Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

This makes me sad. Bethsheda, just give the fucking license to Troika. Why do you want it so badly? Troika is where it belongs.

Let's compare Bethsoft with what a Fallout game offers.

Morrowind had:
- non existant dialogue
- non existant plot
- 'T' rating
- cliche setting
- NPCs that were completely and utterly forgettable
- console leanings
- real time, sucky combat
- first person view.

What Fallout requires:
- super strong, sharp, witty dialogue
- super strong, involving plot whilst retaining non linearity in that plot
- 'M' rating
- original, unique setting
- every NPC has a personality
- turn based combat only
- isometric graphics.
- SPECIAL system. Nothing else. SPECIAL.

Do they match up? Let's look.
My initial post was just going to be, 'I want to commit suicide'.

EDIT: if we can get some Bethsoft devs to post over here, maybe we can start to work on these things. And at least bioware didn't get it.
Why do I get the feeling that even as Morrowind with post-apoc skins this game will do really well and even get a bunch of sequels?
I find this good news, not only was morrowind a good RPG (i still play it daily) but bethesda was a good supporter of modding. Im hoping they dont make it first person, 3d would be ok, but i would much rather have the 3rd person view that was in all of the fallouts. So long as it doesnt suck as much as FO:POS. I would prefer the normal fallout system, rather than bethesdas own, it worked for morrowind but i doubt it would for fallout.

This is exciting news for me and i hope bethesda makes a game that can live up to the fans expectations and that they will continue and honor the fallout genre and gameplay.
It was an isometric view, not third person. Check the F3 suggestions/ideas forum for views on a 3D Fallout.

HomeLAN - How much input will Interplay have in the development of Fallout 3? Can they say "yes" or "no" to things like game design, story, etc?

Pete Hines - We have complete creative control over the development of the game.

HomeLAN - Will any team members from the previous Fallout games be involved in Fallout 3?

Pete Hines - Too early to talk about stuff like that.

HomeLAN - Ok. Final question..has development of Fallout 3 actually begun and can you give us any idea of a release date?

Pete Hines - I'll take the last one first. WAY too early to talk release dates. Yeah, we've started pre-production on Fallout 3 development.
Hmmm..... with any luck they'll at least try to maybe discuss things with people who know about fallout (previous devs)... assuming such a thing is possible.
Think about it. They have just bought a rather expensive license. They produce 3D FPS / Action RPGs. They port their games to the console.

What on earth would be a sane reason for them to consider making an isometric RPG rather than a 3D Action RPG (which Morrowind is as it is heavily focussed on real-time combat)?

Right now I'm very close to actually throwing up -- and this is not just a phrase, I AM.

I was sad when I saw the canned Van Buren because the when I saw the screenshots for the first time I thought that game could have been a ray of sunshine after the horrors of the past (Fallout: Tactics, a minor breakdown followed by the worst spin-off possible: Fallout BOS).
When I read "FO3 license bought by Bethesda", I was happy. Then I realised who Bethesda are and what games they produce. That's like a slap in the face. Then I read Troika was a close runner-up. That pretty much finished me off.

Call me emotional, but I feel like shit now. I feel worse now than I did when I saw the FOBOS trailer for the first time. This time they are not raping a spin-off, this time they are raping a sequel.
This time, it's personal.
Hm, time to re-activate my Bethsoft account...
I've actually been a fan of Bethesda for quite some, time, since buying DAGGERFALL (at the tender age of 9...) which did have an "M" rating (don't ask how I got it...), and even registered at their boards a LONG time ago, but I certainly did not see THAT coming...

"Wait and see" is probably the best approach, I guess. And Bethesda developers DO hang around the forums a lot and listen to the fans (heck the 2 expansions for Morrowind were made based solely on what people on the forums wanted), so a scenario ala-FOBOS will probably be avoided...
I'd have to agree with Odin, and maybe go a step further...

Yes it must be isometric view and "possibly" have a camera rotation. In fact I would want to have the option to rotate the camera and look behind the buildings and stuff. I'd actaully like to be able to have a zoom and maybe a sligt camera angle adjustment (but still isometric!)

Yes it must use SPECIAL or or wouldnt be Fallout, this is probably my favorite part of FO, even FOT knew enough to have the SPECIAL system.

As for turn based / Real Time.....I am resigned to loose this, sure I want Turn-based but I cant see it happening :|

btw if you just put Post-Apoc skins on a Morrow wind engine they wouldnt need the fallout license, the fact that they paid a stack load of $$$$$ for the rights to make it would probably mean they want to actaully make a FO game not a morrowwind hillbilly shooter
Its grave news indeed, sure it’s too early to say if the game will blow donkey ass, or even if it will have any similarity to the previous fallouts, but I fear the worse.

Dose anyone know if the licensing is final? Can one of the sides terminate the contract?
Bethesda has started hiring programmers, and some developer announced the game is in pre-production, so I guess it is final.

BTW did the Obsidian boards crush because of the uber-traffic caused by the crisis, or is it just me?
By the GAWDS! Don't you know what you are getting yourselves into, Bethesda?!?!? Soon the people of RPG Codex and the NMA well be swarming your forums. I hope for your sakes you guys got a good langauge filter system.

You have taken a huge undertaking and if you do it wrong there will be no mercy from the masses of Fallout fans that will descend upon your forums and you lives.


My gut feeling is that a thousand years from now people will speak with hushed, quivering voices of how brilliant Van Buren would have turned out compared to what eventually became Fallout 3 and spelled the end of the series as far as the community was concerned. Then again, what do I know.

I'm all for waiting and seeing until they get far enough to post screenshots and press realeses im gonna hold my judgement all the people already slamming it before they even start need to get a life before they make thwmselves sick and get ulcers.
keep in mind if people wait till there are screenshots... it'll be to late to make any significant changes.

Hopefully they'll make a FO3 discussion/suggestion forum over there.
I thought I'd add my point.

I loved Daggerfall, and Morrowind is just my favourite RPG ever. Fallout is number 2, but Morrowind is ace. Bethesda may need a fair bit of work with the dialogue, but I believe they'll try and satisfy the fan, and they'll do well by us.

I don't really understand what the fuss is with Troika, I've only played Arcanum, and although when I first loaded it up I went "It's Fallout" the dialogue isn't any better than Morrowind's, every NPC is completely forgettable and I skip through alot of the text merely because it's fairly nondescript. Don't get me wrong, I really like this game, but it's no Fallout.

And I don't see why we should base what some company has produced in the past with what they will produce in the future, yes Bethesda has mainly done first person RPG's, but that doesn't mean they won't do a good, faithful Fallout. All you people saying "I feel sick" and "this is the worst thing that can happen" should remember that even if BIS reformed with the original team, we would probably be disapointed with the end product, because our expectations are so high. Just see what happens, and remember, it's only a game. If it's rubbish, just go back to the first two.

Also, do you really think they'd mess it up knowing all you are out there with bats, clubs, and Bozar's? Really?
Hmm, I can appreciate that many of you might not have cared for Morrowind (myself I've played it constantly since I got it, about a year and a half ago) and don't like Bethseda, but consider:

They care about their fanbase,
They don't close down their forums :p
I still use them as an example that a game can be released for PC and console without dumbing down the PC version (see Red Faction 2 for one of the worst examples of this)
They have a very open system, allowing for user modifications, extending the life of their products by years

Most importantly, they've shown that they know how to make a non-linear game. Morrowind was fricken huge, and at the time was perhaps a bit more than they were ready to produce (look around sometime for the bits they had to leave out, just so it would run). But they were dedicated and know how to listen to their fans.

I'm looking forward to this, probably heading back to the elderscroll boards to see if they have any info yet...