a "wait and see" approach to this: that's the right way to take this. Personally, I do think that it kinda sucks that Bethseda isn't going to finish Van Buren: it would have been cool to play that. Anyways, if this game is going to be good, then...
They would play the first two games in the series, and/or read the FO Bible.
They would certainly listen to the community- stuff like that elevates a decent game to something legendary. Screw the lemmings that buy Madden 200X sight unseen, let's care about the gamers that want something fresh, something new, something different yet has the details that communities nitpick about.
Of course, they would get the details right... if, say, in the storyline, Canada invades the US and not the other way around (as in the FO canon), then there might be a problem...
They would put in a sense of humor, either someting subtle, over the top parodies (like in Grand Theft Auto), Family Guy-style cultral references... or how about all three? :wink:
I don't know about the TB combat and isometric viewpoint, but I can save that for another thread... 8)
Hi, I thought I would register and offer my views on this.

When I heard the news about Bethesda taking control of Fallout 3, I was thrilled. I am a huge fan of Morrowind (albeit it took a long time for me to get motivated in it) and a huge fan of Fallout. The first type of game came to my head was a similar style play of Morrowind, but with the Fallout theme. While this is a huge step away from the typical style of Fallout, think about it this way.

Imagine a huge world, with no huge level loading screens. Imagine being able to wander the wastes to your hearts content, going where you want to go. Picture seeing from a first person view, the ruins of the Boneyard, or being able to take a group of Radscorpions out with your SMG, and actually feel like you are the one doing, not watching your character do it.

Personally, I hope they turn it into "Morrowind with guns and a nuclear feel". If any of you played it for more than 30 minutes, you'd discover how immersive the game really was. I'm so sick of people saying Morrowind sucks just because it had so much text and no speech, or that it was a mindless slasher.

Anywho, thats my 2 caps.
Eragon2004 said:
I don't know if they'll use the SPECIAL system, turn-based combat, or the isometric point of view.

If they don't it will go against what Fallout is, having a rotating camera option is ok. But I don't want it to be a firstperson shooter, it's supposed to be a RPG with heavy tactical emphasis.

Eragon2004 said:
FO3 will be pretty damned good. Why does it have to be isometric to be Fallout? Seriously...Just because they update the graphics a bit doesn't mean the whole thing will suck.

Don't start that whole debate again... Fallout is an isometric RPG with Turn Based combat...nuff said...
Yes, Fallout FPS has been discussed and canned. You're not a real Fallout fanboy if you don't care about the isometric view, the SPECIAL system and TB combat. If they don't keep at least those, they can start digging a hole. Why didn't/wouldn't they go with VB?
Wolfgeist said:
The first type of game came to my head was a similar style play of Morrowind, but with the Fallout theme. While this is a huge step away from the typical style of Fallout, think about it this way.

AAAH..step away from the keyboard and die!

Wolfgeist said:
Picture seeing from a first person view
Read above...

Wolfgeist said:
Personally, I hope they turn it into "Morrowind with guns and a nuclear feel". If any of you played it for more than 30 minutes, you'd discover how immersive the game really was. I'm so sick of people saying Morrowind sucks just because it had so much text and no speech, or that it was a mindless slasher.

It is a mindless slasher, but then again you're probably in the correct focus group. Fallout as a first person shooter goes against all that Fallout is, Bis knew this, Troika knows this and Bethesda should also know this..
Montez said:
Briosafreak said:
Spazmo Dhruin knows the entire story, Troika almost got it.

Ack, what do you mean Troika almost got it!?!

They got the backing they needed, and almost won the bid war. At the last moment Bethesda did one unbeatable offer, and got the prize.
Well, thank you for your response, albeit it rather harsh.

I am a huge Fallout fan. I have played them countless times, and my group of friends even played a tabletop version of it. It's just that times have changed since 1998, and I think Bethesda could do great. What I want is more than likely not what we will get, but Bethesda knows how to make an RPG.

I'll refrain from adding more of what YOU would consider flamebait however, but I find this as being a good move for the Fallout games.
Hmph. Nothing original about my post, for sure.

I'm very, very skeptical about this. Too little information to base an opinion on.

I really hope they'll do a decent job, stick to the atmosphere and setting of the original Fallout, and do good research on the game and fan reactions to FOBOS and FOOL.

Still... dunno, I'm not sure about this. Good thing the license is out of IPLY, in any case.
Eragon2004 wrote:
FO3 will be pretty damned good. Why does it have to be isometric to be Fallout? Seriously...Just because they update the graphics a bit doesn't mean the whole thing will suck.

Wait a minute, I didn't write that. That was ExtremeRyno. :twisted:

Isometric has been the POV for all incarnations of the Fallout series, and it was going to be the POV for BIS's Fallout 3 game (it was very similar to Dungeon Siege).

It would be strange to see it in another POV, especially in FPS (that would suck).
Another new face here. Like many others, I have hoped for FO3 since I finished FO2, but after this piece of news I kind of hope it would have died rather than become a 1st/3rd person action game.

Right now I feel that pretty much all hope for another good FO game is lost, usually I try to be optimistic, but Bethesda... Well if they announce isometric view and the S.P.E.S.I.A.L system, all hope isn't lost, but untill they do, I try not to think about this.
Wolfgeist said:
Well, thank you for your response, albeit it rather harsh.
Hah, just wait for Rosh..

Wolfgeist said:
I am a huge Fallout fan. I have played them countless times, and my group of friends even played a tabletop version of it. It's just that times have changed since 1998, and I think Bethesda could do great. What I want is more than likely not what we will get, but Bethesda knows how to make an RPG.

Sure times have changed but where does it say that you need to change a winning formula? Of course you can fix it, but not radically change it. That's taking a chance and thus could end up with it tanking. FBOS anyone?!

Wolfgeist said:
I'll refrain from adding more of what YOU would consider flamebait however, but I find this as being a good move for the Fallout games.

Eragon2004 said:
At least the actual development process of the Fallout series is no longer in the hands of Herve or Molitor. :)

Hey, you`re right, was about time :)
I don't know if they'll use the SPECIAL system, turn-based combat, or the isometric point of view.


By the way time to peek on other forums

I have to admit I gained some enjoyment from Morrowind.... so I can't say I'm unhappy with this.

But I have this dread they will make their own "version" of Fallout... and not use what came before.

Hopefully they will listen to the fanbase..... Anyone know if they have a track record of doing that?